در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Sex differences in attitudes towards females with eating disorders
Executive Function Index (EFI) performance and risk factors for disordered eating
Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity indicator for binge eating disorder in a community sample
Disordered eating and alcohol use among college women: Associations with race and big five traits
Anxiety of young female athletes with disordered eating behaviors
Nurses' perception of knowledge, attitudes and reported practice towards patients with eating disorders: A concurrent mixed-methods study
A Higher-Calorie Refeeding Protocol Does Not Increase Adverse Outcomes in Adult Patients with Eating Disorders
Transdiagnostic vs. disorder-focused perspective in children and adolescents with eating disorders: Findings from a large multisite exploratory study
Emotional eating and cognitive conflicts as predictors of binge eating disorder in patients with obesity
Mood and restrained eating moderate food-associated response inhibition in obese individuals with binge eating disorder
Can the Perceived Barriers to Psychological Treatment Scale be used to investigate treatment barriers among females with disordered and non-disordered eating behaviours?
Intimate partner violence and disordered eating among male and female veterans
Life course, sociocultural factors and disordered eating in adult Mexican women
Interactions between risk factors in the prediction of onset of eating disorders: Exploratory hypothesis generating analyses
Stress-induced eating in women with binge-eating disorder and obesity
Sweet taste preference in binge-eating disorder: A preliminary investigation
The role of trait emotional intelligence in body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms in preadolescents and adolescents
An examination of the relationships between acculturative stress, perceived discrimination, and eating disorder symptoms among ethnic minority college students
Experience of caregiving and coping strategies in caregivers of adolescents with an eating disorder: A comparative study
Psychometric properties of the Purpose-In-Life Test and age-related differences among women diagnosed with eating disorders
Vulnerability to exercise addiction, socio-demographic, behavioral and psychological characteristics of runners at risk for eating disorders
Steps toward understanding the impact of early emotional experiences on disordered eating: The role of self-criticism, shame, and body image shame
Body dissatisfaction and suicidal ideation among psychiatric inpatients with eating disorders
Would glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have efficacy in binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa? A review of the current literature
Non-suicidal self-injury in patients with eating disorders: prevalence, forms, functions, and body image correlates
Longitudinal associations between resilience and quality of life in eating disorders
Screen for Disordered Eating: Improving the accuracy of eating disorder screening in primary care
Emotional eating and temperamental traits in Eating Disorders: A dimensional approach
Feeling fat in eating disorders: Testing the unique relationships between feeling fat and measures of disordered eating in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
A network analysis of eating disorder symptoms and characteristics in an inpatient sample
Early Change Trajectories in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Binge-Eating Disorder
Piracetam attenuates binge eating disorder related symptoms in rats
Eating styles in major depressive disorder: Results from a large-scale study
Meal and snack-time eating disorder cognitions predict eating disorder behaviors and vice versa in a treatment seeking sample: A mobile technology based ecological momentary assessment study
Therapists' self-reported drift from dialectical behavior therapy techniques for eating disorders
A register-based case-control study of health care utilization and costs in binge-eating disorder
The unique effects of angry and depressive rumination on eating-disorder psychopathology and the mediating role of impulsivity
Self-differentiation and eating disorders in early and middle adolescence: A cross-sectional path analysis
Experiential avoidance, eating expectancies, and binge eating: A preliminary test of an adaption of the Acquired Preparedness model of eating disorder risk
Subthreshold autism spectrum disorder in patients with eating disorders
Holy anorexia: Eating disorders symptomatology and religiosity among Muslim women in the United Arab Emirates
Intermittent explosive disorder and eating disorders: Analysis of national comorbidity and research samples
Prevalence of Exercise Addiction Symptomology and Disordered Eating in Australian Students Studying Nutrition and Dietetics
Universal prevention of eating disorders: A concept analysis
Morbidity persistence and comorbidity of mood, anxiety, and eating disorders among preoperative bariatric patients
Universal prevention efforts should address eating disorder pathology across the weight spectrum: Implications for screening and intervention on college campuses
Intergenerational transmission of disordered eating: Direct and indirect maternal communication among grandmothers, mothers, and daughters

Correlates of weight-related quality of life among individuals with binge eating disorder before and after cognitive behavioral therapy
Developing an Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder: Rationale and Challenges
Predictors of quality of life in patients with eating disorders
Fear of food prospectively predicts drive for thinness in an eating disorder sample recently discharged from intensive treatment
Assessment of the motivation to use artificial sweetener among individuals with an eating disorder
Maladaptive eating behavior assessment among bariatric surgery candidates: Evaluation of the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale
An etiological model of disordered eating behaviors among Brazilian women
Social anxiety and disordered eating: The influence of stress reactivity and self-esteem
The prospective associations between bullying experiences, body image shame and disordered eating in a sample of adolescent girls
Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in androphilic and gynephilic men and women
Perfectionism and Contingent Self-Worth in Relation to Disordered Eating and Anxiety
Development of an intervention programme for selective eating in children with autism spectrum disorder
A network analysis investigation of the cognitive-behavioral theory of eating disorders
Increased risk of disordered eating in polycystic ovary syndrome
Eating patterns in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Associations with metabolic control, insulin omission, and eating disorder pathology
Pilot assessment of two disordered eating prevention programs. Preliminary findings on maladaptive beliefs related to eating disorders
Rigid dietary control, flexible dietary control, and intuitive eating: Evidence for their differential relationship to disordered eating and body image concerns
Association Between Childhood to Adolescent Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptom Trajectories and Late Adolescent Disordered Eating
Eating disorder symptoms among undergraduate and graduate students at 12 U.S. colleges and universities

Implementation and Evaluation of Two Educational Strategies to Improve Screening for Eating Disorders in Pediatric Primary Care
Presence of eating disorders and its relationship to anxiety and depression in pregnant women
Patient- and clinician- reported outcome in eating disorders
Roundtable on the Prevention of Eating Disorders: The Catalan public policy initiative
An exploratory examination of At-Risk/Problematic Internet Use and disordered eating in adults