Parents' concordant and discordant alcohol use and subsequent child behavioral outcomes
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Childhood trauma and sensitivity to reward and punishment: Implications for depressive and anxiety symptoms
Cortical remodeling after electroacupuncture therapy in peripheral nerve repairing model
Differences in postoperative maladaptive behavioral changes between partial and total tonsillectomy patients
Shedding new light on disorders of consciousness diagnosis: The dynamic functional connectivity
Behavioral adjustment of Chinese adoptees: The role of pre-adoption experiences
Does time heal all wounds? Experimental diffuse traumatic brain injury results in persisting histopathology in the thalamus
Content of client emails in internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy: A comparison between two trials and relationship to client outcome
Suicide attempts and emotion regulation in psychiatric outpatients
Susceptibility to ecological traps is similar among closely related taxa but sensitive to spatial isolation
Problematic internet use as an age-related multifaceted problem: Evidence from a two-site survey
Applying novel technologies and methods to inform the ontology of self-regulation
The unique effects of angry and depressive rumination on eating-disorder psychopathology and the mediating role of impulsivity
Individual differences in incentive salience attribution are not related to suboptimal choice in rats
Social Adjustment and Cooperative Work in Primary Education: Teacher and Parent Perceptions
Heart rate variability is associated with psychosocial stress in distinct social domains
Experimental modification of dysfunctional interpretations in individuals with contamination concerns
Chronic low back pain and back muscle activity during functional tasks
Schema modes and dissociation in borderline personality disorder/traits in adolescents or young adults
Incremental mindsets and the reduced forgiveness of chronic failures
Effect of distress on transient network dynamics and topological equilibrium in phantom sound perception
Emotion regulation contributes to the development of diabetes distress among adults with type 1 diabetes
Personality biomarkers of pathological gambling: A machine learning study
Spontaneous recovery of traumatic brain injury-induced functional deficits is not hindered by daily administration of lorazepam
Components of schizophrenia liability are not uniformly associated with stress sensitivity, resilience, and coping
Mobile social networking and salesperson maladaptive dependence behaviors
An Examination of Behavioral and Neuronal Effects of Comorbid Traumatic Brain Injury and Alcohol Use
Cultural ecologies of adaptive vs. maladaptive traits: A simple nonlinear model
Interpersonal beliefs related to suicide and facial emotion processing in psychotic disorders
Aberrant parasympathetic reactivity to acute psychosocial stress in male patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Parental feeding behavior in relation to children's tasting behavior: An observational study
Emotion regulation deficits in persons with body-focused repetitive behavior disorders
Maladaptive eating behavior assessment among bariatric surgery candidates: Evaluation of the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale
Distinguishing types of social withdrawal in children: Internalizing and externalizing outcomes of conflicted shyness versus social disinterest across childhood
The mediating role of child self-regulation of eating in the relationship between parental use of food as a reward and child emotional overeating
Reducing behavioral avoidance with internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder
Problematic social media use and depressive symptoms among U.S. young adults: A nationally-representative study
Disrupted Prefrontal Regulation of Striatal Subjective Value Signals in Psychopathy
Validation of the intuitive Eating Scale for pregnant women
The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Neural Signatures of Sustained Attention
Psychological processes in chronic pain: Influences of reward and fear learning as key mechanisms Behavioral evidence, neural circuits, and maladaptive changes
Mealtime behavior among parents and their young children with food allergy
Trait psychopathy, task performance, and counterproductive work behavior directed toward the organization
Do changes in affect moderate the association between attachment anxiety and body dissatisfaction in children? An experimental study by means of the Trier Social Stress Test
Why do women engage in fat talk? Examining fat talk using Self-Determination Theory as an explanatory framework
Attracting unwanted attention: generalization of behavioural adaptation to an invasive predator carries costs
Earthquakes and human behavior: A sociological perspective
Distraction/Suppression and Distress Endurance diminish the extent to which generalized conditioned fear is associated with maladaptive behavioral avoidance
Behavioral inhibition, maladaptive pain cognitions, and function in patients with chronic pain
Acute psychophysiological stress impairs human associative learning
Mother-child adrenocortical synchrony; Moderation by dyadic relational behavior
Appraisal of speed-enforcement warning messages among young drivers: Influence of automatic versus human speed enforcement in a known or unknown location
Predicting wellbeing among people with epilepsy using illness cognitions
The unique and common contributions of impulsivity and decision-making strategies among young adult Italian regular gamblers
Maladaptive Dimensions in Children and Adolescents with Diabetes Mellitus in Andalusia and Sardinia
Adolescent digital profiles: A process-based typology of highly engaged internet users
Early maladaptive schemas and suicidal ideation in depressed patients
Development and Refinement of a Targeted Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for Women With a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Partial reinforcement of avoidance and resistance to extinction in humans
Social competence in Russian post-institutionalized children: A comparison of adopted and non-adopted children
Adolescents' depressive symptoms and subsequent technology-based interpersonal behaviors: A multi-wave study
Changes in saving cognitions mediate hoarding symptom change in cognitive-behavioral therapy for hoarding disorder
To see in a mirror dimly. The looking glass self is self-shaming in borderline personality disorder
Pathological narcissism and maladaptive self-regulatory behaviours in a nationally representative sample of Canadian men
Maternal emotional feeding practices and adolescent daughters' emotional eating: Mediating roles of avoidant and preoccupied coping
Prey behavioural reaction norms: response to threat predicts susceptibility to predation

Low-frequency oscillations in default mode subnetworks are associated with episodic memory impairments in Alzheimer's disease
Pathways towards the proliferation of avoidance in anxiety and implications for treatment
Factors influencing postoperative pain following discharge in pediatric ambulatory surgery patients
Fixed spaced stimulation restores adaptive plasticity within the spinal cord: Identifying the eliciting conditions
Anticipatory Processing, Maladaptive Attentional Focus, and Postevent Processing for Interactional and Performance Situations: Treatment Response and Relationships With Symptom Change for Individuals With Social Anxiety Disorder
Suboptimal choice in rats: Incentive salience attribution promotes maladaptive decision-making
Manipulating beliefs about losing control causes checking behaviour