How do attachment styles change from childhood through adolescence? Findings from an accelerated longitudinal Cohort study
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Representation of children attachment styles in cormanâs instruction of family drawing
Internalised stigma in mental health: An investigation of the role of attachment style
Attachment, relationship communication style and the use of jealousy induction techniques in romantic relationships
Early childhood attachment and suicidal ideation among young Kenyan men
A review of attachment theory and internal working models as relevant to music therapy with children hospitalized for life threatening illness
Adolescents' sociosexual orientation is related to attachment to their same-sex parent
Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters: Are there sex differences in the organization of secure base behavior during early childhood
Attachment and psychopathic traits in inpatient female and male adolescents
How children remember the Strange Situation: The role of attachment
Instability in the lives of foster and nonfoster youth: Mental health impediments and attachment insecurities
Moving toward greater security: The effects of repeatedly priming attachment security and anxiety
Longitudinal relations among maternal depressive symptoms, maternal mind-mindedness, and infant attachment behavior
Understanding the joint effects of perceived parental psychological control and insecure attachment styles: A differentiated approach to adolescent autonomy
Dispositional and experimentally primed attachment security reduced cyber aggression after cyber ostracism
Relationship building between toddlers and new caregivers in out-of-home childcare: Attachment security and caregiver sensitivity
Adult insecure attachment plays a role in hyperarousal and emotion dysregulation in Insomnia Disorder
Pathological jealousy and pathological love: Apples to apples or apples to oranges?
Adult attachment predicts the seven-year course of recurrent depression in primary care
Attachment style and filial obligation in the burden of caregivers of dementia patients
The effect of parental style on bullying and cyber bullying behaviors and the mediating role of peer attachment relationships: A longitudinal study
Direct bone conduction stimulation: Ipsilateral effect of different transducer attachments in active transcutaneous devices
Attachment security and career adaptability as predictors of subjective well-being among career transitioners
Interpretation bias in middle childhood attachment: Causal effects on attachment memories and scripts
Depression symptoms and reasons for gambling sequentially mediate the associations between insecure attachment styles and problem gambling
Promoting or suppressing resilience to mental health outcomes in at risk young people: The role of parental and peer attachment and school connectedness
Comparison of functional dyspepsia with organic dyspepsia in terms of attachment patterns
Does improvement in maternal attachment representations predict greater maternal sensitivity, child attachment security and lower rates of relapse to substance use? A second test of Mothering from the Inside Out treatment mechanisms
Effects of repeated attachment security priming in outpatients with primary depressive disorders
Change in delinquency over time between adolescents with and without maltreatment experiences: Attachment and the school's role
Young adults attachment style as a partial mediator between maternal functioning and young adult offsprings functioning
The impact of attachment orientations on empathy in adults: Considering the mediating role of emotion regulation strategies and negative affectivity
Attachment insecurity and openness to diversity: The roles of self-esteem and trust
Avoidant individuals may have muted responses to social warmth after all: An attempted replication of MacDonald and Borsook (2010)
Sensitivity and attachment interventions in early childhood: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Adolescents' profiles of problematic Facebook use and associations with developmental variables
My virtual friend: A qualitative analysis of the attitudes and experiences of Smartphone users: Implications for Smartphone attachment
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a pilot program that promotes sensitive response in the educational staff of Chilean nursery schools
The crucial role of the micro caregiving environment: Factors associated with attachment styles in alternative care in Chile
Children referred to foster care, family-style group care, and residential care: (How) do they differ?
Accepting our weaknesses and enjoying better relationships: An initial examination of self-security
Improving outcomes for babies and toddlers in child welfare: A model for infant mental health intervention and collaboration
Predictors of behavioral problems in young children 3 to 9Â years old: The role of maternal and child factors
Mobile attachment: Separation from the mobile phone induces physiological and behavioural stress and attentional bias to separation-related stimuli
How does secure attachment affect job performance and job promotion? The role of social-rank behaviors
Surface roughness and adaptation of different materials to secure implant attachment housings
Fostering secure attachment in low- and middle-income countries: Suggestions for evidence-based interventions

The team as a secure base: Promoting resilience and competence in child and family social work
A simulator of the degree to which random responding leads to biases in the correlations between two individual differences
Is therapist evaluation of Social Anxiety/Avoidance traits associated with patient-reported attachment style?
Mind-Mindedness of Male and Female Caregivers in Childcare and the Relation to Sensitivity and Attachment: An Exploratory Study
Does reflective functioning mediate the relationship between attachment and personality?
Parenting and emotional well-being of adoptive school-aged children: The mediating role of attachment
The role of attachment classification on disclosure of self and rater-reported adverse childhood experiences in a sample of child welfare professionals
Attachment and empathy in Australian undergraduate paramedic, nursing and occupational therapy students: A cross-sectional study
Attachment style and suicide behaviors in high risk psychiatric inpatients following hospital discharge: The mediating role of entrapment
Attention focus and self-touch in toddlers: The moderating effect of attachment security
Attachment in psychosis: A latent profile analysis of attachment styles and association with symptoms in a large psychosis cohort
The role of interpersonal attachment styles in shaping consumer preferences for products shown in relational advertisements
Parental attachment style, but not environmental quality, is associated with use of opposite-sex parents as a template for relationship partners
A comparison of two attachment measures in relation to personality factors and facets
Autism, attachment, and social learning: Three challenges and a way forward
Insecure attachment and emotional distress: Fear of self-compassion and self-compassion as mediators
Sleep and mental health: the moderating role of perceived adolescent-parent attachment
Attachment representations and socio-emotional difficulties in alternative care: A comparison between residential, foster and family based children in Chile
Long-term oxytocin administration enhances the experience of attachment

Is pornography pathogen by itself? Study of the role of attachment profiles on the relationship between pornography and sexual satisfaction
Links between early baseline cortisol, attachment classification, and problem behaviors: A test of differential susceptibility versus diathesis-stress
Childless adults with higher secure attachment state have stronger parenting motivation
Actor and partner effects of self-esteem on relationship satisfaction and the mediating role of secure attachment between the partners
Understanding cortisol reactivity across the day at child care: The potential buffering role of secure attachments to caregivers ☆
Secure attachment partners attenuate neural responses to social exclusion: An fMRI investigation