New accounting information system: An application for a basic social benefit in Spain
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A game theory approach for corporate environmental risk mitigation
International gross capital flows: New uses of balance of payments data and application to financial crises
The impact of the first Sino-Japanese war indemnity: Transfer problem reexamined
Profitability and risk profile of reverse mortgages: A cross-system and cross-plan comparison
Driving forces for households' adoption of improved cooking stoves in rural Tanzania
Readability of the credit card agreements and financial charges
Cash remains top-of-wallet! International evidence from payment diaries
Energy-storage system sizing and operation strategies based on discrete Fourier transform for reliable wind-power generation

A comparative study of card-not-present e-commerce architectures with card schemes: What about privacy?
Virtual currency as an inclusive monetary innovation for the unbanked poor
The effects of a foreclosure moratorium on loan repayment behaviors
Empirical justification of the elementary model of money circulation
An exact solution method for binary equilibrium problems with compensation and the power market uplift problem
Delay-in-payments - A strategy to reduce carbon emissions from supply chains
Recovering the costs of irrigation water with different pricing methods: Insights from a Mediterranean case study
When allocation back out agreements can become lose out agreements
Comparing budget repair measures for a small open economy with growing debt
Bank dividends, agency costs and shareholder and creditor rights
A social cost benefit analysis of grid-scale electrical energy storage projects: A case study
Sovereign ratings: determinants and policy implications for india
Harnessing the private health sector by using prices as a policy instrument: Lessons learned from South Africa
Does health insurance coverage or improved quality protect better against out-of-pocket payments? Experimental evidence from the Philippines
Rethinking restructured electricity market design: Lessons learned and future needs
Successful Brazilian experience for promoting wind energy generation
An application of Mean Escape Time and metapopulation on forestry catastrophe insurance
Trade credit contracting under asymmetric credit default risk: Screening, checking or insurance
Effect of capitalizing operating leases on credit ratings: Evidence from Japan
Economic and technical analysis of reactive power provision from distributed energy resources in microgrids
How to prevent mortgage default without skin in the game: Evidence from an integrated homeownership support nonprofit
Does the debt tax shield distort ownership efficiency?
Deterrents to Organ Donation: A Multivariate Analysis of 766 Survey Respondents
A top-down framework for cross-regional payments for ecosystem services
A truthful combinatorial double auction-based marketplace mechanism for cloud computing
Current account and real exchange rate changes: The impact of trade openness
Shared parking problem: A novel truthful double auction mechanism approach
Achieving optimal performance of supply chain under cost information asymmetry
Who gets my flex? An evolutionary game theory analysis of flexibility market dynamics
Bringing transparency into the process: Social network analysis as a tool to support the participatory design and implementation process of Payments for Ecosystem Services
Wind, storage, interconnection and the cost of electricity generation
Making the best of both worlds: Can high-resolution agricultural administrative data support the assessment of High Nature Value farmlands across Europe?
Endogenous elasticities and the impact of the real exchange rate on structural economic dynamics
Exports and employment in the Spanish economy: A repetitive pattern
The influence of financial conditions on optimal ordering and payment policies under progressive interest schemes
A penny saved is a penny earned? Differences in male and female savings and consumption tradeoffs on online retail platforms
Understanding community benefit payments from renewable energy development
Savings defaults and payment delays for cash transfers: Field experimental evidence from Malawi
Regulating capital flows in emerging markets: The IMF and the global financial crisis
Decision Making on Medical Innovations in a Changing Health Care Environment: Insights from Accountable Care Organizations and Payers on Personalized Medicine and Other Technologies
How crude oil prices shape the global division of labor
Shopping decisions of international tourists to Korea: The Heckman sample selection approach
Gender differences in academic surgery, work-life balance, and satisfaction
Customer domain supply and load coordination: A case for smart villages and transactive control in rural off-grid microgrids
Interest on reserves, settlement, and the effectiveness of monetary policy
Endogenous money, increasing returns and economic growth: Nicholas Kaldorâs contribution
Rethinking Monitoring in Smallholder Carbon Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes: Devolve Monitoring, Understand Accuracy and Identify Co-benefits
Modeling a Government-Manufacturer-Farmer game for food supply chain risk management
Almost budget balanced mechanisms with scalar bids for allocation of a divisible good
A lightweight two-gateway based payment protocol ensuring accountability and unlinkable anonymity with dynamic identity
Efficiency and acceptance of new water allocation rules - The case of an agricultural water users association
Impact Fees Coupled With Conservation Payments to Sustain Ecosystem Structure: A Conceptual and Numerical Application at the Urban-Rural Fringe
An economic analysis of part loading generators with a focus on the provision of frequency response
The impossible trinity and Krugman׳s balance of payments crisis model
International trade and the ‘ecological balance of payments’
Business cycles in a balance-of-payments constrained growth framework ☆
A multi-sectoral balance-of-payments-constrained growth model with sectoral heterogeneity ☆

Explaining Italy's economic growth: A balance-of-payments approach with internal and external imbalances and non-neutral relative prices
Is the European debt crisis a mere balance of payments crisis?