How social support influences university students' academic achievement and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of self-esteem
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The relationship between perceived gender judgment and well-being among surgical residents
Factors related to intention to stay in the current workplace among long-term care nurses: A nationwide survey
Excessive use of mobile social networking sites and poor academic performance: Antecedents and consequences from stressor-strain-outcome perspective
Exploring the relationships among personality traits, burnout dimensions and stigma in a sample of mental health professionals
Understanding the experience of burnout in first-episode psychosis carers
Early childhood teachers' stress and children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning
Prevalence and correlates of burnout in health professionals in Ecuador
The perceptions of patient safety culture: A difference between physicians and nurses in Taiwan
Burnout and Stress Among US Surgery Residents: Psychological Distress and Resilience
Maintaining the Fire but Avoiding Burnout: Implementation and Evaluation of a Resident Well-Being Program
Assessment of relationships between work stress, work-family conflict, burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes
Impact of Coping and Communication Skills Program on Physician Burnout, Quality of Life, and Emotional Flooding
Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes: A person-centered approach
Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence
Burnout Among Chinese Adult Reconstructive Surgeons: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Relationship With Intraoperative Irritability
A call for inclusion of work-related diabetes distress in the spectrum of diabetes management: Results from a cross-sectional survey among working people with type 1 diabetes
Burnout and posttraumatic stress in paediatric critical care personnel: Prediction from resilience and coping styles
Burnout, Moral Distress, WorkLife Balance, and Career Satisfaction among Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Professionals
Emotional intelligence and health students' well-being: A two-wave study with students of medicine, physiotherapy and nursing
Work schedule flexibility is associated with emotional exhaustion among registered nurses in Swiss hospitals: A cross-sectional study
Family incivility, emotional exhaustion at work, and being a good soldier: The buffering roles of waypower and willpower
The role of privacy fatigue in online privacy behavior
Can flow experiences be protective of work-related depressive symptoms and burnout? A genetically informative approach
Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process
An analysis of the relationship between burnout, socio-demographic and workplace factors and job satisfaction among emergency department health professionals
The Mental Representation of the Emotional Universe and that Related to Bonding among University Students of Health Sciences
User violence towards nursing professionals in mental health services and emergency units
Surgeon Burnout among American Pediatric Urologists
Burnout and health among critical care professionals: The mediational role of resilience
Burnout Evaluation of Radiation Residents Nationwide: Results of a Survey of United States Residents
Efecto de la violación del contrato psicológico y el agotamiento emocional sobre el cinismo del empleado
Statewide improvement approach to clinician burnout: Findings from the baseline year
Organisational change and employee burnout: The moderating effects of support and job control
A multi-facet pain survey of psychosocial complaints among patients with long-standing non-malignant pain
Study engagement and burnout profiles among Finnish higher education students
Development and initial validation of a cessation fatigue scale
Factors associated with aggressive behavior between residents and staff in nursing homes
Age, emotion regulation strategies, burnout, and engagement in the service sector: Advantages of older workers
The relationship between sluggish cognitive tempo and burnout symptoms in psychiatrists with different therapeutic approaches
Associations of work characteristics, employee strain and self-perceived quality of care in Emergency Departments: A cross-sectional study
Factores de riesgo y niveles de burnout en enfermeras de atención primaria: una revisión sistemática
Active Intervention Can Decrease Burnout In Ed Nurses
Self-efficacy and burnout in teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder
Burnout is associated with changes in error and feedback processing
Factors associated With burnout among French digestive surgeons in training: results of a national survey on 328 residents and fellows
Occupational burnout among radiation therapists in Australia: Findings from a mixed methods study
Does mindfulness reduce emotional exhaustion? A multilevel analysis of emotional labor among casino employees
Job demands and driving anger: The roles of emotional exhaustion and work engagement
The interplay between emotional exhaustion, common mental disorders, functioning and health care use in the working population
Climate congruence: How espoused psychosocial safety climate and enacted managerial support affect emotional exhaustion and work engagement
Motivated for teaching? Associations with school goal structure, teacher self-efficacy, job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion
Does basic need satisfaction mediate the link between stress exposure and well-being? A diary study among beginning teachers

Restructuring seriously damages well-being of workers: The case of the restructuring programme in local administration in Greece
What makes good and bad days for beginning teachers? A diary study on daily uplifts and hassles

Fear of future violence at work and job burnout: A diary study on the role of psychological violence and job control
Thriving when exhausted: The role of perceived transformational leadership
Examining the role of cynicism in the relationships between burnout and employee behavior
Forgiving is good for health and performance: How forgiveness helps individuals cope with the psychological contract breach
Comparison of Nurses in Two Different Cultures: Who Experiences More Burnout
Una aproximación al sÃndrome de burnout y las caracterÃsticas laborales de emigrantes españoles en paÃses europeos
What lies beneath: How paranoid cognition explains the relations between transgender employees' perceptions of discrimination at work and their job attitudes and wellbeing
Emotional Wellness of Current Musculoskeletal Radiology Fellows
Is it better to be both nice and nasty? Investigating the co-occurrence of sales manager aggressiveness and caring
Burnout and its relationship with personality factors in oncology nurses
Influence of organizational context on nursing home staff burnout: A cross-sectional survey of care aides in Western Canada
Creating of customer loyalty by cabin crew A study of the relation between emotional labor and job performance
Job demands, control and support: Meta-analyzing moderator effects of gender, nationality, and occupation
Are nursing home care workers' health and presenteeism associated with implicit rationing of care? A cross-sectional multi-site study
Are burnout prevention programs for hospital physicians needed?
Burnout After Patient Death: Challenges for Direct Care Workers

Counterproductive work behavior among frontline government employees: Role of personality, emotional intelligence, affectivity, emotional labor, and emotional exhaustion
Work-family conflict, self-efficacy, and emotional exhaustion: A test of longitudinal effects
Beginning teachers' efficacy and emotional exhaustion: Latent changes, reciprocity, and the influence of professional knowledge