Predicting of fan speed for energy saving in HVAC system based on adaptive network based fuzzy inference system
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Modelling intervention policies of government in price-energy saving competition of green supply chains

Burdening proportion and new energy-saving technologies analysis and optimization for iron and steel production system
Public acceptance of household energy-saving measures in Beijing: Heterogeneous preferences and policy implications
Decomposition of energy efficiency and energy-saving potential in China: A three-hierarchy meta-frontier approach
A two-stage optimization method for energy-saving flexible job-shop scheduling based on energy dynamic characterization
Theoretical performance analysis of window air conditioner combined with evaporative cooling for better indoor thermal comfort and energy saving
Energy-saving optimization of coking wastewater treated by aerobic bio-treatment integrating two-stage activated carbon adsorption
Energy diagnosis and structuring an energy saving proposal for the metal casting industry: An experience in Colombia
Energy-saving analysis of a case data center with a pump-driven loop heat pipe system in different climate regions in China
Energy saving control in separate meter in and separate meter out control system
A green scheduling algorithm for flexible job shop with energy-saving measures
Heating energy saving potential from building envelope design and operation optimization in residential buildings: A case study in northern China
Joint load balancing and energy saving algorithm for virtual network embedding in infrastructure providers
Fractional-order modeling and sliding mode control of energy-saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system
Improving oxygen transfer efficiency by developing a novel energy-saving impeller
Using artificial neural networks to assess HVAC related energy saving in retrofitted office buildings
Life cycle operating energy saving from windows retrofitting in heritage buildings accounting for technical performance decay
Energy modeling and saving potential analysis using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network: A case study of ethylene industry
Numerical evaluation on energy saving potential of a solar photovoltaic thermoelectric radiant wall system in cooling dominant climates
Modeling uncertainty in estimation of carbon dioxide abatement costs of energy-saving technologies for passenger cars in China
Performance of Hong Kong's common trees species for outdoor temperature regulation, thermal comfort and energy saving
Biased data revisions: Unintended consequences of China's energy-saving mandates
Impact factors of household energy-saving behavior: An empirical study of Shandong Province in China
Factors affecting energy-saving behaviours and energy efficiency investments in British households
Energy saving potential of thermoelectric radiant cooling panels with a dedicated outdoor air system
Performance evaluation and energy-saving potential comparison of a heat-powered novel compression-enhanced ejector refrigeration cycle with an economizer
Optimal chiller loading for saving energy by exchange market algorithm
The effect of governmental policies of carbon taxes and energy-saving subsidies on enterprise decisions in a two-echelon supply chain
Development of a detachable window aircap module for energy saving
Energy saving in metro systems: Simultaneous optimization of stationary energy storage systems and speed profiles
Personal thermal management using portable thermoelectrics for potential building energy saving
Analysis of Typical Energy Saving Technology in the Sewage Treatment Plant
The choice of energy saving modes for an energy-intensive manufacturer considering non-energy benefits
Numerical investigation of height impact of local exhaust combined with an office work station on energy saving and indoor environment
Energy Saving Equipment for Crushed Materials Drying
Investigation of the Energy Saving Potential in Existing School Buildings in Greece. The role of Shading and Daylight Strategies in Visual Comfort and Energy Saving
Integrating a vapor recompression heat pump into a lower partitioned reactive dividing-wall column for better energy-saving performance
Free cooling technologies for data centers: energy saving mechanism and applications
Potential fuel saving in a powertrain derived from the recovery of the main energy losses for a long haul European mission
Analysis of energy saving performance for household refrigerator with thermal storage of condenser and evaporator
Energy saving factors affecting analysis on district heating system with distributed variable frequency speed pumps
Annual energy saving potential for integrated application of phase change envelopes and HVAC in Western China
Effectiveness of a perforated light shelf for energy saving
Agent Based Modeling for Estimating Energy-saving Potential of Offices Under Different Pricing Mechanisms
Energy optimization for maximum energy saving with optimal modification in Continuous Catalytic Regeneration Reformer Process
Energy Saving Potential with a Double-Skin Roof Ventilated by Natural Convection in Djibouti
Analytical method to evaluate energy saving potential of thermal energy storage in cogeneration system based on load characteristics
A novel energy-saving pressure swing distillation process based on self-heat recuperation technology
Energy-saving control strategy for lighting system based on multivariate extremum seeking with Newton algorithm
A practical review of energy saving technology for ageing populations
Saving energy in the workplace: Why, and for whom?
Evaluation of energy saving effects of tiered electricity pricing and investigation of the energy saving willingness of residents
Contributions of energy-saving technologies to building energy saving in different climatic regions of China
Design of energy-saving carbon dioxide separation process using fluidized bed
Energy saving analysis and management modeling based on index decomposition analysis integrated energy saving potential method: Application to complex chemical processes
Estimates of energy demand and energy saving potential in China's agricultural sector
Economic analysis on energy saving technologies for complex manufacturing building
Research on Passive Energy - saving Renovation of the Roof of Traditional Residences
Standby energy use and saving potentials associated with occupant behavior of chinese rural homes
Energy saving evaluation of a novel energy system based on spray cooling for supercomputer center
The elasticity of the potential of emission reduction to energy saving: Definition, measurement, and evidence from China
Application of the extended theory of planned behavior to understand individualâs energy saving behavior in workplaces
The choice of energy saving modes for an energy-intensive manufacturer under non-coordination and coordination scenarios
An efficient power saving polling scheme in the internet of energy
Analyzing the Energy-saving Potential of Buildings for Sustainable Refurbishment
Industrial structure, energy-saving regulations and energy intensity: Evidence from Chinese cities
Energy saving potential of heat removal using natural cooling water in the top zone of buildings with large interior spaces
Housing-related lifestyle and energy saving: A multi-level approach
Energy savings from housing: Ineffective renovation subsidies vs efficient demolition and reconstruction incentives

A comprehensive analysis of China's regional energy saving and emission reduction efficiency: From production and treatment perspectives
Evaluation of energy saving potential in China's cement industry using the Asian-Pacific Integrated Model and the technology promotion policy analysis
Façade refurbishment of existing office buildings: Do conventional energy-saving interventions always work?