Optimal placement of switches in a radial distribution network for reliability improvement
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Hybrid simulated annealing and mixed integer linear programming algorithm for optimal planning of radial distribution networks with distributed generation
Voltage Unbalance Emission Assessment in Radial Power Systems
Optimal Capacitor Placement in a Radial Distribution System using Plant Growth Simulation Algorithm
Improved harmony search algorithm for electrical distribution network expansion planning in the presence of distributed generators
The impact of harmonics compensation ancillary services of photovoltaic microgeneration in low voltage distribution networks
Generalized three phase robust load-flow for radial and meshed power systems with and without uncertainty in energy resources using dynamic radial basis functions neural networks
Utilisation of alkaline electrolysers in existing distribution networks to increase the amount of integrated wind capacity
Energy management of cooperative microgrids: A distributed optimization approach
A comprehensive technique for optimal allocation of distributed energy resources in radial distribution systems
Power distribution system improvement planning under hurricanes based on a new resilience index
Heuristic monitoring method for sparsely measured distribution grids
Linear method for steady-state analysis of radial distribution systems
Optimal voltage regulation for distribution networks with multi-microgrids
Analytical assessment of voltage support via reactive power from new electric vehicles supply equipment in radial distribution grids with voltage-dependent loads
Optimum Placement of Fault Current Limiter in 11 kV Distribution System
Probabilistic siting and sizing of energy storage systems in distribution power systems based on the islanding feature
Decentralized three-phase distribution system static state estimation based on phasor measurement units
Optimization-based distribution grid hosting capacity calculations
An extended energy hub approach for load flow analysis of highly coupled district energy networks: Illustration with electricity and heating
A simulation-based probabilistic framework for lithium-ion battery modelling
Flow regime transition criteria for co-current downward two-phase flow
Multi objective geometric optimization of phase change material based cylindrical heat sinks with internal stem and radial fins
Parametric study on effects of load position on the stress distribution in network arch timber bridges with light timber decks on transverse crossbeams
Optimal planning of distributed energy resources in harmonics polluted distribution system
Probabilistic voltage stability assessment of distribution networks with wind generation using combined cumulants and maximum entropy method
Decomposed Newton algorithm-based three-phase power-flow for unbalanced radial distribution networks with distributed energy resources and electric vehicle demands
Comprehensive coordination of radial distribution network protection in the presence of synchronous distributed generation using fault current limiter
Numerical modelling and analysis of reactive flow and wormhole formation in fractured carbonate rocks
System wide MV distribution network technical losses estimation based on reference feeder and energy flow model
Maximizing hosting capacity of renewable energy sources in distribution networks: A multi-objective and scenario-based approach
Voltage Profile Assessment in Power Distribution System Using Generalized Regression Neural Network
Risk-based planning of the distribution network structure considering uncertainties in demand and cost of energy
Harmonic state estimation for distribution networks using phasor measurement units
Path-set based optimal planning of new urban distribution networks
Modeling of glycidoxypropyltrimethoxy silane compositions using molecular dynamics simulations
Power quality experimental analysis of grid-connected photovoltaic systems in urban distribution networks
An improved load flow technique based on load current injection for modern distribution system
Simultaneous allocation of distributed energy resource using improved particle swarm optimization
A fast and efficient load flow technique for unbalanced distribution system
Incorporation of distributed generation and shunt capacitor in radial distribution system for techno-economic benefits
Distributed generations planning using flower pollination algorithm for enhancing distribution system voltage stability
Original ArticleA new hybrid decision tree method based on two artificial neural networks for predicting sediment transport in clean pipes
Optimization of inlet part of a microchannel ceramic heat exchanger using surrogate model coupled with genetic algorithm
Integrated North Sea grids: The costs, the benefits and their distribution between countries
Comparative analysis of domestic and feeder connected batteries for low voltage networks with high photovoltaic penetration
Reactive solute transport in a filled single fracture-matrix system under unilateral and radial flows
Influence of phasor adjustment of harmonic sources on the allowable penetration level of distributed generation
Ant Lion optimization algorithm for optimal sizing of renewable energy resources for loss reduction in distribution systems
Integrated approach of network reconfiguration with distributed generation and shunt capacitors placement for power loss minimization in radial distribution networks

A multiobjective approach for optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators and capacitors in distribution network
Electrical Power Distribution System Reconfiguration: Case Study of a Real-life Grid in Croatia *
A new impedance-based fault location scheme for overhead unbalanced radial distribution networks
Strategic decision-making of distribution network operator with multi-microgrids considering demand response program
Shunt capacitor placement in radial distribution networks considering switching transients decision making approach
A recursive power flow method for radial distribution networks: Analysis, solvability and convergence
Distributed generation allocation with on-load tap changer on radial distribution networks using adaptive genetic algorithm
Loss allocation of radial distribution system using Shapley value: A sequential approach
Water-formamide mixtures: Topology of the hydrogen-bonded network
Deterministic approach for active distribution networks planning with high penetration of wind and solar power
Mobile Power Infrastructure Planning and Operational Management for Smart City Applications
Optimal siting of capacitors in radial distribution network using Whale Optimization Algorithm
Impacts of microgrids with renewables on secondary distribution networks
Effect of placement of droop based generators in distribution network on small signal stability margin and network loss
A distributed voltage stability margin for power distribution networks
Effects of precursor topology on polymer networks simulated with molecular dynamics
Spatial interpolation and radiological mapping of ambient gamma dose rate by using artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic methods
Microstructures, interactions and dynamics properties studies of aqueous guanidinium triflate ionic liquid from molecular dynamics simulations
Loss allocation in radial distribution networks with various distributed generation and load models
Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators and shunt capacitors for power loss minimization in radial distribution networks using hybrid heuristic search optimization technique
Quasi-Oppositional Swine Influenza Model Based Optimization with Quarantine for optimal allocation of DG in radial distribution network
An analytical approach for sizing and siting of DGs in balanced radial distribution networks for loss minimization
Fault location based on single terminal travelling wave analysis in radial distribution network
Power system reconfiguration in a radial distribution network for reducing losses and to improve voltage profile using modified plant growth simulation algorithm with Distributed Generation (DG)
Improved meta-heuristic techniques for simultaneous capacitor and DG allocation in radial distribution networks