Regional designing: A strategic design approach in landscape architecture
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Urban Dynamics: An undervalued issue for water logging disaster risk management in case of Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Strategies for achieving environmental policy integration at the landscape level. A framework illustrated with an analysis of landscape governance in Rwanda
Rapid reconstruction of historical urban landscape: The surroundings of Czech chateaux and castles
Assessment of urban identity through a matrix of cultural landscapes
Relationships between multiple biodiversity components and ecosystem services along a landscape complexity gradient
Consuming Canada: How fashion firms leverage the landscape to create and communicate brand identities, distinction and values
On the ecological relevance of landscape mapping and its application in the spatial planning of very large marine protected areas
Evolving landscape-urbanization relationships in contemporary China

Optimizing the allocation of agri-environment measures to navigate the trade-offs between ecosystem services, biodiversity and agricultural production
Modeling the effects of different fuel treatment mosaics on wildfire spread and behavior in a Mediterranean agro-pastoral area
Effectiveness of field isolation distance, tillage practice, cultivar type and crop rotations in controlling phoma stem canker on oilseed rape
Soil Matters? A Multivariate Analysis of Socioeconomic Constraints to Urban Expansion in Mediterranean Europe
Recreational cycling in a coastal city: Investigating lifestyle, attitudes and built environment in cycling behavior
Recombination in the open-ended value landscape of digital innovation
An onion-like movement corridor? Possible guidelines emerging from small-scale movement rules
Proximity Expansion Index: An improved approach to characterize evolution process of urban expansion
Walking groups for women with breast cancer: Mobilising therapeutic assemblages of walk, talk and place
Well-being, health and urban coherence-advancing vertical greening approach toward resilience: A design practice consideration
A pan-European model of landscape potential to support natural pest control services
Who participates in conservation incentive programs? Absentee and group landholders are in the mix
Infrastructure development and its influence on agricultural land and regional sustainable development
Catalysis for solar-driven chemistry: The role of electrocatalysis
An integrated model for generating hourly Landsat-like land surface temperatures over heterogeneous landscapes
Preferences for a lake landscape: Effects of building height and lake width
Optimization of forest sampling strategies for woody plant species distribution modelling at the landscape scale
Landscape metrics for assessment of land cover change and fragmentation of a heterogeneous watershed
Public preferences toward shopping mall interior landscape design in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Analysis of the interrelationship between houses, trees and damage in a cyclone affected city: Can landscape design and planning utilising trees minimise cyclone impact?
Designing landscapes for sustainable outcomes The case of advanced biofuels
Residential landscapesâGarden design, urban planning and social formation in Belgium
The impact of crop parameters and surrounding habitats on different pollinator group abundance on agricultural fields
Biodiversity on the brink: Evaluating a transdisciplinary research collaboration
Exurban housing development, onsite wastewater disposal, and groundwater vulnerability within a changing policy context

Measures in the time and frequency domains for fitness landscape analysis of dynamic optimization problems
The hydrological functioning of a constructed fen wetland watershed
Expanded psychrometric landscapes for radiant cooling and natural ventilation system design and optimization
Restorative potential, fascination, and extent for designed digital landscape models
The research of gray space design of architecture based on green stormwater infrastructure application
Protection of coastal areas in Italy: Where do national landscape and urban planning legislation fail?
Effects of green space dynamics on urban heat islands: Mitigation and diversification
Evaluations of landscape preference, complexity, and coherence for designed digital landscape models
Integrated landscape initiatives for agriculture, livelihoods and ecosystem conservation: An assessment of experiences from South and Southeast Asia
Green infrastructure maintenance is more than land cover: Large herbivores limit recruitment of key-stone tree species in Sweden
Preference for site conservation in relation to on-site biodiversity and perceived site attributes: An on-site survey of unmanaged urban greenery in a tropical city
Economic valuation of cultural ecosystem service changes to a landscape in the Swiss Alps
Sustainable riverscape preservation strategy framework using goal-oriented method: Case of historical heritage cities in Malaysia
Evaluating the impact of urban green space and landscape design parameters on thermal comfort in hot summer by numerical simulation
Effects of urbanization intensity on forest structural-taxonomic attributes, landscape patterns and their associations in Changchun, Northeast China: Implications for urban green infrastructure planning
Reconciling community ecology and ecosystem services: Cultural services and benefits from birds in South African National Parks
A geospatial decision support system for supporting quality viticulture at the landscape scale
The effect of fauna passages and landscape characteristics on barrier mitigation success
Beyond ecological modelling: ground-truthing connectivity conservation networks through a design charrette in Western Australia
A technique for Quantifying the Reduction of Solar Radiation due to Cloud and Tree Cover
Perceived integrated impact of visual intrusion and noise of motorways: Influential factors and impact indicators
Testing the validity of a saliency-based method for visual assessment of constructions in the landscape
Characterization of different heat mitigation strategies in landscape to fight against heat island and improve thermal comfort in hot-humid climate (Part II): Evaluation and characterization
The Edmonton-Calgary corridor: Simulating future land cover change under potential government intervention
Urban design in favor of human thermal comfort for hot arid climate using advanced simulation methods
The farming system component of European agricultural landscapes
A method for analysing and planning rural built-up landscapes: The case of Sardinia, Italy
Investigating the significance of landscape in designing library by emphasizing on the enhancement of learning
The cooling and energy saving effect of landscape design parameters of urban park in summer: A case of Beijing, China
Impacts of urban landscape patterns on urban thermal variations in Guangzhou, China
A framework for designing multi-functional agricultural landscapes: Application to Guadeloupe Island
Ecological Coastal Protection: Pathways to Living Shorelines
Geocultural landscaping: Guidelines and conceptual framework to design future scenarios of exploited lands
Attractive, climate-adapted and sustainable? Public perception of non-native planting in the designed urban landscape
Bottom-up design process of agri-environmental measures at a landscape scale: Evidence from case studies on biodiversity conservation and water protection
The influence of landscape pattern on the risk of urban water-logging and flood disaster
Toward integrated water and agricultural land management: Participatory design of agricultural landscapes
The Effects of habitat area, vegetation structure and insect richness on breeding bird populations in Beijing urban parks
The role of greenery for physical activity play at school grounds