Effects of environmental strategy, environmental uncertainty and top management's commitment on corporate environmental performance: The role of environmental management accounting
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The moderated mediating effect of international diversification, technological capability, and market orientation on emerging market firms' new product performance
Market Value of Innovation: An Empirical Analysis on China's Stock Market ☆
Experimental study on spray characteristics of ethanol-aviation kerosene blended fuel with a high-pressure common rail injection system
Duplex output software effort estimation model with self-guided interpretation
Fresh and mechanical behavior of a self-compacting concrete with additions of nano-silica, silica fume and ternary mixtures
Development profiles and accumulation of technological capabilities in Latin America
Oil Price Shocks and the Financial Performance Patterns of Logistics Service Providers
Self-induced learning vs. project-based supplier development for production ramp-up with two supply options
The role of suppliers in enabling differing innovation strategies of competing multinationals from emerging and advanced economies: German and Chinese automotive firms compared
Competencies for sustainability: A proposed method for the analysis of their interrelationships
Parameter optimization of DepressurizationâtoâHotâWaterâFlooding in heterogeneous hydrate bearing layers based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm
Performance implications of cross-functional coopetition in new product development: the mediating role of organizational learning
Age stereotypes in distributed software development: The impact of culture on age-related performance expectations
When are stakeholder pressures effective? An extension of slack resources theory
Measuring the energy innovation process: An indicator framework and a case study of wind energy in China
Resource configurations, product development capability, and competitive advantage: An empirical analysis of their evolution
Identifying the most significant indicators of the total road safety performance index
Evolution of the open innovation paradigm: Towards a contingent conceptual model
External knowledge sources, green innovation and performance
Effects of scaling task constraints on emergent behaviours in children's racquet sports performance
Prematurity may negatively impact means-end problem solving across the first two years of life
Geographic dispersion and co-location in global R&D portfolios: Consequences for firm performance
Preschool and School-Age Irritability Predict Reward-Related Brain Function
Financial constraints, macro-financing environment and post-crisis recovery of firms
Open innovation and its effects on economic and sustainability innovation performance
Exploring the links between software development task type, team attitudes and task completion performance: Insights from the Jazz repository
The Barriers to Research and Innovation in Disaster Resilience in Higher Education Institutions in Asia
Feature assignment in multi-release work plan: Accelerating optimization using gene clustering
Evapotranspiration estimation using four different machine learning approaches in different terrestrial ecosystems
Impact of the excise tax on firm R&D and performance in the medical device industry: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act
An alternative neutral approach for cross-efficiency evaluation
Exploring technology opportunities by visualizing patent information based on generative topographic mapping and link prediction
Development of Research and Innovation Capacity Index of HEIs on Disaster Resilience Related Studies
Whose business is your project? A comparative study of different subsidy policy schemes for collaborative R&D
A meta-analytic study of the impact of Lean Production on business performance
Do managers act opportunistically towards the end of their career?
Does rivals' innovation matter? A competitive dynamics perspective on firms' product strategy
Future cost and performance of water electrolysis: An expert elicitation study
Green development determinants in China: A non-radial quantile outlook
A multicriteria sorting approach based on data envelopment analysis for R&D project selection problem
A pruning approach to optimize synaptic connections and select relevant input parameters for neural network modelling of solar radiation
Forecasting potential sensor applications of triboelectric nanogenerators through tech mining
Improved methodology for analysis of multiple phytohormones using sequential magnetic solid-phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Evaluation of cleaner production technology integration for the Chinese herbal medicine industry using carbon flow analysis
Development of an Appropriate Model for Forecasting Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Bangkok
Forecasting of groundwater level fluctuations using ensemble hybrid multi-wavelet neural network-based models
Design and performance attributes driving mobile travel application engagement
Has government intervention effectively encouraged the use of waste cooking oil as an energy source? Comparison of two Chinese biofuel companies
The mechanical behavior of sandwich composite joints for ship structures
System specification and validation of a noseband pressure sensor for measurement of ruminating and eating behavior in stable-fed cows
Dynamics and distribution of public and private research and extension roles for technological innovation and diffusion: Case studies of the implementation and adaptation of precision farming technologies
An Examination of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire Performance in a Countrywide American Sample of Children: Cross-Cultural Differences in Age and Impact in the United States and Europe
More than 5000 patients with metastatic melanoma in Europe per year do not have access to recommended first-line innovative treatments
Cartelization or Cost-sharing? Comparison of cooperation modes in a green supply chain
A practical approach to comparative design of non-contact sensing techniques for seed flow rate detection
Audiovisual sentence repetition as a clinical criterion for auditory development in Persian-language children with hearing loss
Rapid ionic liquid-supported nano-hybrid composite reinforced hollow-fiber electromembrane extraction followed by field-amplified sample injection-capillary electrophoresis: An effective approach for extraction and quantification of Imatinib mesylate in h
Consistency of a lumbar movement pattern across functional activities in people with low back pain
Research and development investment and financing constraints: The case of Japan
Adaptive intra-refresh for low-delay error-resilient video coding ☆☆☆
Measuring and comparing the R&D performance of government research institutes: A bottom-up data envelopment analysis approach

R&D Expenditures by Sectors of Performance and Analysis of Performance Indicators in the Baltic States ☆
Innovation, the diesel engine and vehicle markets: Evidence from OECD engine patents
Differences in the rates of return to R&D for European and US young leading R&D firms
Weekly, technical and administrative work hours: Relationships to the extent R&D professionals innovate and help manage the innovation process
The moderating role of internal and external resources on the performance effect of multitasking: Evidence from the R&D performance of surgeons
Non-linear multiclassifier model based on Artificial Intelligence to predict research and development performance in European countries
Business type, industry value chain, and R&D performance: Evidence from high-tech firms in an emerging market