Suicidality, posttraumatic stress, and depressive reactions after earthquake and maltreatment: A cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 6132 chinese children and adolescents
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Depressed female smokers have higher levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1
Steps toward understanding the impact of early emotional experiences on disordered eating: The role of self-criticism, shame, and body image shame
The impact of affective temperaments on clinical and functional outcome of Bipolar I patients that initiated or changed pharmacological treatment for mania
The recognition of child abuse and the perceived need for intervention by school personnel of primary schools: Results of a vignette study on the influence of case, school personnel, and school characteristics
Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence
Higher concentration of interleukin 6 - A possible link between major depressive disorder and childhood abuse
Evaluating implementation strategies in a community model to facilitate early identification and treatment of developmental and social-emotional problems in young children in out-of-home placement

The mediating effects of depressive symptoms on the association of childhood maltreatment with non-medical use of prescription drugs
Childhood maltreatment is associated with attachment insecurities, dissociation and alexithymia in bipolar disorder
Child abuse and neglect in institutional settings, cumulative lifetime traumatization, and psychopathological long-term correlates in adult survivors: The Vienna Institutional Abuse Study
Pride in the psychotherapy of relational trauma: Conceptualization and treatment considerations
Does parental substance use always engender risk for children? Comparing incidence rate ratios of abusive and neglectful behaviors across substance use behavior patterns
Assessing the interplay of childhood adversities with more recent stressful life events and conditions in predicting panic pathology among adults from the general population
Prevalence of childhood trauma and correlations between childhood trauma, suicidal ideation, and social support in patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia in southern China
Diminished fronto-limbic functional connectivity in child sexual offenders
Associations of adversity in childhood and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in mid-adulthood
Impaired detection and differentiation of briefly presented facial emotions in adults with high-functioning autism and asperger syndrome
The impact of childhood stressful life events on health and behavior in at-risk youth
Temperamental sensitivity to early maltreatment and later family cohesion for externalizing behaviors in youth adopted from foster care
The learning effects of different presentations of worked examples on medical students breaking-bad-news skills: A randomized and blinded field trial
Sexual violence against children in South Africa: a nationally representative cross-sectional study of prevalence and correlates
Changes in the prevalence of child maltreatment in Vietnam over 10 years
Effects of childhood multiple maltreatment experiences on depression of socioeconomic disadvantaged elderly in Brazil
Association between childhood maltreatment and non-medical prescription opioid use among Chinese senior high school students: The moderating role of gender
Child maltreatment and adult depressive symptoms: Roles of self-compassion and gratitude
Prevalence of and risk factors for non-suicidal self-injury in rural China: Results from a nationwide survey in China
Differential associations between patterns of child maltreatment and comorbidity in adult depressed patients
The past is present: The role of maltreatment history in perceptual, behavioral and autonomic responses to infant emotional signals
Childhood maltreatment and non-suicidal self-injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Volitional determinants of self-harm behaviour and suicidal risk in persons with borderline personality disorder
Stressful life events and maltreatment in conversion (functional neurological) disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies
Self-reported neglect, amygdala volume, and symptoms of anxiety in adolescent boys
Associations of Childhood Maltreatment with Single and Multiple Suicide Attempts among Older Chinese Adolescents
Child maltreatment re-offending in families served by the United States Air Force Family Advocacy Program
Exposure to verbal abuse and neglect during childbirth among Jordanian women
Early maladaptive schemas as mediators between childhood maltreatment and later psychological distress among Chinese college students
Religiosity and interpersonal problems explain individual differences in self esteem among young adults with child maltreatment experiences
Adverse childhood experiences and suicide attempts among those with mental and substance use disorders
Assessing the factor structure of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and cumulative effect of abuse and neglect on mental health among adolescents in conflict-affected Burundi
Childhood adversity impacts on brain subcortical structures relevant to depression
Modeling multi-level mechanisms of environmental attitudes and behaviours: The example of carsharing in Berlin
Gender differences in the association between emotional maltreatment with mental, emotional, and behavioral problems in Swedish adolescents
Aggression and related stressful life events among Chinese adolescents living in rural areas: A cross-sectional study
Gender differences in delinquency at 21 years following childhood maltreatment: A birth cohort study
The relationship between childhood trauma and the severity of adulthood depression and anxiety symptoms in a clinical sample: The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies
Economic predictors of child maltreatment in an Australian population-based birth cohort
Substantiated childhood maltreatment and young adulthood cannabis use disorders: A pre-birth cohort study
Maternal exposure to childhood maltreatment and risk of stillbirth
Adverse childhood experiences and behavioral problems in middle childhood
Adverse childhood experiences among youth reported to child welfare: Results from the national survey of child & adolescent wellbeing
Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to adolescent substance use: The roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms and mother-child relationships
Childhood adversity and cognitive functioning in patients with major depression
Early childhood aggression among child welfare involved children: The interplay between the type of child maltreatment and ecological protective factors
Maternal history of child maltreatment and maternal depression risk in the perinatal period: A longitudinal study
The distal consequences of physical and emotional neglect in emerging adults: A person-centered, multi-wave, longitudinal study
Medical complexity and placement outcomes for children in foster care
Redrawing the line: An exploration of how lay people construct child neglect
Do cognitive schema mediate the association between childhood trauma and being at ultra-high risk for psychosis?
Impulsivity as a moderator of the associations between child maltreatment types and body mass index
Assessing the contributions of childhood maltreatment subtypes and depression case-control status on telomere length reveals a specific role of physical neglect
Adverse effects and treatment satisfaction among online users of four antidepressants

Child abuse and neglect profiles and their psychosocial consequences in a large sample of incarcerated males
The relationship between subjective experience of childhood abuse and neglect and depressive symptoms during pregnancy
Differential effects of childhood trauma subtypes on fatigue and physical functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome
Organic vs. functional neurological disorders: The role of childhood psychological trauma
Unraveling the link between maltreatment and juvenile antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies
Reflective function mediates the relationship between emotional maltreatment and borderline pathology in adolescents: A preliminary investigation
Child maltreatment characteristics as predictors of heterogeneity in internalizing symptom trajectories among children in the child welfare system
The relationship between childhood sexual abuse and mental health outcomes among males: Results from a nationally representative United States sample
Childhood maltreatment preceding depressive disorder at age 18 years: A prospective Brazilian birth cohort study
Maternal understanding of child discipline and maltreatment in the United States, South Korea, and Japan
Associations between suicidal behavior and childhood abuse and neglect: A meta-analysis
Caseworkers' perspective on risk factors in the family environment influencing mothers' difficulties in meeting children's needs
Childhood trauma, dimensions of psychopathology and the clinical expression of bipolar disorders: A pathway analysis