Emotional intelligence and financial decision making: Are we talking about a paradigmatic shift or a change in practices?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale for adolescent athletes
Do the psychological benefits of greenspace depend on one's personality?
Personality characteristics of male and female executives: Distinct pathways to success?
The perceptions of anatomists in the US and Europe of the skills and attributes required of newly-recruited medical students
School readiness of maltreated preschoolers and later school achievement: The role of emotion regulation, language, and context
Comparing and validating measures of non-cognitive traits: Performance task measures and self-reports from a nationally representative internet panel
Exploring the relationships among personality traits, burnout dimensions and stigma in a sample of mental health professionals
Identifying the essential competencies for resource parents to promote permanency and well-being of adolescents in care

Illegality, motherhood, and place: Undocumented Latinas making meaning and negotiating daily life
Fundamental relationship between node dynamic and content cooperative transmission in mobile multimedia communications
Impact of personality influencers on psychological paradigms: An empirical-discourse of big five framework and impulsive buying behaviour
Key factors and characteristics of successful resource parents who care for older youth: A systematic review of research
Can an aversive, extinction-resistant memory trigger impairments in walking adaptability? An experimental study using adult rats
Non suicidal self-injury in referred adolescents with mood disorders and its association with cyclothymic-hypersensitive temperament
The moderating effect of program context on the relationship between program managers' leadership competences and program success
Integration of non-invasive biometrics with sensory analysis techniques to assess acceptability of beer by consumers
Test of three conceptual models of influence of the big five personality traits and self-efficacy on academic performance: A meta-analytic path-analysis
Sleep restriction undermines cardiovascular adaptation during stress, contingent on emotional stability
Associations between personality, sports participation and athletic success. A comparison of Big Five in sporting and non-sporting adults
Person-centered care for older people with dementia in the acute hospital
Curvilinear effects of personality on safety performance: The moderating role of supervisor support
A quantum of self: A study of self-quantification and self-disclosure
Influence of emotional stimuli on lower limb cutaneous reflexes during human gait
How do medium naturalness, teaching-learning interactions and Students' personality traits affect participation in synchronous E-learning?
Evaluating personality as a moderator of the association between life events stress and cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress
Mother and child personality traits associated with common feeding strategies and child body mass index
Emotional intelligence and health students' well-being: A two-wave study with students of medicine, physiotherapy and nursing
Moderator effects of job complexity on the validity of forced-choice personality inventories for predicting job performance
Assortative mating in personality among heterosexual and male homosexual couples from Brazil and the Czech Republic
Development and validation of the coping with multiple sclerosis questionnaire
Emotional intelligence and stress management in Nursing professionals in a hospital emergency department
Adversity in adolescence predicts personality trait change from childhood to adulthood
Psychological resilience in U.S. military veterans: A 2-year, nationally representative prospective cohort study
Medical complexity and placement outcomes for children in foster care
A comprehensive look at phobic fear in inhibition of return: Phobia-related spiders as cues and targets
New researchVariation in the Early Trajectories of Autism Symptoms Is Related to the Development of Language, Cognition, and Behavior Problems
Research reportEnvironmental factors and teenagers personalities: The role of personal and familial Socio-Cultural Level
Putting a spotlight on daily humor behaviors: Dimensionality and relationships with personality, subjective well-being, and humor styles
Maternal Mental Health and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Discharge Readiness in Mothers of Preterm Infants
Do depressive symptoms predict paranoia or vice versa?
The Big Five personality traits, goal orientations, and academic achievement
An evaluation of the absolute and relative stability of alexithymia over 11Â years in a Finnish general population
An examination of personality traits and how they impact on software development teams
Observed Differences in Corruption between Asia and Africa: The Industrial Organization of Corruption and Its Cure
Indian Orthopaedic surgeons are less burned out than their Western colleagues
La evaluación multi-informante de la regulación emocional en edad preescolar: un estudio longitudinalThe multi-informant assessment of emotion regulation in pre-school years: A longitudinal study
Educational achievement and traits emotional stability and agreeableness as predictors of the occurrence of backache in adulthood
Emotional stability, conscientiousness, and self-reported hypertension in adulthood
Conscientiousness, extraversion, and field sales performance: Combining narrow personality, social skill, emotional stability, and nonlinearity
Childhood abuse, personality traits, and depressive symptoms in adulthood
The role of personality traits in Facebook and Internet addictions: A study on Polish, Turkish, and Ukrainian samples
Personality, fear of missing out and problematic internet use and their relationship to subjective well-being
Computer criminal behavior is related to psychopathy and other antisocial behavior
Full length articlePersonality disclosure on social network sites: An empirical examination of differences in Facebook usage behavior, profile contents and privacy settings
Meaning in life among Korean college students based on emotionality and tolerance of uncertainty
Personality traits within a pediatric surgery fellowship applicant pool
The voices of youth formerly in foster care: Perspectives on educational attainment gaps
Adolescents' profiles of problematic Facebook use and associations with developmental variables
The relationship of the big-five with workplace network resources: More quadratic than linear
Now you see race, now you dont: Verbal cues influence childrens racial stability judgments
Academic resilience and caring adults: The experiences of former foster youth
Political participation, personality, and the conditional effect of campaign mobilization
Mate value both positively and negatively predicts intentions to commit an infidelity
Childrens task-oriented patterns in early childhood: A latent transition analysis
Are extraversion and openness indicators of a slow life history strategy?
Personality and density distributions of behavior, emotions, and situations
An initial broad-level mapping of personality-situation contingencies in self-report data
Bad vibrations? Cell phone dependency predicts phantom communication experiences
The Five-Factor model and job performance in low complexity jobs: A quantitative synthesis
The effect of childhood experiences on mate choice in personality traits: Homogamy and sexual imprinting
Can personality traits and daily positive mood buffer the harmful effects of daily negative mood on task performance and service sabotage? A self-control perspective ☆