Research reportTowards developing a model to study alcohol drinking and craving in female mice housed in automated cages
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Premenstrual appetite and emotional responses to foods among women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Emotional ratings of high- and low-calorie food are differentially associated with cognitive restraint and dietary restriction
Promising technological innovations in cognitive training to treat eating-related behavior
Pattern of access determines influence of junk food diet on cue sensitivity and palatability
Suppressing images of desire: Neural correlates of chocolate-related thoughts in high and low trait chocolate cravers
Role of addiction and stress neurobiology on food intake and obesity
Alcohol representations are socially situated: An investigation of beverage representations by using a property generation task
Adolescent emotions toward sweet food cues as a function of obesity and risky dieting practices
The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success
Sweet taste preference in binge-eating disorder: A preliminary investigation
An experimental investigation of breaking learnt habits with verbal implementation intentions
Food product health warnings promote dietary self-control through reductions in neural signals indexing food cue reactivity
Conservatism predicts lapses from vegetarian/vegan diets to meat consumption (through lower social justice concerns and social support)
The impact of the appetite-regulating, orexigenic peptide ghrelin on alcohol use disorders: A systematic review of preclinical and clinical data
Understanding antagonism and synergism: A qualitative assessment of weight management in youth with Type 1 diabetes mellitus
The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on eating behaviors and body weight in obesity: A randomized controlled study
Junk food advertising moderates the indirect effect of reward sensitivity and food consumption via the urge to eat
Naltrexone alters alcohol self-administration behaviors and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in a sex-dependent manner in rats
Acute effect of smoking and smoking abstinence on energy intake and appetite-related hormones blood concentrations
Prescription opioid misusing chronic pain patients exhibit dysregulated context-dependent associations: Investigating associative learning in addiction with the cue-primed reactivity task
Effects of 3-week total meal replacement vs. typical food-based diet on human brain functional magnetic resonance imaging food-cue reactivity and functional connectivity in people with obesity

Theta-burst modulation of mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex affects salience coding in the human ventral tegmental area
How brain response and eating habits modulate food energy estimation
It's craving time: time of day effects on momentary hunger and food craving in daily life
When and how do explicit measures of food craving predict implicit food evaluation? A moderated mediation model
Do scores on the Food Craving Inventory and Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire correlate with expected brain regions of interest in people with obesity?
Failing to pay heed to health warnings in a food-associated environment
High definition transcranial pink noise stimulation of anterior cingulate cortex on food craving: An explorative study
Gamified working memory training in overweight individuals reduces food intake but not body weight
Memory-Focused Cognitive Therapy for Cocaine Use Disorder: Theory, Procedures and Preliminary Evidence From an External Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
Body weight and its association with impulsivity in middle and old age individuals
Retraining of automatic action tendencies in individuals with obesity: A randomized controlled trial
Naturally Thin You: Weight Loss and Psychological Symptoms After a Six-Week Online Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Course
Whether to push or pull? Nicotine reduction and non-combusted alternatives - Two strategies for reducing smoking and improving public health
Sex as a biological variable: Drug use and abuse
Altered brain correlates of response inhibition and error processing in females with obesity and sweet food addiction: A functional magnetic imaging study
Affective responses to sweet products and sweet solution in British and Finnish adults
Drinking water to reduce alcohol craving? A randomized controlled study on the impact of ghrelin in mediating the effects of forced water intake in alcohol addiction
Archival ReportNeural Correlates of Drug-Biased Choice in Currently Using and Abstinent Individuals With Cocaine Use Disorder
An Open Trial Targeting Food Cue Reactivity and Satiety Sensitivity in Overweight and Obese Binge Eaters
Attitudes toward health and taste of food among women with bulimia nervosa and women of a non-clinical sample
Alcohol related mental imagery: The effects of a priming dose in at risk drinkers
A single session of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex reduces cue-induced craving in patients with gambling disorder
Original articleCan food addiction replace binge eating assessment in obesity clinics?
Binge eating behaviours and food cravings in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Eating behavior style predicts craving and anxiety experienced in food-related virtual environments by patients with eating disorders and healthy controls
Food cravings prospectively predict decreases in perceived self-regulatory success in dieting
Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between different exercise types and food cravings in free-living healthy young adults
Coping food craving with neurofeedback. Evaluation of the usefulness of alpha/theta training in a non-clinical sample
Secondary psychological outcomes in a controlled trial of Emotional Freedom Techniques and cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of food cravings
Wanting and liking: Separable components in problematic eating behavior?
Applied nutritional investigationTaste-related factors and food neophobia: Are they associated with nutritional status and teenagers' food choices?
The relation between craving and binge eating: Integrating neuroimaging and ecological momentary assessment
Relationship between craving and plasma leptin concentrations in patients with cocaine addiction
Acceptance- and imagery-based strategies can reduce chocolate cravings: A test of the elaborated-intrusion theory of desire
Self-perceived food addiction: Prevalence, predictors, and prognosis
Seeing is doing. The implicit effect of TV cooking shows on children's use of ingredients
Classification algorithms analysis for brainâcomputer interface in drug craving therapy
Impaired prefrontal cognitive control over interference by food images in binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa
Pica Practices among Apparently Healthy Women and Their Young Children in Ghana
Prevalence of food addiction and its relationship to body mass index
ResearchFeasibility and Potential Benefits of a Self-Monitoring Enhanced Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Excessive Gestational Weight Gain in Women Who Are Overweight or Obese
Role of food preoccupation and current dieting in the associations of parental feeding practices to emotional eating in young adults: A moderated mediation study
Dispositional mindfulness and reward motivated eating: The role of emotion regulation and mental habit
“I can almost taste it:” Why people with strong positive emotions experience higher levels of food craving, salivation and eating intentions
Hand-held dynamic visual noise reduces naturally occurring food cravings and craving-related consumption ☆
Food craving and obesity in survivors of pediatric ALL and lymphoma
Caught in the struggle with food craving: Development and validation of a new cognitive fusion measure