در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Aligning supply chain design for boosting resilience
Robust analysis for downside risk in portfolio management for a volatile stock market
Integrating skills profiling and purchasing portfolio management: An opportunity for building purchasing capability
Integrating sustainability into innovation project portfolio management – A strategic perspective
Return and volatility transmission between gold and stock sectors: Application of portfolio management and hedging effectiveness
Shortage function and portfolio selection: On some special cases and extensions
Enforcing strategic fit of project portfolios by project termination: An empirical study on senior management involvement
Project portfolio management: An integrated method for resource planning and scheduling to minimize planning/scheduling-dependent expenses
Handling measurement issues and strategic directions in Kraljic's purchasing portfolio model
Oil volatility, oil and gas firms and portfolio diversification
A fuzzy hybrid integrated framework for portfolio optimization in private banking
Playing favorites: Conflicts of interest in mutual fund management
Higher-moment liquidity risks and the cross-section of stock returns
Expected Shortfall, spectral risk measures, and the aggravating effect of background risk, or: risk vulnerability and the problem of subadditivity
Peer-to-peer selling in online platforms: A salient business model for virtual entrepreneurship
Portfolio rebalancing with respect to market psychology in a fuzzy environment: A case study in Tehran Stock Exchange
Performance of portfolios of climate smart agriculture practices in a rice-wheat system of western Indo-Gangetic plains
Computing near-optimal Value-at-Risk portfolios using integer programming techniques
The project-oriented organization and its contribution to innovation
Portfolio and contract design for demand response resources
Trading financial indices with reinforcement learning agents
Relationships between project governance and information technology governance and their impact on project performance
Shipping risk management practice revisited: A new portfolio approach
The virtualization of the airline industry: A strategic process
A hybrid spline-based parametric model for the yield curve
Exploring the dynamics of project management office and portfolio management co-evolution: A routine lens
Minimizing the tracking error of cardinality constrained portfolios
Moment matching machine learning methods for risk management of large variable annuity portfolios
Impact of oil price risk on sectoral equity markets: Implications on portfolio management
Risk management of time varying floors for dynamic portfolio insurance
The cost of homogeneity in life cycle pension funds: An explanation to demand's inelasticity of Mexican pension funds with a performance attribution test
Relation between higher order comoments and dependence structure of equity portfolio
The commodity super price cycle and real options: Implications for the Greeks of mining firms
Projects Selection and Prioritization: A Portuguese Navy pilot model
A multiple criteria supplier segmentation using outranking and value function methods
Cost and time project management success factors for information systems development projects
Testing the Gaussian and Student's t copulas in a risk management framework
Characteristics of investors in onshore wind power in Sweden
Maximization of Returns under an Average Value-at-Risk Constraint in Fuzzy Asset Management
Optimizing provision of ecosystem services using modern portfolio theory
Investigating Association of Benefits and Barriers in Project Portfolio Management to Project Success
The role of project portfolio management in fostering both deliberate and emergent strategy
Particularities of the Technologies Portfolio Management in Industries Representative for Romania
Incorporating transaction costs, weighting management, and floating required return in robust portfolios
Exploring ad-hoc portfolio management: Does it work, and is it the flexibility that supports project portfolio management?
Portfolio management using realized covariances: Evidence from Brazil
A new active portfolio risk management for an electricity retailer based on a drawdown risk preference
Environmentally friendly management of dairy supply chain for designing a green products' portfolio
Integrated demand and procurement portfolio management with spot market volatility and option contracts
Efficient randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods for portfolio market risk
Using genetic algorithm to support clustering-based portfolio optimization by investor information
Informativeness of the market news sentiment in the Taiwan stock market
Building an innovation-based supplier portfolio: The use of patent analysis in strategic supplier selection in the automotive sector
Portfolio decision analysis methods in environmental decision making
Performance persistence in Chinese securities investment funds
Does entropy model with return forecasting enhance portfolio performance?
Embracing Paradox and Conflict: Towards a Conceptual Model to drive Project Portfolio Ambidexterity
A conditional value-at-risk based methodology to intermediate-term planning of crude oil tanker fleet
Catchment metabolism: Integrating natural capital in the asset management portfolio of the water sector

Product Portfolio Management in Brazilian Technology-based Companies: Case Studies in Medium and Large Companies ☆
Portfolio Management in Brazil and a Proposal for Evaluation and Balancing of Portfolio Projects with ELECTRE TRI and IRIS ☆