The joint influence of emotional reactivity and social interaction quality on cardiovascular responses to daily social interactions in working adults
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Distraction by salient stimuli in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Evidence for the role of task difficulty in bottom-up and top-down processing
Noninvasive stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex modulates emotional face processing
The role of the cerebellum in explicit and incidental processing of facial emotional expressions: A study with transcranial magnetic stimulation
Back off! The effect of emotion on backward step initiation
Images and chocolate stimuli affect physiological and affective responses of consumers: A cross-cultural study
Automatic and controlled attentional orienting in the elderly: A dual-process view of the positivity effect
Attentional responses to stimuli associated with a reward can occur in the absence of knowledge of their predictive values
Exploring the relationship between frontal asymmetry and emotional dampening
Neurophysiological differentiation between preattentive and attentive processing of emotional expressions on French vowels
Product involvement and consumer food-elicited emotional associations: Insights from emoji questionnaires
The impact of happy and angry faces on working memory in depressed adolescents
The influence of early life stress on the integration of emotion and working memory
Neural correlates of intimate picture stimuli in females
Scared and surrounded by clutter: The influence of emotional reactivity
Resting-state functional connectivity remains unaffected by preceding exposure to aversive visual stimuli
Time course of influence on the allocation of attentional resources caused by unconscious fearful faces
The human body odor compound androstadienone increases neural conflict coupled to higher behavioral costs during an emotional Stroop task
The influence of non-clinical eating-related psychopathology on the recognition of emotion from static faces and realistic social interactions
Perception of objects that move in depth, using ecologically valid audio cues
Relationship between interoceptive accuracy, interoceptive sensibility, and alexithymia
Human amygdala stimulation effects on emotion physiology and emotional experience
Attentional biases in patients suffering from unipolar depression: results of a dot probe task investigation
Increased sensitivity to positive social stimuli in monozygotic twins at risk of bipolar vs. unipolar disorder
Cigarette cues capture attention of smokers and never-smokers, but for different reasons
A suicidal mind tends to maintain less negative information in visual working memory
Childrenâs visual attention to emotional expressions varies with stimulus movement
Trait emotional intelligence and attentional bias for positive emotion: An eye tracking study
Stress-evoking emotional stimuli exaggerate deficits in motor function in Parkinson's disease
Mouth-licking by dogs as a response to emotional stimuli
Emotion and self in psychotic disorders: Behavioral evidence from an emotional evaluation task using verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence and self-reference
Influence of emotional stimuli on lower limb cutaneous reflexes during human gait
Association of different neural processes during different emotional perceptions of white noise and pure tone auditory stimuli
Changes in neural activation underlying attention processing of emotional stimuli following treatment with positive search training in anxious children
Cortical responses to dynamic emotional facial expressions generalize across stimuli, and are sensitive to task-relevance, in adults with and without Autism
Neural activity during the viewing of emotional pictures in veterans with pathological anger and aggression
Target meta-awareness is a necessary condition for physiological responses to masked emotional faces: Evidence from combined skin conductance and heart rate assessment
Measuring the emotional state among interacting agents: A game theory approach using reinforcement learning
Affective startle modulation in young people with first-presentation borderline personality disorder
Neuroleptic-free youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis evidence diminished emotion reactivity that is predicted by depression and anxiety
Diminished Hedonic response in neuroleptic-free youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis
Emotional interference and attentional processing in premenstrual syndrome
Sustained visual attention for competing emotional stimuli in social anxiety: An eye tracking study
Event-related theta oscillatory substrates for facilitation and interference effects of negative emotion on children's cognition
Abnormal emotional processing in maltreated children diagnosed of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Happy-anger emotions classifications from electrocardiogram signal for automobile driving safety and awareness
Competition Effects in Visual Cortex Between Emotional Distractors and a Primary Task in Remitted Depression
The modulation of delta responses in the interaction of brightness and emotion
Facial expression movement enhances the measurement of temporal dynamics of attentional bias in the dot-probe task
Contribution of fronto-striatal regions to emotional valence and repetition under cognitive conflict
To each its own? Gender differences in affective, autonomic, and behavioral responses to same-sex and opposite-sex visual sexual stimuli
Temperature and emotions: Effects of physical temperature on responses to emotional advertising
Implicit predictions of future rewards and their electrophysiological correlates
Is elaboration of affective content sufficient to attenuate emotional responses during reappraisal procedures?
Visual/emotional stimuli and treatment with antidepressants alter Numerical Rating Scale score in patients with chronic pain
Internal shifting impairments in response to emotional information in dysphoric adolescents
Aggression, emotional self-regulation, attentional bias, and cognitive inhibition predict risky driving behavior
Examining the short term effects of emotion under an Adaptation Level Theory model of tinnitus perception
Differences in male and female subjective experience and physiological reactions to emotional stimuli
No praise, please: Depressive symptoms, reactivity to positive social interaction, and fear of positive evaluation
Emotion-modulated attention improves expression recognition: A deep learning model
Content specificity of attentional bias to threat in post-traumatic stress disorder
Valence and arousal of emotional stimuli impact cognitive-motor performance in an oddball task
Electroconvulsive therapy regulates emotional memory bias of depressed patients
Impact of posttraumatic stress symptom dimensions on amygdala reactivity to emotional faces
Acute psycho-social stress does not disrupt item-method directed forgetting, emotional stimulus content does
Increased activity of frontal and limbic regions to emotional stimuli in children at-risk for anxiety disorders
Adaptive working memory training reveals a negligible effect of emotional stimuli over cognitive processing
Effects of attentional training on visual attention to emotional stimuli in archers: A preliminary investigation
Altered processing of visual emotional stimuli in posttraumatic stress disorder: an event-related potential study
Emotion regulation during the encoding of emotional stimuli: Effects on subsequent memory
Sleep loss increases dissociation and affects memory for emotional stimuli