Stochastic charging of electric vehicles in smart power distribution grids
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Electric vehicles for improving resilience of distribution systems
Decoupling control of steering and driving system for in-wheel-motor-drive electric vehicle
Probabilistic modeling of electric vehicle charging pattern in a residential distribution network

زمانبندی بهینۀ خودروهای برقی در یک پارکینگ هوشمند با در نظر گرفتن مفهوم خودرو-به-شبکه و شرایط باتری
Optimal scheduling of electric vehicles in an intelligent parking lot considering vehicle-to-grid concept and battery condition
Intelligent optimization to integrate a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle smart parking lot with renewable energy resources and enhance grid characteristics
Intelligent energy management of optimally located renewable energy systems incorporating PHEV
Integrating electric vehicles as flexible load in unit commitment modeling
Modeling and Impact Analysis of large scale V2G Electric Vehicles on the Power Grid
Optimal Charging ofPlug-in Electric Vehicles for a Car Park Infrastructure
Total cost of ownership and market share for hybrid and electric vehicles in the UK, US and Japan

A novel control strategy of regenerative braking system for electric vehicles under safety critical driving situations
Multidisciplinary optimization of electric-wheel vehicle integrated chassis system based on steady endurance performance
Performance analysis of a heat pump system with integrated desiccant for electric vehicles
Power-on shifting in dual input clutchless power-shifting transmission for electric vehicles
Electric vehicle fast charging station usage and power requirements
Assessing Electric Vehicle storage, flexibility, and Distributed Energy Resource potential
Computation of eco-driving cycles for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Comparative analysis
Longitudinal safety evaluation of electric vehicles with the partial wireless charging lane on freeways
Coordination and payment mechanisms for electric vehicle aggregators
Electric vehicles and natural disaster policy implications
Modeling of a hybrid electric heavy duty vehicle to assess energy recovery using a thermoelectric generator
Electric vehicle fleet size and trip pricing for one-way carsharing services considering vehicle relocation and personnel assignment
Novel battery/photovoltaic hybrid power source for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Impacts of plug-in electric vehicles in the portuguese electrical grid
Impact of plug-in electric vehicles and distributed generation on reliability of distribution systems
Planning for variable renewable energy and electric vehicle integration under varying degrees of decentralization: A case study in Lusaka, Zambia
Coordinated path-following and direct yaw-moment control of autonomous electric vehicles with sideslip angle estimation
A design method for developing a high misalignment tolerant wireless charging system for electric vehicles
Lead market learning in the development and diffusion of electric vehicles
Why people want to buy electric vehicle: An empirical study in first-tier cities of China

Integrating a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle with vehicle-to-grid technology, photovoltaic power and a residential building
Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation of electric vehicle use for network integration studies
Electric vehicle development in China: A charging behavior and power sector supply balance analysis
Macroeconomic effects of fiscal incentives to promote electric vehicles in Iceland: Implications for government and consumer costs
Fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: Todays situation and future needs
A real-time insulation detection method for battery packs used in electric vehicles
Application of Micro Gas Turbine in Range-Extended Electric Vehicles
Forecasting electricity demand of electric vehicles by analyzing consumers charging patterns
Long-term cost of ownership comparative analysis between electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles
Multiple domination models for placement of electric vehicle charging stations in road networks
Study and modelling of the passenger safety devices of an electric vehicle by finite elements
Hybrid- and battery-electric vehicles offer low-cost climate benefits in China
Improving electric vehicle utilization in carsharing: A framework and simulation of an e-carsharing vehicle utilization management system
The impact of battery electric vehicles on vehicle purchase and driving behavior in Norway
Wind power smoothing using demand response of electric vehicles
The subjective dimensions of sound quality of standard production electric vehicles
Estimation of longitudinal force, lateral vehicle speed and yaw rate for four-wheel independent driven electric vehicles
Data-driven optimized layout of battery electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Peak shaving and valley filling of power consumption profile in non-residential buildings using an electric vehicle parking lot
Performance analysis on a novel sorption air conditioner for electric vehicles
Relative economic competitiveness of light-duty battery electric and fuel cell electric vehicles
Displacing natural gas with electric vehicles for grid stabilization
The electrification accelerator: Understanding the implications of autonomous vehicles for electric utilities
The effect of electric vehicles on urban noise maps
Stochastic expansion planning of the electric-drive vehicle charging infrastructure
The use of electric vehicles: A case study on adding an electric car to a household
Socio-economic Analysis of Electric Vehicles in Morocco
The electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging function
Measurement of power loss during electric vehicle charging and discharging
Electric vehicles for greenhouse gas reduction in China: A cost-effectiveness analysis
How do cities support electric vehicles and what difference does it make?
An investigation of hybrid energy storage system in multi-speed electric vehicle
Plug-in fuel cell electric vehicles: A California case study
The prospects of electric vehicles in cities without policy support
The feasibility of solar parking lots for electric vehicles
Scenario analysis of lightweight and electric-drive vehicle market penetration in the long-term and impact on the light-duty vehicle fleet
Size matters: How vehicle body type affects consumer preferences for electric vehicles
Impact of public electric vehicle charging infrastructure
A new model and approach to electric and diesel-powered vehicle routing
Energy-efficient shortest routes for electric and hybrid vehicles