Can the presence of foreign investment affect the capital structure of domestic firms?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Foreign investment and urban development: A perspective from tourist cities
Determinants of Capital Flows to Emerging Economies - Evidence from Vietnam
Does foreign direct investment affect environmental pollution in China's cities? A spatial econometric perspective
Foreign direct investment and export quality upgrading in China's manufacturing sector
What drives foreign direct investment: The role of language, geographical distance, information flows and technological similarity
The trend of foreign direct investment movement: Did unintended nation brand of legal-families play an instrumental role?
Capital intensity, natural resources, and institutional risk preferences in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment
Place, space, and foreign direct investment into peripheral cities
Does foreign direct investment drive environmental degradation in China? An empirical study based on air quality index from a spatial perspective
Financial openness & institutions in developing countries
The rise and fall of foreign private investment in the jatropha biofuel value chain in Ghana
Foreign direct investment and economic growth: Exploring the transmission channels
Legalization, diplomacy, and development: Do investment treaties de-politicize investment disputes?
Much ado about nothing: No fear of becoming a multinational

Digital multimodal composing and investment change in learners' writing in English as a foreign language
The impact of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative on growth and investment in Africa
U.S. corporate investment and foreign penetration: Imports and inward foreign direct investment
Inbound foreign direct investment in Japan: A typology
What is China seeking from Africa? An analysis of the economic and political determinants of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment based on Stochastic Frontier Models
The gendered effects of foreign investment and prolonged state ownership on mortality in Hungary: an indirect demographic, retrospective cohort study
Dynamic impact of fdi inflows on poverty reduction: Empirical evidence from South Africa
Foreign direct investment with host country market structures, with empirical application to Japan
R&D, foreign ownership, and corporate groups: Evidence from Japanese firms
Productivity, financial constraints and outward foreign direct investment: Firm-level evidence
Can foreign direct investment harness energy consumption in China? A time series investigation
Influence of energy use, foreign direct investment and population growth on unemployment for Russian Federation
Expanding near the home base or venture far? The influence of home country state on the economic distance of foreign direct investments
Economic and environmental impacts of foreign direct investment in China: A spatial spillover analysis
Foreign direct investment and business start-up in developing countries: The role of financial market development
Foreign direct investment and environmental sustainability in Africa: The role of institutions and governance
Foreign direct investment and the performance of indigenous firms in Chinas textile industry
Effect of multilateral trade liberalization on foreign direct investment outflows amid structural economic vulnerability in developing countries
The effect of exchange rate fluctuation on intra-industry reallocation in a firm heterogeneity model with trade and foreign direct investment
Investment motive as a moderator of cultural-distance and relative knowledge relationships with foreign subsidiary ownership structure
How does outward foreign direct investment enhance firm productivity? A heterogeneous empirical analysis from Chinese manufacturing
Chinese investment in Greenlands mining industry: Toward a new framework for foreign direct investment
Foreign direct investment, income, and environmental pollution in developing countries: Panel data analysis of Latin America
Where do the advanced countries invest? An investigation of capital flows from advanced countries to emerging economies
Foreign direct investment and temporary workers in Japan
Is foreign direct investment good for health in low and middle income countries? An instrumental variable approach
Investigating the pollution haven hypothesis in Ghana: An empirical investigation
Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms

Enhancing national innovative capacity: The impact of high-tech international trade and inward foreign direct investment
Does founder ownership affect foreign investments? Evidence from India
Accounting quality and information asymmetry of foreign direct investment firms
Corruptionâs impact on foreign portfolio investment
Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Latin America
The environmental consequences of domestic and foreign investment: Evidence from China
Determinants of foreign direct investment in wind energy in developing countries
Foreign direct investment, productivity and the technology gap in African economies
Investment climate in Russia and challenges for foreign business: The case of Japanese companies
The effects of financial development on foreign direct investment
Family ownership, country governance, and foreign portfolio investment
A signaling model of foreign direct investment attraction
Does foreign direct investment crowd in or crowd out private domestic investment in China? The effect of entry mode
Multinational companies from transition economies and their outward foreign direct investment
Foreign direct investment and technology spillover in Iran: The role of technological capabilities of subsidiaries
Foreign Direct Investment and the Shipbuilding Industry: A Bangladesh Perspective
Lean against the wind: The moderation effect of foreign investments during the economic recession in Russia
Do state and foreign ownership affect investment efficiency? Evidence from privatizations
Syndication and Foreignness: Venture Capital Investments in Emerging and Developed Markets
Does foreign direct investment affect host-country firms' financial constraints?
Foreign institutional investment, business groups and firm performance: Evidence from India
Does foreign direct investment improve the productivity of domestic firms? Technology spillovers, industry linkages, and firm capabilities
Foreign direct investment, foreign trade and environment: New evidence from simultaneous-equation system of gravity models
Dynamic of foreign direct investment in the states of Mexico: An analysis of Markov's spatial chains
Outward foreign direct investments and home countryâs economic growth
Effects of foreign acquisitions on financial constraints, productivity and investment in R&D of target firms in China
Foreign direct investment in the eastern European countries: Determinants and performance
The Legal Value of Prior Steps to Arbitration in International Law of Foreign Investment: Two (Different?) Approaches, One Outcome
Regional Features of Attracting Foreign Investments into the Russian Economy ☆
Foreign investment and real exchange rate volatility in emerging Asian countries