A diary study of appearance social comparisons and need frustration in young women
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Facing the Guilt and Commemorating the Victims: German Radiology and Radiation Oncology During National Socialism
Combat-related guilt and the mechanisms of exposure therapy
Men hate it, women love it: Guilty pleasure advertising messages
Clinical utility of the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia in individuals at ultra-high risk of psychosis
A network perspective on comorbid depression in adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Development of moral disengagement and self-regulatory efficacy assessments relevant to doping in sport and exercise
Feeding infants with Down's Syndrome: A qualitative study of mothers' experiences
Employment Implications of Nurses Going Through Peer Assistance Programs for Substance Use Disorders
Associations between symptoms of depression and heart rate variability: An exploratory study
Promoting concern about gender bias with evidence-based confrontation
Prevalence, risk factors and clinical characteristics of suicidal ideation in Chinese patients with depression
What influences water conservation and towel reuse practices of hotel guests?
Social representations of colonialism in Africa and in Europe: Structure and relevance for contemporary intergroup relations
Measures of morally injurious experiences: A quantitative comparison
Influence of comorbid alcohol use disorders on the clinical patterns of major depressive disorder: A general population-based study
Facing the unknown crimes of older generations: Emotional and cognitive reactions of young Italian students reading an historical text on the colonial invasion of Ethiopia
Physicians working under the influence of alcohol: An analysis of past disciplinary proceedings and their outcomes
Decoding moral emotions in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Suffering in Silence: Medical Error and its Impact on Health Care Providers
A brief measure of social media self-control failure
The impact of fine size and uncertainty on punishment and deterrence: Theory and evidence from the laboratory
Coping strategies among nurses in the Burn Intensive Care Unit: A qualitative study
When Clinicians Drop Out and Start Over after Adverse Events
Teens' and parents' perceived levels of helpfulness: An examination of suggested things to say to youth experiencing Teen Dating Violence
Early maltreatment is associated with greater risk of conduct problems and lack of guilt in adolescence
Mechanisms underlying weight status and healthcare avoidance in women: A study of weight stigma, body-related shame and guilt, and healthcare stress
Guilt by association: How scientific misconduct harms prior collaborators
Joy, guilt and disappointment: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of women transferred from midwifery led to consultant led care
Testing weight motives and guilt/shame as mediators of the relationship between alcohol use and physical activity
Guilt norms regarding historical violence and implications for intergroup relations in France
Shame is bad and guilt is good: An examination of the impaired control over drinking pathway to alcohol use and related problems
Guilty pleasures: The effect of perceived overeating on food addiction attributions and snack choice
Self-compassionate and apologetic? How and why having compassion toward the self relates to a willingness to apologize
How climate change risk perceptions are related to moral judgment and guilt in China
Psychosocial rehabilitation after war trauma with adaptive disclosure: Design and rationale of a comparative efficacy trial
Understanding the antecedents of consumers' attitudes towards doggy bags in restaurants: Concern about food waste, culture, norms and emotions
Just do it! Why committed consumers react negatively to assertive ads
Experience of fathers of neonates with congenital heart disease in South Korea
A qualitative meta-analysis of apologia, image repair, and crisis communication: Implications for theory and practice
Care Experiences of Women Who Used Opioids and Experienced Fetal or Infant Loss
Teachers' Experiences With and Perceptions of Students With Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
The relationships between parental conditional regard and adolescents' self-critical and narcissistic perfectionism
Qualitative analysis of a psychological supportive counseling group for burn survivors and families in Malawi
The relations between inadequate parent-child boundaries and borderline personality disorder in adolescence
Making amends: Neural systems supporting donation decisions prompting guilt and restitution
Empathy and feelings of guilt experienced by nurses: A cross-sectional study of their role in burnout and compassion fatigue symptoms
Guilt in the eyes: Eye movement and physiological evidence for guilt-induced social avoidance
Implicit vs. explicit dimensions of guilt and dominance in criminal psychopathy
Anger and guilt in treatment for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
Guilt, shame and expressed emotion in carers of people with long-term mental health difficulties: A systematic review
Cognitive Bias in the Legal System: Police Officers Evaluate Ambiguous Evidence in a Belief-Consistent Manner
Gender as a predictor of posttraumatic stress symptoms and externalizing behavior problems in sexually abused children
You and me: Investigating the role of self-evaluative emotion in preschool prosociality
From pleasure and pride to the fear of decline: Exploring the emotions in older women's physical activity narratives
An examination of the emotions that follow a failure of co-creation
Who we are and how we feel: Self-discrepancy theory and specific affective states
A National Cross-Sectional Study of Surgery Residents Who Underreport Duty Hours
Functional association prediction by community profiling
Goodwill intended for whom? Examining factors influencing conspicuous prosocial behavior on social media
Negative emotions in veterans relate to suicide risk through feelings of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness
Keeping pace: Mother versus athlete identity among elite long distance runners
Prediction of optimal gene functions for osteosarcoma using gene ontology and microarray profiles

When do gamblers help themselves? Self-discontinuity increases self-directed change over time
Coping with fear and guilt using mobile social networking applications: Knowledge hiding, loafing, and sharing
Denial outperforms apology in repairing organizational trust despite strong evidence of guilt
An experimental approach to comparing similarity- and guilt-based charitable appeals
Can health halos extend to food packaging? An investigation into food healthfulness perceptions and serving sizes on consumption decisions
Guilt without fault: A qualitative study into the ethics of forgiveness after traumatic childbirth