Timeliness, transparency, and trust: A framework for managing online customer complaints
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Online review response strategy and its effects on competitive performance
Tailoring management response to negative reviews: The effectiveness of accommodative versus defensive responses
A retrospective study of complaint letters sent to a Swiss Emergency Department between 2009 and 2014
The interactional work of suppressing complaints in customer service encounters
How to influence consumer mindset: A perspective from service recovery
Guilt norms regarding historical violence and implications for intergroup relations in France
Your behaviour has consequences: Children and young people's perspectives on reparation with their fathers after domestic violence
Building mutual affection-based face in conflict mediation: A Chinese relationship management model
The determinants of approval of online consumer revenge
Self-compassionate and apologetic? How and why having compassion toward the self relates to a willingness to apologize
Communication after an integrity-based trust violation: How organizational account giving affects trust
Social representations of colonialism in Africa and in Europe: Structure and relevance for contemporary intergroup relations
The role of regulation and financial compensation on trust recovery
Public Perceptions About Nerve Injury From Hip Replacement Surgery
The Hidden Cost of Regulation: The Administrative Cost of Reporting Serious Reportable Events
Suffering in Silence: Medical Error and its Impact on Health Care Providers
Facing the unknown crimes of older generations: Emotional and cognitive reactions of young Italian students reading an historical text on the colonial invasion of Ethiopia
Unfinished Business in Families of Terminally Ill With Cancer Patients
Giving offense and making amends: How hotel management attempts to manage rapport with dissatisfied customers
Can winning take care of everything? A longitudinal assessment of post-transgression actions on repairing trust in an athlete endorser
Narcissism and self-presentation: Profiling grandiose and vulnerable Narcissists' self-presentation tactic use
A qualitative meta-analysis of apologia, image repair, and crisis communication: Implications for theory and practice
Managing disruptive student conduct: Negative emotions and accountability in reproach-response sequences
Guilt without fault: A qualitative study into the ethics of forgiveness after traumatic childbirth

Fight and flight: A multilevel analysis of facework strategies in intercultural face-threatening acts
Relationship Between State Malpractice Environment and Quality of Health Care in the United States
The pragmatics of conversational humour in social visits: French and Australian English
The grammar of anger: Mapping the computational architecture of a recalibrational emotion
Systematic approaches to adverse events in obstetrics, Part II: Event analysis and response
Describing theoretical underpinnings in juvenile justice diversion: A case study explicating Teen Court program theory to guide research and practice
Changing experience of adverse medical events in the National Health Service: Comparison of two population surveys in 2001 and 2013
Association Between State Medical Malpractice Environment and Postoperative Outcomes in the United States
Better safe than sorry: Why organizations in crisis should never hesitate to steal thunder
Processes for Identifying and Reviewing Adverse Events and Near Misses at an Academic Medical Center
Crisis Communication in Libraries: Opportunity for New Roles in Public Relations
What do citizens communicate about during crises? Analyzing twitter use during the 2011 UK riots
Explicit instruction of spoken requests: An examination of pre-departure instruction and the study abroad environment
Exploring the psychological processes underlying interpersonal forgiveness: The superiority of motivated reasoning over empathy
A signal-detection approach to modeling forgiveness decisions
The effect of apology on forgiveness: Belief in a just world as a moderator
Saying sorry: Ethical leadership and the act of public apology
A balance theory approach to stakeholder network and apology strategy
Understanding the effects of a social media service failure apology: A comparative study of customers vs. potential customers
Denial outperforms apology in repairing organizational trust despite strong evidence of guilt
Managing a crisis: A framing analysis of press releases dealing with the Fukushima nuclear power station crisis
Service failures in e-retailing: Examining the effects of response time, compensation, and service criticality
Who says what during crises? A study about the interplay between gender similarity with the spokesperson and crisis response strategy
What, who, when, where and how to inform patients after an adverse event: A qualitative study
Talk the Talk: Implementing a Communication Curriculum for Surgical Residents
The pragmatics of manipulation: Exploiting im/politeness theories
Remaking collective knowledge: An analysis of the complex and multiple effects of inquiries into historical institutional child abuse
Meaning making by public leaders in times of crisis: An assessment
Switching to Taiwanese in Mandarin-dominant spoken media discourse in Taiwan: Evidence of association as the main motivation
The effects of marketer- and advocate-initiated online service recovery responses on silent bystanders
Nonverbal cues of deception in audiovisual crisis communication
Can a CEO's YouTube apology following a service failure win customers' hearts?
Saving face? When emotion displays during public apologies mitigate damage to organizational performance
Please accept my sincere and humble apologies: The HEXACO model of personality and the proclivity to apologize
Relationship value promotes costly apology-making: testing the valuable relationships hypothesis from the perpetrator's perspective
Perpetrator groups can enhance their moral self-image by accepting their own intergroup apologies ☆
When are public apologies ‘successful’? Focus on British and French apology press uptakes
The effectiveness of apologies and thanks in favor asking messages: A cross-cultural comparison between Korea and the United States ☆
Saying ‘sorry’: Corporate apologies posted on Twitter
The apology mismatch: Asymmetries between victim's need for apologies and perpetrator's willingness to apologize