The Necessity to Introduce the Accounting Rules and Fair Value in the Conceptual Framework ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Modeling of conductivity relaxation in oxide ceramics taking account of concentration dependent chemical diffusivities and surface exchange coefficients
Accounting for model error in Bayesian solutions to hydrogeophysical inverse problems using a local basis approach
A comparison of land use change accounting methods: seeking common grounds for key modeling choices in biofuel assessments
Modeling pedestrian flow accounting for collision avoidance during evacuation
An extended lattice model accounting for traffic jerk
Modeling heat and mass transfer during ground freezing taking into account the salinity of the saturating fluid
Cost of quality and process model: Improving accounting tools for attaining higher environmental efficiency
A computationally efficient ductile damage model accounting for nucleation and micro-inertia at high triaxialities
An extended two-lane car-following model accounting for inter-vehicle communication
A car-following model accounting for probability distribution
Combining life cycle assessment and Building Information Modelling to account for carbon emission of building demolition waste: A case study
Formulation of five degrees of freedom ball bearing model accounting for the nonlinear stiffness and damping of elastohydrodynamic point contacts
Assessment of power grid vulnerabilities accounting for stochastic loads and model imprecision
A mixture theory approach to model co- and counter-current two-phase flow in porous media accounting for viscous coupling
Building-information-modeling enabled life cycle assessment, a case study on carbon footprint accounting for a residential building in China
Accounting for realistic Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical boundary conditions whilst modeling the ageing of concrete in nuclear containment buildings: Model validation and sensitivity analysis
A mathematical multiscale model of bone remodeling, accounting for pore space-specific mechanosensation
A hill-type muscle model expansion accounting for effects of varying transverse muscle load
Mind the gap: A process model for diagnosing barriers to key account management implementation
Ensemble-based flash-flood modelling: Taking into account hydrodynamic parameters and initial soil moisture uncertainties
Computational methods for estimating multinomial, nested, and cross-nested logit models that account for semi-aggregate data
The extent to which path-integral models account for evanescent (tunneling) and complex (near-field) waves
Numerical modeling of solidification process taking into account the effect of air gap
Modeling 2-alternative forced-choice tasks: Accounting for both magnitude and difference effects
Accounting for outside options in discrete choice models: An application to commercial fishing effort
Accounting for institutional quality in global forest modeling
Macro-mechanical damage modeling of fibrous composite materials accounting for non-linear material behavior

A computational multiscale homogenization framework accounting for inertial effects: Application to acoustic metamaterials modelling
Accounting for Uncertainty in Decision Analytic Models Using Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Modeling: Application to Parametric Survival Models

Developing indicators to improve energy action plans in municipalities: An accounting framework based on the fund-flow model
A thermodynamically consistent model accounting for viscoplastic creep and anisotropic damage in unsaturated rocks
Calibrating a hydrological model in stage space to account for rating curve uncertainties: general framework and key challenges
Accounting for price endogeneity in airline itinerary choice models: An application to Continental U.S. markets
Improved reduced-order modelling of cerebrovascular flow distribution by accounting for arterial bifurcation pressure drops
Child Development Accounts, parental savings, and parental educational expectations: A path model
Comparing alternatives to account for unobserved heterogeneity in direct marketing models
A probabilistic Poisson-based model accounts for an extensive set of absolute auditory threshold measurements
Spatial statistical methods applied to the 2015 Brazilian energy distribution benchmarking model: Accounting for unobserved determinants of inefficiencies
Earnings management to exceed thresholds in continental and Anglo-Saxon accounting models: The British and French cases
Multiscale finite element modeling of nonlinear behavior of polycrystalline piezoceramics with account of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases
Numerical modeling of waveguides accounting for translational invariance and rotational symmetry
A Utility-based Dynamic Demand Estimation Model that Explicitly Accounts for Activity Scheduling and Duration.
Accounting for spatial variation of trabecular anisotropy with subject-specific finite element modeling moderately improves predictions of local subchondral bone stiffness at the proximal tibia
Multiscale modeling of nonlinear electric conductivity in graphene-reinforced nanocomposites taking into account tunnelling effect
Development of a Mathematical Model of Traffic Safety Management with Account for Opportunities of Web Technologies
An extended car-following model accounting for the average headway effect in intelligent transportation system
Lexicographic preferences for predictive modeling of human decision making: A new machine learning method with an application in accounting
A cohesive zone model taking account of the effect of through-thickness compression
Statistical model of rough surface contact accounting for size-dependent plasticity and asperity interaction
Modelling of compacted bentonite swelling accounting for salinity effects
Agent based modelling as a decision support system for shadow accounting
A novel model for the evaluation of heat accounting systems reliability in residential buildings
Development and application of a large scale river system model for National Water Accounting in Australia
A framework for analytics and simulation of accounting information systems: A Petri net modeling primer
Generalized predictive modeling for facilitated transport membranes accounting for fixed and mobile carriers
Accounting for seasonal isotopic patterns of forest canopy intercepted precipitation in streamflow modeling
A heat transfer model for condensation accounting for non-equilibrium effects
Accounting for both parameter and model structure uncertainty in crop model predictions of phenology: A case study on rice
Accounting for the temporal variation of spatial effect improves inference and projection of population dynamics models
Accounting for multiple stressors influencing living marine resources in a complex estuarine ecosystem using an Atlantis model
A water retention model accounting for the hysteresis induced by hydraulic and mechanical wetting-drying cycles
Model-based and design-based inference goals frame how to account for neighborhood clustering in studies of health in overlapping context types
Mathematical modelling of physically/geometrically non-linear micro-shells with account of coupling of temperature and deformation fields
Embedded finite element formulation for the modeling of chloride diffusion accounting for chloride binding in meso-scale concrete
Assessing the value of natural capital in marine protected areas: A biophysical and trophodynamic environmental accounting model
Cellulosic ethanol production: Landscape scale net carbon strongly affected by forest decision making
Modelling the growth of young rainforest trees for biomass estimates and carbon sequestration accounting
Estimating temporal changes in carbon sequestration in plantings of mallee eucalypts: Modelling improvements
Modelling interacting effects of invasive earthworms and wildfire on forest floor carbon storage in the boreal forest
Improved models for estimating temporal changes in carbon sequestration in above-ground biomass of mixed-species environmental plantings
Dynamic stability of a pipe conveying fluid with an uncertain computational model
Comparative evaluation of maximum likelihood ensemble filter and ensemble Kalman filter for real-time assimilation of streamflow data into operational hydrologic models
Carbon footprint of urban areas: An analysis based on emission sources account model