Relationships between two types of reputational concern and altruistic behavior in daily life
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Personal values and support for Donald Trump during the 2016 US presidential primary
Exploring the relation between individual moral antecedents and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition for sustainable development
Ancestral kinship patterns substantially reduce the negative effect of increasing group size on incentives for public goods provision
Motivating social sharing of e-business content: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, or crowding-out effect?
How to activate moral norm to adopt electric vehicles in China? An empirical study based on extended norm activation theory
Serving the public interest in several ways: Theory and empirics
Model-based non-Gaussian interest topic distribution for user retweeting in social networks
Factors that affect scientists' knowledge sharing behavior in health and life sciences research communities: Differences between explicit and implicit knowledge
Preparation for old age in France: The roles of preferences and expectations
Financial bubbles and capital accumulation in altruistic economies
Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor
A computer simulation to investigate the association between gene-based gifting and pair-bonding in early hominins
Make this detour and be unselfish! Influencing urban route choice by explaining traffic management
The interplay between sharing behavior and beliefs about others in children during dictator games
Male pattern hair loss: Taking one for the team: The selfless gene
Twenty years after enactment of the Organ Transplant Law in Japan: Why are there still so few deceased donors?
Are non-verbal facial cues of altruism cross-culturally readable?
Research altruism as motivation for participation in community-centered environmental health research
The value of psychosocial group activity in nursing education: A qualitative analysis
The effect of visual cues on performance in the ultimatum game in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Pro-social personality traits, helping behavior, and ego-depletion: Is helping really easier for the dispositionally pro-social?
Spatial patterns generated by simultaneous cooperation and exploitation favour the evolution of altruism
The substitution of governance mechanisms in the evolution of family firms
Community-Driven Development and Social Capital: Evidence from Morocco
One-shot reciprocity under error management is unbiased and fragile
Fidelity of parent-offspring transmission and the evolution of social behavior in structured populations
Psychological resilience in U.S. military veterans: A 2-year, nationally representative prospective cohort study
International educational tourism: Does it foster global learning? A survey of South African high school learners
Sleep restriction and circadian effects on social decisions
Social networking online to recover from opioid use disorder: A study of community interactions
Hospital competition in prices and quality: A variational inequality framework
Neural congruence between intertemporal and interpersonal self-control: Evidence from delay and social discounting
Remittances, social security, and the crowding-out effect: Evidence from Vietnam
The neural correlates of reciprocity are sensitive to prior experience of reciprocity
Angels everywhere? How beliefs in pure evil and pure good predict perceptions of heroic behavior
Toward a dynamic process model of entrepreneurial networking under uncertainty
Conceptualizing agency: Folkpsychological and folkcommunicative perspectives on plants
Effects of altruism and burnout on driving behavior of bus drivers
Neural substrates of male parochial altruism are modulated by testosterone and behavioral strategy
Exhibited trust and excessive knowledge specificity: A competitive altruism hypothesis
Intergenerational altruism and house prices: Evidence from bequest tax reforms in Italy
Altruism in tourism: Social Exchange Theory vs Altruistic Surplus Phenomenon in host volunteering
Punishment in the form of shared cost promotes altruism in the cooperative dilemma games
Saving energy in the workplace: Why, and for whom?
Warm glow vs. altruistic values: How important is intrinsic emotional reward in proenvironmental behavior?
An analytic approach to assessing organizational citizenship behavior
Prospective thinking and decision making in primary school age children
The effect of effectiveness: Donor response to aid effectiveness in a direct mail fundraising experiment

Emergence of cooperation and a fair system optimum in road networks: A game-theoretic and agent-based modelling approach
Social responsibility and incentives in the lab: Why do agents exert more effort when principals donate?
Self-interest and equity concerns: A behavioural allocation rule for operational problems
Accountants and the pursuit of the national interest: A study of role conflict during the First World War
Knowledge sharing motivations in online health communities: A comparative study of health professionals and normal users
Avoiding affection, avoiding altruism: Why is avoidant attachment related to less helping?
Who cooperates in repeated games: The role of altruism, inequity aversion, and demographics
Completed egoism and intended altruism boost healthy food choices
Rewarding altruism: Addressing the issue of payments for volunteers in public health initiatives