در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Speaking-related changes in cortical functional connectivity associated with assisted and spontaneous recovery from developmental stuttering
Anomalous network architecture of the resting brain in children who stutter
The effect of emotion on articulation rate in persistence and recovery of childhood stuttering
Exogenously triggered response inhibition in developmental stuttering
Children who stutter at 3 years of age: A community-based study
Enacted stigma and felt stigma experienced by adults who stutter
Comparison of adults who stutter with and without social anxiety disorder
Beliefs and behavioural intentions towards pharmacotherapy for stuttering: A survey of adults who stutter
Expressed parental concern regarding childhood stuttering and the Test of Childhood Stuttering
The linguistic aspects of the speech of Jordanian children who stutter
Evaluating satisfaction of patients with stutter regarding the tele-speech therapy method and infrastructure
Stuttering adults' lack of pre-speech auditory modulation normalizes when speaking with delayed auditory feedback
Effect-dependent transformations for concurrent programs
White matter pathways in persistent developmental stuttering: Lessons from tractography
Some features of eye movements during reading and retelling the text by people with stuttering
A preliminary study on the neural oscillatory characteristics of motor preparation prior to dysfluent and fluent utterances in adults who stutter
Solution procedures for lost sales base-stock inventory systems with compound Poisson demand
Young childrenâs family history of stuttering and their articulation, language and attentional abilities: An exploratory study
Executive function and childhood stuttering: Parent ratings and evidence from a behavioral task
Assisted and unassisted recession of functional anomalies associated with dysprosody in adults who stutter
White matter tractography of the neural network for speech-motor control in children who stutter
Decoupled water-sediment interactions restrict the phosphorus buffer mechanism in agricultural streams
Spare parts inventory management: new evidence from distribution fitting
Reorganization of brain function after a short-term behavioral intervention for stuttering

Children who stutter show reduced action-related activity in the rostral cingulate zone
Abnormal auditory synchronization in stuttering: A magnetoencephalographic study
Atypical non-verbal sensorimotor synchronization in adults who stutter may be modulated by auditory feedback
The role of anxiety in stuttering: Evidence from functional connectivity
The effect of phonetic complexity on the speed of single-word productions in adults who do and do not stutter
Temporal processing and long-latency auditory evoked potential in stutterers
Clinical utility of self-disclosure for adults who stutter: Apologetic versus informative statements

Comparing acceptance and rejection in the classroom interaction of students who stutter and their peers: A social network analysis
Investigating the feasibility of using transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance fluency in people who stutter
Disfluency characteristics of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms
Speech and language therapy service delivery: overcoming limited provision for children
Evaluating 130 microhaplotypes across a global set of 83 populations
An experimental study of the propagation characteristics for a detonation wave of ethylene/oxygen in narrow gaps
Profiling of Short-Tandem-Repeat Disease Alleles in 12,632 Human Whole Genomes
Variety of speech and language disorders reporting at a tertiary care hospital in Malwa belt of Punjab, India
Practical informativeness of short tandem repeat loci for chimerism analysis in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
An artificial neural network system to identify alleles in reference electropherograms
Sleep-Related Painful ErectionsâA Case Series of 24 Patients Regarding Diagnostics and Treatment Options
Stuttering generalization self-measure: Preliminary development of a self-measuring tool
A country-wide probability sample of public attitudes toward stuttering in Portugal
A pilot study into a possible relationship between diet and stuttering
An evaluation of oxidative and nitrosative stress in children-who-stutter and its relationship to severity
The relationship between the experience of stuttering and demographic characteristics of adults who stutter
Cortical auditory evoked potentials in children who stutter
The experience of stuttering among Ultra-Orthodox and Secular/Traditional Jews
Evidence-based guidelines for being supportive of people who stutter in North America
Self-efficacy and quality of life in adults who stutter
A speech and psychological profile of treatment-seeking adolescents who stutter
Nonword repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter: Vocal versus nonvocal performance differences
Beliefs of teachers versus non-teachers about people who stutter
Evidence for a rhythm perception deficit in children who stutter
A model clarifying the role of mediators in the variability of mood states over time in people who stutter

Increased motor preparation activity during fluent single word production in DS: A correlate for stuttering frequency and severity
Attitudes toward stuttering of nonstuttering preschool and kindergarten children: A comparison using a standard instrument prototype
Reduced fractional anisotropy in the anterior corpus callosum is associated with reduced speech fluency in persistent developmental stuttering
Modulation of auditory processing during speech movement planning is limited in adults who stutter
Identifying correlates of self-stigma in adults who stutter: Further establishing the construct validity of the Self-Stigma of Stuttering Scale (4S)
Health-related quality of life of preschool children who stutter
Autonomic nervous system activity of preschool-age children who stutter
Practice and retention of nonwords in adults who stutter
Speech disfluencies of preschool-age children who do and do not stutter
Birth weight and stuttering: Evidence from three birth cohorts
Breastfeeding may protect against persistent stuttering
Neurogenic stuttering with right hemisphere stroke: A case presentation