On the elusive nature of critical (accounting) research
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Knowledge system commitment and knowledge sharing intention: The role of personal information management motivation
Management accounting as a political resource for enabling embedded agency
Commentary on Endenich and Trappâs article: Openness and signaling in accounting research
Business intelligence & analytics in management accounting research: Status and future focus
Reflections on the application of and potential for structuration theory in accounting research
A fundamentalist perspective on accounting and implications for accounting research
Structuration theory in accounting research: Applications and applicability
The rise and coming fall of international accounting research

مشکلات ویراستاری، چالشها و فرصتها: کسبوکارهای کوچک بهعنوان زمینهای برای تحقیقات حسابداری مدیریت
Editorial. Problems, challenges and opportunities: the small business as a setting for management accounting research
How well do our introductory accounting text books reflect current accounting practice?

Using photographs in interpreting cultural and symbolic meaning: A reflection on photographs of the Korean Association for Government Accounting
Policy implementation as practice? Using social practice theory to examine multi-level governance efforts to decarbonise transport in the United Kingdom
The state of immersive technology research: A literature analysis
Discourses in Ecosystem Accounting: A Survey of the Expert Community
Corporate social responsibility assurance and reporting quality: Evidence from restatements
Managing inter-firm projects: A systematic review and directions for future research
Does other comprehensive income matter in credit-oriented systems? Analyzing the Italian context
Through thick and thin: Young people's affective geographies in Brussels' public space
Developmental coordination disorder and its cause: The road less travelled
Early detection of spamming accounts in large-Scale service provider networks
Whistleblowing on accounting-related misconduct: A synthesis of the literature
Audit committee financial expertise and earnings quality: A meta-analysis
Accounting reforms and conservatism in earnings: Empirical evidence from listed Chinese companies
Introducing data-driven learning to PhD students for research writing purposes: A territory-wide project in Hong Kong
Lessons from misclassification in international accounting
How numeracy mediates cash flow format preferences: A worldwide study
The role of country-level institutional factors in escaping the natural resource curse: Insights from Ghana
Interpretive methodological expertise and editorial board composition
Big data techniques in auditing research and practice: Current trends and future opportunities
Accounting and finance in UK universities: Academic labour, shortages and strategies
Analysis of data collected from right and left limbs: Accounting for dependence and improving statistical efficiency in musculoskeletal research
Signaling effects of scholarly profilesthe editorial teams of North American accounting association journals: A personal perspective
Do journals signal or reflect? An alternative perspective on editorial board composition
A review and analysis of Advances in International Accounting research
The teaching-research gestalt in accounting: A cluster analytic approach
A framework for social and environmental accounting research
Does gender matter? An analysis of men's and women's accounts of responding to symptoms of lung cancer
Investigating highly established research paradigms: Reviving contextuality in contingency theory based management accounting research
Water management accounting: A framework for corporate practice
Identification and generalizability in accounting research: A discussion of Christensen, Floyd, Liu, and Maffett (2017)
Models and Methods of Measuring the Quality of Logistic Service
Children as research participants in educational research using video-stimulated accounts
Family ownership and financial performance relations in emerging markets
Strategic interaction among governments in the provision of a global public good
The textual organization of the discussion sections of accounting research articles
Output-based measurement of accounting comparability: A survey of empirical proxies
Do terror attacks predict gold returns? Evidence from a quantile-predictive-regression approach
Public sector reforms and public private partnerships: Overview and research agenda
Critical realist accounting research: In search of its emancipatory potential
Accounting as gendering and gendered: A review of 25 years of critical accounting research on gender
Twenty five years of social and environmental accounting research within Critical Perspectives of Accounting: Hits, misses and ways forward
Whistleblowing studies in accounting research: A review of experimental studies on the determinants of whistleblowing
Voluntary changes in accounting principle: Literature review, descriptive data, and opportunities for future research
The language of environmental and social accounting research: The expression of beauty and truth
On the virtues and vices of combining theories: The case of institutional and actor-network theories in accounting research
Is accounting an applied discipline? An institutional theory assessment of the value of faculty accounting-related work experience in the academic labor market
Perspectives on relevance: The relevance test in the constructive research approach
The decline of the professionally-qualified accounting academic: Recruitment into the accounting academic community