Zone-based formal specification and timing analysis of real-time self-adaptive systems
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Control of an agent in the multi-goal environment with homeostasis-based neural network
Energy efficiency optimization strategies for university research buildings with hot summer and cold winter climate of China based on the adaptive thermal comfort
Naming game with biased assimilation over adaptive networks
Individual-based optimal weight adaptation for heterogeneous epidemic spreading networks
Epidemic dynamics on information-driven adaptive networks
The role of friends in help-seeking tendencies during early adolescence: Do classroom goal structures moderate selection and influence of friends?
Near infrared computer vision and neuro-fuzzy model-based feeding decision system for fish in aquaculture
Motor Adaptive Remodeling Speeds Up Bacterial Chemotactic Adaptation
On the adaptive sliding mode controller for a hyperchaotic fractional-order financial system
Cultural ecologies of adaptive vs. maladaptive traits: A simple nonlinear model
Measuring self-efficacy, executive function, and temporal discounting in Kenya
Modeling individual differences: A case study of the application of system identification for personalizing a physical activity intervention
Social Adjustment and Cooperative Work in Primary Education: Teacher and Parent Perceptions
Impacts of soil-structure interaction on the structural control of nonlinear systems using adaptive control approach
Adaptation to Climate Variability: Evidence for German Households
Adaptive synchronization of complicated chaotic systems with uncertainties via fuzzy modeling-based control strategy
Informing physician strategies to overcome language barriers in encounters with pediatric patients
Control behaviors and thermal comfort in a shared room with desk fans and adjustable thermostat
Multi-agent based simulation for household solid waste recycling behavior
Adaptación y trabajo cooperativo en el alumnado de educación primaria desde la percepción del profesorado y la familia
Adaptive neural network prescribed performance matrix projection synchronization for unknown complex dynamical networks with different dimensions
Gaze-based predictive user interfaces: Visualizing user intentions in the presence of uncertainty
Mechanical adaptability analysis of underactuated mechanisms
Activating Veterans Toward Sources of Reward: A Pilot Report on Development, Feasibility, and Clinical Outcomes of a 12-Week Behavioral Activation Group Treatment

Application of the adaptive Monte Carlo method in a five-axis machine tool calibration uncertainty estimation including the thermal behavior
Age-related differences in stress responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of nonhuman primates with various types of adaptive behavior
Location choice behavior adapting to flood and cyclone hazards
Study on adaptive behavior and mechanism of compression ratio (or piston motion profile) for combustion parameters in hydraulic free piston engine
Predicting adolescents' recycling behavior among different big five personality types
Correlates of social functioning in autism spectrum disorder: The role of social cognition
Adaptive thermal comfort in university classrooms in Malaysia and Japan
Towards performance-focused implementations of adaptive devices
Development of adaptive pleated fiber reinforced plastic composites
Vaccination and public trust: A model for the dissemination of vaccination behaviour with external intervention
Analysis of the adaptive algorithms behaviour applied to the railway optimization problems
Young childrenâs use of emotion and behaviour regulation strategies in socio-emotionally challenging day-care situations
Thermal comfort and adaptation of the elderly in free-running environments in Shanghai, China
Seasonal variation of thermal sensations in residential buildings in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter zone of China
Going from bad to worse: Adaptation to poor health health spending, longevity, and the value of life
Mobility, subsistence, and technological strategies of early Holocene hunter-gatherers in the Bolivian Altiplano
Individual level consistency and correlations of fish spatial behaviour assessed from aquatic animal telemetry
Adaptive behaviour and feedback processing integrate experience and instruction in reinforcement learning
Existence of Chaos, dynamical behaviour with fractional order derivatives and modified adaptive function projective synchronization with uncertain parameters of a chaotic system
Development and implementation of an adaptive lighting and blinds control algorithm
Indoor environment and adaptive thermal comfort models in residential buildings in Tianjin, China
Producing relevant interests from social networks by mining users' tagging behaviour: A first step towards adapting social information
The health policy implications of individual adaptive behavior responses to smog pollution in urban China
Comfort temperature and occupant adaptive behavior in offices in Qatar during summer
Behavioral similarity of residential customers using a neural network based on adaptive resonance theory
Effects of active links on epidemic transmission over social networks
Models of Pedestrian Adaptive Behaviour in Hot Outdoor Public Spaces
Thermal Assessment of Buildings Based on Occupants Behavior and the Adaptive Thermal Comfort Approach
Understanding patterns of adaptive comfort behaviour in the Sydney mixed-mode residential context
Independent and compensatory contributions of executive functions and challenge preference for students' adaptive classroom behaviors
Análisis de los perfiles motivacionales y su relación con los comportamientos adaptativos en las clases de educación física
Enfants à haut potentiel intellectuel : psychopathologie, socialisation et comportements adaptatifs
Anomalous brain functional connectivity contributing to poor adaptive behavior in Down syndrome
Counterfactual reasoning as a key for explaining adaptive behavior in a changing environment
Lesions to the prefrontal performance-monitoring network disrupt neural processing and adaptive behaviors after both errors and novelty
Latent semantic variables are associated with formal thought disorder and adaptive behavior in older inpatients with schizophrenia
The Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Evaluating its diagnostic sensitivity and specificity
Promoting adaptive behaviors by two girls with Rett syndrome through a microswitch-based program
Association of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) haploinsufficiency with lower adaptive behaviour and reduced cognitive functioning in WAGR/11p13 deletion syndrome
Factor structure of the construct of adaptive behavior in children with and without intellectual disability
The relationship of motor skills and adaptive behavior skills in young children with autism spectrum disorders ☆
Development of an instrument for diagnosing significant limitations in adaptive behavior in early childhood
Mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles and associations with toddlers’ externalizing, internalizing, and adaptive behaviors
Sleep disruption as a correlate to cognitive and adaptive behavior problems in autism spectrum disorders
Adaptive behavior of children and adolescents with visual impairments