در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The effect of financial reporting quality on corporate investment efficiency: Evidence from the Tunisian stock market
Harnessing Financial Information in Investors Decissions: Accrual Accounting versus Cash Accounting ☆
Accruals accounting in the public sector: A road not always taken

Using photographs in interpreting cultural and symbolic meaning: A reflection on photographs of the Korean Association for Government Accounting
Bouldering psychotherapy reduces depressive symptoms even when general physical activity is controlled for: A randomized controlled trial
Statin use and mortality in gout: A general population-based cohort study
Alternative methodological approach to randomized trial for surgical procedures routinely used
Modeling valuation and core affect in a cognitive architecture: The impact of valence and arousal on memory and decision-making
Spatial sorting, attitudes and the use of green space in Brussels
Associations of mode of travel to work with physical activity, and individual, interpersonal, organisational, and environmental characteristics
Spatial patterns of neuroimaging biomarker change in individuals from families with autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal study
Audit quality, debt financing, and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan
Life-cycle energy use and GHG emissions of waste television treatment system in China
Accounting reforms and conservatism in earnings: Empirical evidence from listed Chinese companies
Accounting discretion and executive cash compensation: An empirical investigation of corporate governance, credit ratings and firm value
Audit committee financial expertise and earnings quality: A meta-analysis
Do conference calls facilitate market price discovery? Evidence from Taiwan
Earnings management, audit adjustments, and the financing of corporate acquisitions: Evidence from China
Insider sales vs. short selling: Negative information trading in Australia
Audit committees and financial reporting quality: The 8th EU Company Law Directive perspective
Does there prevail momentum in earnings management for seasoned equity offering firms?
Transaction costs and competition among audit firms in local markets
The complex role of family involvement in earnings management
Intensifying rotations increases soil carbon, fungi, and aggregation in semi-arid agroecosystems
The impact of leverage on accrual-based earnings management: The case of listed French firms
Is it cost-beneficial to society? Measuring the economic worth of dental residency training
Audit committee financial expertise, gender, and earnings management: Does gender of the financial expert matter?
Earnings management using classification shifting of revenues
Top managerial power and stock price efficiency: Evidence from China
Hidden Complexity of Yeast Adaptation under Simple Evolutionary Conditions
Accruals quality, underwriter reputation, and corporate bond underpricing: Evidence from China
Managerial reporting behavior around exchange switching: Consideration of current and future performance
Setting the standard? A framework for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of building energy standards
Refinancing pressure and earnings management: Evidence from changes in short-term debt and discretionary accruals
The monitoring role of female directors over accounting quality
Accounting quality, information risk and the term structure of implied volatility around earnings announcements
Does equity holding by main banks affect the earnings quality of client firms? Empirical evidence from Japan
An Assessment of the Provisions of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 on Non-audit Services and Audit Firm Tenure: Evidence from Spain
Ideas production and international knowledge spillovers: Digging deeper into emerging countries
Framing public governance in Malaysia: Rhetorical appeals through accrual accounting
Multiple logics and accounting mutations in the Italian National Health Service
Trade-off between real activities earnings management and accrual-based manipulation-evidence from China
The optimal stringency of accounting regulation to alleviate time inconsistency problems
Do mutual funds exploit the accrual anomaly?: Korean evidence
Stakeholder demand for accounting quality and economic usefulness of accounting in U.S. private firms
Does director interlock impact the diffusion of accounting method choice?
Tracing the cost/benefit pathway of protected areas: A case study of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Voluntary Disclosure of Internal Control Weakness and Earnings Quality: Evidence From China
Does family involvement explain why corporate social responsibility affects earnings management?
Incentive systems for risky investment decisions under unknown preferences
Modelling and simulation of flow and agglomeration in deep veins valves using discrete multi physics
Earnings management strategies in Brazil: Determinant costs and temporal sequence
Measuring fraud and earnings management by a case of study: Evidence from an international family business
Integrated reporting: Is it the last piece of the accounting disclosure puzzle?
Establishing Evidence-Based Indications for Proton Therapy: An Overview of Current Clinical Trials
Recovery and identification of human remains in post-conflict environments: A comparative study of the humanitarian forensic programs in Cyprus and Kosovo
Stabilization of benthic algal biomass in a temperate stream draining agroecosystems
Implementation of a drainage information, analysis and management system
How Effective are New Milestones Assessments at Demonstrating Resident Growth? 1 Year of Data
Mitigating environmental impacts in advance: Evidence of cost and time savings for transportation projects
The Contribution of Amenities to Landowner Income: Cases in Spanish and Californian Hardwood Rangelands
Cost-Utility of Video-Electroencephalography Monitoring Followed by Surgery in Adults with Drug-Resistant Focal Epilepsy in Thailand
The translation of accrual accounting and budgeting and the reconfiguration of public sector accountants’ identities
Accrual accounting does not necessarily mean accrual accounting: Factors that counteract compliance with accounting standards in Swedish municipal accounting