در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.

Illegality, motherhood, and place: Undocumented Latinas making meaning and negotiating daily life
Can a gastric cancer risk survey identify high-risk patients for endoscopic screening? A pilot study
The career adaptive refugee: Exploring the structural and personal barriers to refugee resettlement
A personal network approach to the study of immigrant structural assimilation and transnationalism
Globalization, transnational identities, and conflict talk: The superdiversity and complexity of the Latino identity
Dual identity and psychological adjustment: A study among immigrant-origin members
Ethnicity, length of residence, and prospective trends in body mass index in a national sample of Australian adults (20062014)
Black flight: Heterogeneous accounts of Mexican immigration in a diverse community
Cultural socialization practices among Latino immigrant families within a restrictive immigration socio-political context
Diverging patterns of cardiovascular diseases across immigrant groups in Northern Italy
Living in diversity: Going beyond the local/national divide
Immigrant social worker practice: An ecological perspective on strengths and challenges
Predictors of non-U.S. born mothers' parenting stress across early childhood in fragile families: A longitudinal analysis
Review of female immigrant entrepreneurship research: Past findings, gaps and ways forward
Religiosity as a bridge or barrier to immigrant childrenâs educational achievement?
Presence of coronary artery disease in diabetic and non diabetic South Asian immigrants
The effect of culture on the fertility decisions of immigrant women in the United States
Social vulnerability of marginalized people in times of disaster: Case of Thai women in Japan Tsunami 2011
Neighbor discrimination theory and evidence from the French rental market
Investigating links between cultural orientation and culture outcomes: Immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany

Intergroup contact versus conflict in Catalan high schools: A multilevel analysis of adolescent attitudes toward immigration and diversity
Winter birth, urbanicity and immigrant status predict psychometric schizotypy dimensions in adolescents
Entrepreneurs and internationalization: A study of Western immigrants in an emerging market
Is Multi-Ethnic Advertising a globally viable strategy for a Western luxury car brand? A mixed-method cross-cultural study
The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment

Perceived discrimination, language proficiencies, and adaptation: Comparisons between refugee and non-refugee immigrant youth in Australia
Family meals then and now: A qualitative investigation of intergenerational transmission of family meal practices in a racially/ethnically diverse and immigrant population
With a little help from my child: A dyad approach to immigrant mothers' and adolescents' socio-cultural adaptation
The spectacle of the feminine Other: Reading migrant women's autobiographies about honour-based violence
Young immigrants' host country identification and their friendships with natives: Does relative group size matter?
Shifting frames: Turkish immigrant children's rescaling practices in two school settings in Arizona
Living with parents or grandparents increases social capital and survival: 2014 General Social Survey-National Death Index
The role of identity and psychosomatic symptoms as mediating the relationship between discrimination and risk behaviors among first and second generation immigrant adolescents
Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Low-Income Latino Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Children
The impact of intergenerational cultural transmission on fertility decisions
Is there really such thing as immigrant spatial assimilation in France? Desegregation trends and inequality along ethnoracial lines
Socio-economic status and risk for suicide by immigration background in Norway: A register-based national study
Self-care among Filipinos in the United States who have hypertension
Cervical Cancer Screening Experiences Among Chinese American Immigrant Women in the United States
Disengagement in immigrant groups receiving services for a first episode of psychosis
Does the ethno-religious diversity of a neighbourhood affect the perceived health of its residents?
Comparing the discussion networks and voluntary association memberships of immigrants and non-immigrants in U.S. suburban gateways
Dynamic optimization in binary search spaces via weighted superposition attraction algorithm

Prevalence of Mental Disorder and Service Use by Immigrant Generation and Race/Ethnicity Among U.S. Adolescents
From the West Indies to Africa: A universal generational decline in health among blacks in the United States
Intergenerational differences in smoking among West Indian, Haitian, Latin American, and African blacks in the United States
Bullying among immigrant and non-immigrant early adolescents: School- and student-level effects
Revisiting the immigrant paradox: Suicidal ideations and suicide attempts among immigrant and non-immigrant adolescents
The risk of female genital cutting in Europe: Comparing immigrant attitudes toward uncut girls with attitudes in a practicing country
Second-generation Moroccan Women in Europe: Higher Education and Labour Market Positioning
Draw and Tell: Dietary Acculturation as Lived by Black Immigrant Children of African and Caribbean Descent Residing in Canada
Acculturation, discrimination and wellbeing among second generation of immigrants in Canada
The role of parental involvement in academic achievement trajectories of elementary school children with Southeast Asian and Taiwanese mothers
Sounds of disadvantage: Musical taste and the origins of ethnic difference
A large-scale national study of gambling severity among immigrant and non-immigrant adolescents: The role of the family
Unintended pregnancies among women serving in the Israeli military
Child height and intergenerational transmission of health: Evidence from ethnic Indians in England
The socio-political context of migration and reproductive health disparities: The case of early sexual initiation among Mexican-origin immigrant young women
Study of the influencing factors of the blood levels of toxic elements in Africans from 16 countries
Effects of cultural brokering on individual wellbeing and family dynamics among immigrant youth
Age at migration, family instability, and timing of sexual onset
Truancy as systemic discrimination: Anti-discrimination legislation and its effect on school attendance among immigrant children
Somatization among persons with Turkish origin: Results of the pretest of the German National Cohort Study
Home in the re-making: Immigrants' transcultural experiencing of home
The effect of immigrant generation and duration on self-rated health among US adults 2003–2007 ☆
Immigrant generation, selective acculturation, and alcohol use among Latina/o adolescents ☆
Immigrant generation, socioeconomic status, and economic development of countries of origin: A longitudinal study of body mass index among children