Person × environment interactions on adolescent delinquency: Sensation seeking, peer deviance and parental monitoring
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
An exploration of the motivations for binge-watching and the role of individual differences
Are online poker problem gamblers sensation seekers?
Personality, marijuana norms, and marijuana outcomes among college students
Pain, Please: An Investigation of Sampling Bias in Pain Research
Consistency between subjectively and objectively measured hazard perception skills among young male drivers
Personality factors are associated with simulated driving outcomes across the driving lifespan
Neurobiological Correlates and Predictors of Two Distinct Personality Trait Pathways to Escalated Alcohol Use
Abnormal perceptual sensitivity in body-focused repetitive behaviors
The functions and addictive features of non-suicidal self-injury: A confirmatory factor analysis of the Ottawa self-injury inventory in a university sample
Reasons for Seeking Clinical Care for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Mixed Methods Study
Uncontrolled eating in adolescents: The role of impulsivity and automatic approach bias for food
The influence of time attitudes profile membership on mental well-being and psychosomatic symptomatology: A United Kingdom-based prospective study
Sensory profiles as potential mediators of the association between hypomania and hopelessness in 488 major affective outpatients
Impulsivity-related traits, college alcohol beliefs, and alcohol outcomes: Examination of a prospective multiple mediation model among college students in Spain, Argentina, and USA
Time attitudes predict changes in adolescent self-efficacy: A 24-month latent transition mover-stayer analysis
Methodological factors as a potential source of discordance between self-report and behavioral measures of impulsivity and related constructs
Relation between lifespan polytrauma typologies and post-trauma mental health
With risk may come reward: Sensation seeking supports resilience through effective coping
Psychometric properties and validation of the sexual sensation seeking scale in Spanish adolescents: Brief screening method for use in research and clinical practice

Perceived stress, alcohol consumption, and Internet use among Korean college students: Does sensation-seeking matter?
The exacerbating role of perceived social support and the buffering role of depression in the relation between sensation seeking and adolescent smartphone addiction
Sensation-seeking and factors related to dangerous driving behaviors among Iranian drivers
Impulsivity traits as correlates of antisocial behaviour in adolescents
The effect of positive and negative emotions on young drivers: A simulator study
The new avenue of online sexual activity in China: The smartphone
The relationships between sensation seeking and a spectrum of e-cigarette use behaviors: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses specific to Texas adolescents
The long and complex road in the search for treatment for mental disorders: An analysis of the process in five groups of patients
Comorbidity, family history and personality traits in pathological gamblers compared with healthy controls
Evaluation of New Zealand osteopathy patients experiences of their treatment
Trait anxiety and sensory processing profile characteristics in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain and central sensitisation - A pilot observational study
Effectiveness of a selective alcohol prevention program targeting personality risk factors: Results of interaction analyses
Perceptual and affective responses to sampled capsaicin differ by reported intake
Personality and self-reported preference for music genres and attributes in a German-speaking sample
Modulation of reward-related neural activation on sensation seeking across development
Is sensory processing an issue for infants with colic?
Examining the link between nonmedical use of sedatives, tranquilizers, and pain relievers with dispositions toward impulsivity among college students
Associations between butane hash oil use and cannabis-related problems
Anticipatory representations of reward and threat in perceptual areas from preadolescence to late adolescence
Autistic traits and internet gaming addiction in Chinese children: The mediating effect of emotion regulation and school connectedness
Mobile phone generated vibrations used to detect diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Bestial boredom: a biological perspective on animal boredom and suggestions for its scientific investigation
Creature of Habit: A self-report measure of habitual routines and automatic tendencies in everyday life
Living, fast and slow: Is life history orientation associated with risk-related personality traits, risk attitudes, criminal outcomes, and gambling?
Excessive trading, a gambling disorder in its own right? A case study on a French disordered gamblers cohort
Role of sensation seeking and attitudes as mediators between age of driver and risky driving of Powered Two Wheelers
Winter recreationists' self-reported likelihood of skiing backcountry slopes: Investigating the role of situational factors, personal experiences with avalanches and sensation-seeking
Preadolescent sensation seeking and early adolescent stress relate to at-risk adolescents' substance use by age 15
Aggressive and stressed? Youth's aggressive behaviors in light of their internet use, sensation seeking, stress and social feelings
Hardiness and sensation seeking as potential predictors of former prisoners of wars' posttraumatic stress symptoms trajectories over a 17-year period
Sexual Sensation Seeking, Sexual Compulsivity, and Gender Identity and Its Relationship With Sexual Functioning in a Population Sample of Men and Women
Risk preferences of individual investors: The role of dispositional tendencies and market trends
Impulsive sensation seeking, binge drinking, and alcohol-related consequences: Do protective behavioral strategies help high risk adolescents?
Deviant behavior in constrained environments: Sensation-Seeking predicts workplace deviance in shallow learners
Can personality traits predict musical style preferences? A meta-analysis
The direct and indirect effect of loneliness on the development of adolescent alcohol use in the United Kingdom
Unique and interactive effects of impulsivity facets on reckless driving and driving under the influence in a high-risk young adult sample
Understanding deviance through the dual systems model: Converging evidence for criminology and developmental sciences
Thrill and adventure seeking in risky driving at work: The moderating role of safety climate

Characterizing users of new psychoactive substances using psychometric scales for risk-related behavior
Role of thrill and adventure seeking in risky work-related driving behaviours
Sensation seeking and impulsive traits as personality endophenotypes for antisocial behavior: Evidence from two independent samples
The mediating role of social skills and sensation seeking in the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and school adjustment in adolescents
Psychopathy and impulsivity: The relationship of the triarchic model of psychopathy to different forms of impulsivity in offenders and community participants
Personality dimensions and substance use in individuals with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities
Impulsive personality dimensions are associated with altered behavioral performance and neural responses in the monetary incentive delay task
School climate and adolescent aggression: A moderated mediation model involving deviant peer affiliation and sensation seeking
Measuring drug use sensation-seeking among Australian gay and bisexual men
Sense of coherence as a mediator between personality and depression
Emotion-related brain structures associated with trait creativity in middle children
Do personality traits related to affect regulation predict other tobacco product use among young adult non-daily smokers?
Sensation Seeking Behavior and Crash Involvement of Indian Bus Drivers