The Long-Term Impact of Neurofeedback on Symptom Burden and Interference in Patients With Chronic Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy: Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Food addiction and substance addiction in women: Common clinical characteristics
Examining the latent structure mechanisms for comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder
Course of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and its impact on health-related quality of life among ovarian cancer patients: A longitudinal study
Effectiveness of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Improving Psychophysical Performance and Patient's Quality of Life in Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia
Predictors of obturator functioning and satisfaction in Turkish patients using an obturator prosthesis after maxillectomy
A comparative study of 2-year follow-up outcomes in lumbar spinal stenosis patients treated with physical therapy alone and those with surgical intervention after less successful physical therapy
Emotional reactivity: Beware its involvement in traffic accidents
Acupuncture combined with cupping therapy for 30 cases of intractable hiccup
Poly-victimization and trajectories of binge drinking from adolescence to young adulthood among serious juvenile offenders
Investigating the Effects of the Progressive Muscle Relaxation-Guided Imagery Combination on Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy Treatment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Parents' experiences managing their child's complicated postoperative recovery
Patterns and predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder in refugees: A latent class analysis
Family support in caring for older people with diabetes mellitus: a phenomenology study
A prospective research study to investigate the impact of complementary therapies on patient well-being in palliative care
Episodic memory after trauma exposure: Medial temporal lobe function is positively related to re-experiencing and inversely related to negative affect symptoms
Early Assessment for Prevention of Breast CancerRelated Lymphedema
Self-Guided Online Cognitive Behavioral Strategies for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Multicenter, Pilot, Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Trial
Disturbed subjective time experience in post-traumatic stress disorder
Towards a psychopathology specific to Substance Use Disorder: Should emotional responses to life events be included?
Post-traumatic stress and relationships to coping and alexithymia in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
Sleep quality at 3 months postpartum considering maternal age: A comparative study
Number and Type of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Domains Are Associated With Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Pain
Identifying and Treating Complicated Grief in Older Adults
Emotional intelligence in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder and healthy controls
The impact of a statewide trauma-informed care initiative in child welfare on the well-being of children and youth with complex trauma
Emotion regulation strategies moderate the relationship of fatigue with depersonalization and derealization symptoms
Posttraumatic stress and youth violence perpetration: A population-based cross-sectional study
Neuropathy and presence of emotional distress and depression in longstanding diabetes: Results from the Canadian study of longevity in type 1 diabetes
Narrative fragmentation in child sexual abuse: The role of age and post-traumatic stress disorder
Symptom Cluster Trajectories During Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Outpatients
Adverse effects and treatment satisfaction among online users of four antidepressants
A short-term longitudinal examination of the relations between depression, anhedonia, and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in adults with a history of self-injury
Dynamics of patient reported quality of life and symptoms in the acute phase of online adaptive external beam radiation therapy for locally advanced cervical cancer
What do clinicians treat: Diagnoses or symptoms? The incremental validity of a symptom-based, dimensional characterization of emotional disorders in predicting medication prescription patterns
Posttraumatic stress symptoms and dissociation between childhood trauma and two different types of psychosis-like experience
Effects of sociodemographic, treatment variables, and medical characteristics on quality of life of patients with maxillectomy restored with obturator prostheses
All-or-nothing thinking: The processing of emotional expressions in traumatized post-deployment soldiers
Lost emotion: Disrupted brain-based tracking of dynamic affective episodes in anxiety and depression
Intolerance of uncertainty and post-traumatic stress symptoms: An investigation within a treatment seeking trauma-exposed sample
Hand-arm vibration syndrome: Workers' experience with functional impairment and disability
Altered stress system reactivity after pediatric injury: Relation with post-traumatic stress symptoms
Moral injury among Child Protection Professionals: Implications for the ethical treatment and retention of workers
Impact of posttraumatic stress symptom dimensions on amygdala reactivity to emotional faces
The Network Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Exposed to Disasters
Mapping emotional disorders at the finest level: Convergent validity and joint structure based on alternative measures
A Daily Diary Study of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Romantic Partner Accommodation
The Influence of Acetaminophen and Observational Conditioning on the Acquired Capability for Suicide
Deletion of Numb/Numblike in glutamatergic neurons leads to anxiety-like behavior in mice
Emotional blunting with antidepressant treatments: A survey among depressed patients

The interpersonal adverse effects reported by 1008 users of antidepressants; and the incremental impact of polypharmacy
Overall health status in patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome: A case-control study
Correlation of general and oral health-related quality of life in malocclusion patients treated with a combined orthodontic and maxillofacial surgical approach
Anhedonia, emotional numbing, and symptom overreporting in male veterans with PTSD
Role of relaxation and specific suggestions in hypnotic emotional numbing
Relationship between emotional numbing and arousal symptoms in American women of Japanese descent who experienced interpersonal victimization
Theoretical and empirical exploration of the similarities between emotional numbing in posttraumatic stress disorder and alexithymia