Institutional entrepreneurship, practice memory, and cultural memory: Choice and creativity in the pursuit of endogenous change of local authority budgeting
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Do the psychological benefits of greenspace depend on one's personality?
Emotional labor and leadership: A threat to authenticity? ☆☆☆
Introducing sensitive issues and self-care strategies to first year midwifery students
Does early child care affect children's development?
Womenâs satisfaction with care at the birthplace in Austria: Evaluation of the Babies Born Better survey national dataset
Thematic Analysis of Women's Perspectives on the Meaning of Safety During Hospital-Based Birth
Vulnerability of HIV/AIDS orphans to floods in Malawi
The Perfect Storm of Trauma: The experiences of women who have experienced birth trauma and subsequently accessed residential parenting services in Australia
A qualitative study of volunteer doulas working alongside midwives at births in England: Mothers' and doulas' experiences
Care and self-reported outcomes of care experienced by women with mental health problems in pregnancy: Findings from a national survey
Comparing and validating measures of non-cognitive traits: Performance task measures and self-reports from a nationally representative internet panel
When Clinicians Drop Out and Start Over after Adverse Events
The experience of violence against children in domestic servitude in Haiti: Results from the Violence Against Children Survey, Haiti 2012
Affect and leader-member exchange in the new millennium: A state-of-art review and guiding framework
Association of sleep duration and sleep quality with the physical, social, and emotional functioning among Australian adults
Exposure to verbal abuse and neglect during childbirth among Jordanian women
Joy, guilt and disappointment: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of women transferred from midwifery led to consultant led care
Effect of stakeholder collaborative management on off-site construction cost performance
The scarring effect of unemployment on psychological well-being across Europe
Emotional intelligence and perceived stress of Australian pre-registration healthcare students: A multi-disciplinary cross-sectional study
Prevalence and correlates of burnout in health professionals in Ecuador
Financial and emotional support in close personal ties among Central Asian migrant women in Russia
Revisiting gendered assumptions of practitioner power: An exploratory study examining the role of social media expertise
Experimental methods: Measuring effort in economics experiments
Circulation of care among unaccompanied migrant youth from Guatemala
Occupations and the wage structure: The role of occupational tasks in Britain
Coping mediates the association between empathy and psychological distress among Japanese workers
The Magnitude and Determinants of Emotional-Behavioral Problems in Working Adolescents in Turkey
The effect of ice pressure applied on large intestinal 4 on the labor pain and labor process
"I'm nobody's Mum in this university": The gendering of work around student writing in UK higher education
Emotional labour and aboriginal maternal infant care workers: The invisible load
Keeping it together and falling apart: Women's dynamic experience of birth
Glimpses into the transition world: New graduate nurses' written reflections
Pediatric Oncology Providers' Perceptions of a Palliative Care Service: The Influence of Emotional Esteem and Emotional Labor
Professional challenges in elite sports medicine and science: Composite vignettes of practitioner emotional labor
Factores de riesgo y niveles de burnout en enfermeras de atención primaria: una revisión sistemática
Taking the alternative route: Women's experience of intranasal fentanyl, subcutaneous fentanyl or intramuscular pethidine for labour analgesia
Is all support equal? The moderating effects of supervisor, coworker, and organizational support on the link between emotional labor and job performance
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow up? Career Aspirations as a Marker for Adolescent Well-being
Emotional intelligence and stress management in Nursing professionals in a hospital emergency department
Effect of Nurses' Emotional Labor on Customer Orientation and Service Delivery: The Mediating Effects of Work Engagement and Burnout
Keeping the heart a long way from the brain: The emotional labour of climate scientists
Choose your strategy wisely: Examining the relationships between emotional labor in teaching and teacher efficacy in Hong Kong primary schools
Impact of emotional intelligence on teacher׳s performance in higher education institutions of Pakistan
The mismanaged soul: Existential labor and the erosion of meaningful work
Needs of fathers during labour and childbirth: A cross-sectional study
The stories of women who are transferred due to threat of preterm birth
A pilot randomised controlled trial exploring the effects of antenatal reflexology on labour outcomes
Can arts-based interventions enhance labor market outcomes among youth? Evidence from a randomized trial in Rio de Janeiro
Age, emotion regulation strategies, burnout, and engagement in the service sector: Advantages of older workers
Women's experiences of labour and birth when having a termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality in the second trimester of pregnancy: A qualitative meta-synthesis
Affective labour and alienation: Spinoza's materialism and the sad passions of post-Fordist work
Fostering employability among youth at-risk in a multi-cultural context: Insights from a pilot intervention program
Estimating the effect of emotional intelligence in wellbeing among priests
Are the emotionally intelligent good citizens or counterproductive? A meta-analysis of emotional intelligence and its relationships with organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior
Womenâs experiences of, and attitudes to, maternity education across the perinatal period in Victoria, Australia: A mixed-methods approach
Does mindfulness reduce emotional exhaustion? A multilevel analysis of emotional labor among casino employees
Creating of customer loyalty by cabin crew A study of the relation between emotional labor and job performance
Patterns of abuse amongst Sri Lankan women returning home after working as domestic maids in the Middle East: An exploratory study of medico-legal referrals
Intercultural Education. A Project of Attention to Diversity from the Performing Arts
Examining the role of cynicism in the relationships between burnout and employee behavior

Counterproductive work behavior among frontline government employees: Role of personality, emotional intelligence, affectivity, emotional labor, and emotional exhaustion
Service with style and smile. How and why employees are performing emotional labour?
Participatory planning and children's emotional labor in the production of urban nature
Abusive supervision and work–family conflict: The path through emotional labor and burnout
Individual differences and emotional labor: An experiment on positive display rules ☆
The daily spillover and crossover of emotional labor: Faking emotions at work and at home
The influence of emotional labour and emotional work on the occupational health and wellbeing of South Australian hospital nurses
The big five, emotional exhaustion and citizenship behaviors in service settings: The mediating role of emotional labor
Relationships between emotional labor, job performance, and turnover
Older worker, different actor? Linking age and emotional labor strategies