The value of art in marketing: An emotion-based model of how artworks in ads improve product evaluations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Effect of a Brief Cognitive Behavioural Stress Management Programme on Mental Status, Coping with Stress Attitude and Caregiver Burden While Caring for Schizophrenic Patients
Caring for Migrants and Refugees With End-Stage Kidney Disease in Europe
Misreading of consumer dissatisfaction in online product reviews: Writing style as a cause for bias
A case-control study of skin conductance biofeedback on seizure frequency and emotion regulation in drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy
Emotional labour and aboriginal maternal infant care workers: The invisible load
Using a mixed method audit to inform organizational stress management interventions in sport
The role of emotions in the choice to adopt, or resist, innovations by Irish dairy farmers
Investigating teacher and student effects of the Incredible Years Classroom Management Program in early elementary school
Emotional intelligence, anxiety, and emotional eating: A deeper insight into a recently reported association?
Building mutual affection-based face in conflict mediation: A Chinese relationship management model
Positive and negative affect mediate the bidirectional relationship between emotional processing and symptom severity and impact in irritable bowel syndrome
Modeling emotion and inference as a value calculation system
Emotion perception and overconfidence in errors under stress in psychosis
Affective states in computer-supported collaborative learning: Studying the past to drive the future
Inducing adaptive emotion regulation by providing the students' perspective: An experimental video study with advanced preservice teachers
Psychological interventions influence patients' attitudes and beliefs about their chronic pain
More enjoyment, less anxiety and boredom: How achievement emotions relate to academic self-concept and teachers' diagnostic skills
Emotions Management Skills and Barriers with Library Staff: A Correlational Survey of Agriculture Students
A study of the validity and reliability of the online homework emotion regulation scale
Evaluation of how a real time pre-registration health care curricula was managed through the application of a newly designed Change Management Model: A qualitative case study
Sex differences in self-regulatory executive functions are amplified by trait anxiety: The case of students at risk for academic failure
The mediating role of environmental emotions in transition from knowledge to sustainable use of groundwater resources in Iran's agriculture
Why I eat at night: A qualitative exploration of the development, maintenance and consequences of Night Eating Syndrome
Understanding the consequences of pride and shame: How self-evaluations guide moral decision making in business
How do marine and coastal citizen science experiences foster environmental engagement?
Emotion regulation contributes to the development of diabetes distress among adults with type 1 diabetes
Findings from an Online Survey Assessing the Burden and Management of Seasonal Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis in US Patients
Detecting driving stress in physiological signals based on multimodal feature analysis and kernel classifiers
Guided Imagery and Music with female military veterans: An intervention development study
Psychometric evaluation and design of patient-centered communication measures for cancer care settings
New device for intermittent emptying of the bladder in female children and adolescents: A pilot study
Enhancing Stress Management Coping Skills Using Induced Affect and Collaborative Daily Assessment
Efficacy of personalized models in discriminating high cognitive demand conditions using text-based interactions
Dispositional mindfulness and reward motivated eating: The role of emotion regulation and mental habit
Age, emotion regulation strategies, burnout, and engagement in the service sector: Advantages of older workers
Experiences of being parents of young adults living with recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy from a salutogenic perspective
Telling (emotional) stories about management education
Self-efficacy and burnout in teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder

The effect of guided reflection on heart failure self-care maintenance and management: A mixed methods study
Keeping the heart a long way from the brain: The emotional labour of climate scientists
Male and female face of Machiavellianism: Opportunism or anxiety?
Predictors of disclosure management behavior at the end of 1-year follow-up in Korean adults with newly diagnosed epilepsy
Associations between sheep farmer attitudes, beliefs, emotions and personality, and their barriers to uptake of best practice: The example of footrot
The Mental Representation of the Emotional Universe and that Related to Bonding among University Students of Health Sciences
Perceived risks, emotions, and policy preferences: A longitudinal survey among the local population on gas quakes in the Netherlands
An error management perspective on audit quality: Toward a multi-level model
Nature-related mood effects: Season and type of nature contact
The Role of Affect Management for HIV Risk Reduction for Youth in Alternative Schools
Emotional intelligence increases over time: A longitudinal study of Australian pre-registration nursing students
From pleasure and pride to the fear of decline: Exploring the emotions in older women's physical activity narratives
Temptation's itch: Mindlessness, acceptance, and mindfulness in a debt management program
Nurse Case Managers' Experiences on Case Management for Long-term Hospitalization in Korea
Altered responsiveness in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and its implication to underlying psychopathology
Utilizing social-emotional learning supports to address teacher stress and preschool expulsion
How do companies decide? Emotional triggers and drivers of investment in natural gas and biogas vehicles
Infant, maternal, and familial predictors and correlates of regulatory problems in early infancy: The differential role of infant temperament and maternal anxiety and depression
The role of leader emotion management in leader–member exchange and follower outcomes
The role of organizational leaders in employee emotion management: A theoretical model ☆
Leadership and emotion management for complex tasks: Different emotions, different strategies
In the mood for science: A discussion of emotion management in a pharmacogenomics research encounter in Denmark
The roles of emotion management and perspective taking in individuals’ conflict management styles and disposition to forgive