در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Monetary policy uncertainty and the market reaction to macroeconomic news
Performance of foreign banks in developing countries: Evidence from sub-Saharan African banking markets
Currency co-movement and network correlation structure of foreign exchange market
A foreign currency effect in the syndicated loan market of emerging economies
Correlation analysis of the Korean stock market: Revisited to consider the influence of foreign exchange rate
Impact of institutional reforms and industry structural factors on market returns of emerging market rivals during acquisitions by foreign firms
Inbound foreign direct investment in Japan: A typology
Are Foreign-Owned Firms More Likely to Pay Bribes than Domestic Ones? Evidence from Emerging Markets
Big fish in small banking ponds? Cost advantage and foreign affiliate presence
Quantile Dependence between the Stock, Bond and Foreign Exchange Markets - Evidence from the UK
Volatility of stock market returns and the naira exchange rate
Managerial learning from social capital during internationalization
Global price discovery in the Australian dollar market and its determinants
The impact of tick-size reductions in foreign currency futures markets
Do foreign institutional traders have private information for the market index? The aspect of market microstructure
Foreign direct investment with host country market structures, with empirical application to Japan
Foreign equity flows: Boon or bane to the liquidity of Malaysian stock market?
Do foreign investors mitigate anchoring bias in stock market? Evidence based on post-earnings announcement drift
The logic behind foreign market selection: Objective distance dimensions vs. strategic objectives and psychic distance
U.S. corporate investment and foreign penetration: Imports and inward foreign direct investment

Bond market evidence of time variation in exposures to global risk factors and the role of US monetary policy
Evidence of time-varying conditional discrete jump dynamics in sub-Saharan African foreign exchange markets
Hot money and cross-section of stock returns during the global financial crisis
The drivers of foreign bank lending in Central and Eastern Europe: The roles of parent, subsidiary and host market traits
Borrowing beyond borders: Foreign assets, lender choice, and loan pricing in the syndicated bank loan market
Offshore renminbi trading: Findings from the 2013 Triennial Central Bank Survey
Contagion effects of U.S. Dollar and Chinese Yuan in forward and spot foreign exchange markets
Human vs. high-frequency traders, penny jumping, and tick size
Puzzles in the Tokyo fixing in the forex market: Order imbalances and Bank pricing
Lean against the wind: The moderation effect of foreign investments during the economic recession in Russia
Corruptionâs impact on foreign portfolio investment
Central banks and macroeconomic policy choices: Relaxing the trilemma
The diffusion of corporate governance to emerging markets: Evaluating two dimensions of investor heterogeneity
The Spanish or the German apartment? Study abroad and the acquisition of permanent skills
Examining the uncovered equity parity in the emerging financial markets
Cost of sovereign debt and foreign bias in bond allocations
Hawkes processes for forecasting currency crashes: Evidence from Russia
Reprint of: The asymmetric effect of international swap lines on banks in emerging markets
Evaluating foreign market entry mode theories from a hotel industry perspective
Foreign portfolio flows and emerging stock market: Is the midnight bell ringing in India?
Timing liquidity in the foreign exchange market: Did hedge funds do it?
Trading of foreign investors and stock returns in an emerging market - Evidence from Vietnam
Sophistication and price impact of foreign investors in the Brazilian stock market
Macroeconomic announcements and price discovery in the foreign exchange market
Do foreign investors improve stock price informativeness in emerging equity markets? Evidence from Vietnam
The stock market reaction to losing or gaining foreign private issuer status
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect: An analysis of Chinese partial stock market liberalization impact on the local and foreign markets
Tracing dynamic linkages and spillover effect between Pakistani and leading foreign stock markets
Institutional and resource configurations associated with different SME foreign market entry modes
Liquidity Commonality in Foreign Exchange Markets During the Global Financial Crisis and the Sovereign Debt Crisis: Effects of Macroeconomic and Quantitative Easing Announcements
The influence of CEO overconfidence on ownership choice in foreign market entry decisions
The impact of foreign equity flows on market volatility during politically tranquil and turbulent times: The Egyptian experience
Exchange rate rebounds after foreign exchange market interventions
Foreign market entry mode choice of hotel companies: Determining factors
Ex-ante versus ex-post privatization policies with foreign penetration in free-entry mixed markets
Impact of foreign exchange rate on oil companies risk in stock market: A Markov-switching approach
Foreign direct investment and business start-up in developing countries: The role of financial market development
A relative value trading system based on a correlation and rough set analysis for the foreign exchange futures market
Causal relationship between the global foreign exchange market based on complex networks and entropy theory
Syndication and Foreignness: Venture Capital Investments in Emerging and Developed Markets
SME foreign market entry mode choice and foreign venture performance: The moderating effect of international experience and product adaptation
Simple measures of market efficiency: A study in foreign exchange markets
Analysis of chaos and nonlinearities in a foreign exchange market
The effects of institutional quality and diversity of foreign markets on exporting firms’ innovation
Geographic, cultural, and psychic distance to foreign markets in the context of small and new ventures
Network knowledge and business-relationship value in the foreign market
The Home Country Cultural Determinants of Firms' Foreign Market Entry Timing Strategies
The “grabbing hand” or the “helping hand” view of corruption: Evidence from bank foreign market entries