Antimicrobial stigmatization: Public health concerns about conventional pig farming and pig farmers' experiences with stigmatization
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The impact of brand authenticity on building brand love: An investigation of impression in memory and lifestyle-congruence
Let's try and grapple all of this: A snapshot of racial identity development and racial pedagogical decision making in an elective social studies course
Dispossession and disenchantment: The micropolitics of marine conservation in southeastern Tanzania
Expert perceptions of low-carbon transitions: Investigating the challenges of electricity decarbonisation in the Nordic region
Category membership, identity control, and the reevaluation of prosocial opportunities
Embezzlement, whistleblowing, and organizational architecture: An experimental investigation
Don't know, don't care: An exploration of evidence based knowledge and practice in human resource management
Is cognitive intervention or forgiveness intervention more effective for the reduction of driving anger in Chinese bus drivers?
When positive ends tarnish the means: The morality of nonprofit more than of for-profit organizations is tainted by the use of compliance techniques
Original articleThe meanings of mining: A perspective on the regulation of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in southern Ecuador
Kalaban: Young drug usersâ engagements with law enforcement in the Philippines
Hypocrisy and culture: Failing to practice what you preach receives harsher interpersonal reactions in independent (vs. interdependent) cultures
Envisioning and implementing wood-based bioenergy systems in the southern United States: Imaginaries in everyday talk
Is all authenticity accepted by tourists and residents? The concept, dimensions and formation mechanism of negative authenticity
Influence of Social Identity on Negative Perceptions in Global Virtual Teams
Eastern Asia's revitalization of the state ideal through maritime territorial disputes
The pragmatics of manipulation: Exploiting im/politeness theories
From good institutions to generous citizens: Top-down incentives to cooperate promote subsequent prosociality but not norm enforcement

Licensed to say no: How and why does engaging in a prior moral action influence family support provision?
Implicit moral evaluations: A multinomial modeling approach
Foucault, governmentality, strategy: From the ear of the sovereign to the multitude
Ambivalent climate of opinions: Tensions and dilemmas in understanding geoengineering experimentation
Newsweek discourses on China and their Korean translations: A corpus-based approach
What Makes Locals Protesters? A Discursive Analysis of Two Cases in Gold-mining Industry in Turkey
Engineering imaginaries: Anticipatory foresight for solar radiation management governance
Observed Differences in Corruption between Asia and Africa: The Industrial Organization of Corruption and Its Cure
Agents of the Father's law in a society of brothers: A philosophic and psychoanalytic perspective on legitimate use of violence
The moral mechanism of counter accounts: The case of industrial animal production
Historical thinking skills and mastery of multiple document tasks
Reglas proambientales: una alternativa para disminuir la brecha entre el decir-hacer en la educación ambiental
A novel automatic satire and irony detection using ensembled feature selection and data mining
Altruism in tourism: Social Exchange Theory vs Altruistic Surplus Phenomenon in host volunteering
Port governance in Taiwan: How hypocrisy helps meet aspirations of change
Self-deception in public relations. A psychological and sociological approach to the challenge of conflicting expectations
The environmental footprints of conservationists, economists and medics compared
Lifting the veil on allowing headscarves in football: A co-constructed and analytical autoethnography
Doing good and doing bad: The impact of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility on firm performance
Analytic cognitive style and cognitive ability differentially predict religiosity and social conservatism
Approaching paradox: Loving and hating mega-events
Ending tobacco sales in pharmacies: A qualitative study
Alcohol and cannabis: Comparing their adverse health effects and regulatory regimes
Self-compassion decreases acceptance of own immoral behaviors
Corruption as an organizational process: Understanding the logic of the denormalization of corruption
Green Returns to Education: Does Schooling Contribute to Pro-Environmental Behaviours? Evidence from Thailand
Contextualizing the complexities of managing alternative tourism at the community-level: A case study of a nordic eco-village
An examination of the political salience of corporate tax avoidance: A case study of the Tax Justice Network
Hypocrisy by association: When organizational membership increases condemnation for wrongdoing
Do as I say, not as I’ve done: Suffering for a misdeed reduces the hypocrisy of advising others against it ☆
On why hypocrisy thrives: Reasonable doubt created by moral posturing can deter punishment
Moral hypocrisy: impression management or self-deception? ☆