Mindfulness and acceptance in relation to Behavioral Inhibition System sensitivity and psychological distress
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The monoaminergic pathways and inhibition of monoamine transporters interfere with the antidepressive-like behavior of ketamine
Age-dependent antinociception and behavioral inhibition by morphine
Inhibition and behavioral self-regulation: An inextricably linked couple in preschool years
Sex differences in behavioral and neurochemical effects of gonadectomy and aromatase inhibition in rats
Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition alters social behavior in male and female rats after post-weaning social isolation
Early-life Photoperiod Influences Depression-like Behavior, Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Response, and Hippocampal Astrogenesis in Mice
Behaviour of Trolox with macromolecule-bound antioxidants in aqueous medium: Inhibition of auto-regeneration mechanism
The inhibition of the kynurenine pathway prevents behavioral disturbances and oxidative stress in the brain of adult rats subjected to an animal model of schizophrenia
Thalamic Control of Cognition and Social Behavior Via Regulation of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Signaling and Excitation/Inhibition Balance in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Olfactory stimulation or inhibition of sexual behavior of stallions in non-breeding season
Impulsive mechanisms influencing relapse in alcohol drinking
Biobehavioral Markers of Attention Bias Modification in Temperamental Risk for Anxiety: A Randomized Control Trial
Deterministic stability regimes and noise-induced quasistable behavior in a pair of reciprocally inhibitory neurons
Time course of inhibition of return in a spatial cueing paradigm with distractors
Deficits in episodic memory are related to uncontrolled eating in a sample of healthy adults.
Sensory and cross-network contributions to response inhibition in patients with schizophrenia
Phosphodiesterase-7 inhibition affects accumbal and hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone expression, feeding and anxiety behavior of rats
Synergistic effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide on the corrosion inhibition behavior of l-methionine on mild steel in acidic medium
Children's behavioral inhibition and anxiety disorder symptom severity: The role of individual differences in respiratory sinus arrhythmia
Spontaneous escape behavior of silver from graphite-like carbon coating and its inhibition mechanism
Chronic postnatal monoamine oxidase inhibition affects affiliative behavior in rat pups
Neurofunctional correlates of behavioral inhibition system sensitivity during attentional control are modulated by perceptual load
Corrosion inhibition and adsorption behaviour of some bis-pyrimidine derivatives on mild steel in acidic medium
The adsorption and inhibition behavior of two organic inhibitors for carbon steel in simulated concrete pore solution
Alterations in opioid inhibition cause widespread nociception but do not affect anxiety-like behavior in oral cancer mice
Individual differences in affective touch: Behavioral inhibition and gender define how an interpersonal touch is perceived
Pathological gambling and impulsivity: Comparison of the different measures in the behavior inhibition tasks
A comparison of the effects of male pheromone priming and optogenetic inhibition of accessory olfactory bulb forebrain inputs on the sexual behavior of estrous female mice
Interaction between behavioral inhibition and emotional processing in borderline personality disorder using a pictorial emotional go/no-go paradigm
Inhibition of interleukin-6 function attenuates the central sensitization and pain behavior induced by osteoarthritis
Correlated experimental and theoretical study on inhibition behavior of novel quinoline derivatives for the corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution

Photoactivation provides a mechanistic explanation for pan-assay interference behaviour of 2-aminopyrroles in lipoxygenase inhibition
Insights into corrosion inhibition behavior of three chalcone derivatives for mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution
Organizational deviance via social networking site use: The roles of inhibition, stress and sex differences
Enhancing the rheological properties and shale inhibition behavior of water-based mud using nanosilica, multi-walled carbon nanotube, and graphene nanoplatelet
Behavioral inhibition, maladaptive pain cognitions, and function in patients with chronic pain
Synchronous thermal analyses and kinetic studies on a caged-wrapping and sustained-release type of composite inhibitor retarding the spontaneous combustion of low-rank coal
A Neurobehavioral Mechanism Linking Behaviorally Inhibited Temperament and Later Adolescent Social Anxiety
An investigation of impulsivity in young adults exhibiting body-focused repetitive behaviors
Individual differences in behavioral activation and cardiac vagal control influence affective startle modification
Persistent cognitive and morphological alterations induced by repeated exposure of adolescent rats to the abused inhalant toluene
Neural correlates of response inhibition in current and former smokers
Behavioral approach and orbitofrontal cortical activity during decision-making in substance dependence
Linking child temperament, physiology, and adult personality: Relations among retrospective behavioral inhibition, salivary cortisol, and shyness
Aggression, emotional self-regulation, attentional bias, and cognitive inhibition predict risky driving behavior
Behavioral Inhibition and Behavioral Activation are Related to Habituation of Nociceptive Flexion Reflex, but Not Pain Ratings
Approach and avoidance tendencies in depression and anxiety disorders
Watch what I do, not what I say I do: Computer-based avatars to assess behavioral inhibition, a vulnerability factor for anxiety disorders
Genetic polymorphisms related to behavioral approach and behavioral inhibition scales
Facets of mindfulness mediate behavioral inhibition systems and emotion dysregulation
Anxiety and intertemporal decision making: The effect of the behavioral inhibition system and the moderation effects of trait anxiety on both state anxiety and socioeconomic status
Effects of the behavioral inhibition system (BIS), behavioral activation system (BAS), and emotion regulation on depression: A one-year follow-up study in Chinese adolescents
Double trouble. Trait food craving and impulsivity interactively predict food-cue affected behavioral inhibition ☆
Dissociation of explicit and implicit measures of the behavioral inhibition and activation system in borderline personality disorder
The behavioral inhibition system (BIS) mediates major aspects of the relationship between disgust and OCD symptomology
Population variation in neuroendocrine activity is associated with behavioral inhibition and hemispheric brain structure in young rhesus monkeys
Need for closure and dealing with uncertainty in decision making context: The role of the behavioral inhibition system and working memory capacity
The effects of behavioral inhibition/approach system as predictors of Internet addiction in adolescents
The role of behavioral inhibition and behavioral approach systems in the associations between mood and alcohol consequences in college: A longitudinal multilevel analysis
Skittish, shielded, and scared: Relations among behavioral inhibition, overprotective parenting, and anxiety in native and non-native Dutch preschool children
PTSD's underlying symptom dimensions and relations with behavioral inhibition and activation
The neural correlates of emotion-based cognitive control in adults with early childhood behavioral inhibition
Don’t be afraid of the General Factor of Personality (GFP): Its relationship with behavioral inhibition and anxiety symptoms in children
Parental substance abuse and function of the motivation and behavioral inhibition systems in drug-naïve youth
Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) sensitivity differentiates EEG theta responses during goal conflict in a continuous monitoring task
Examining the incremental contribution of behavioral inhibition to generalized anxiety disorder relative to other Axis I disorders and cognitive-emotional vulnerabilities
Psychological distress and perfectionism in recent suicide attempters: The role of behavioural inhibition and activation
Mindfulness versus rumination and behavioral inhibition: A perspective from research on frontal brain asymmetry
Gray’s Behavioural Inhibition System as a mediator of mindfulness towards well-being
Experiential avoidance as a moderator of the relationship between behavioral inhibition system sensitivity and posttraumatic stress symptoms
Two types of behavioral inhibition: Relations to effortful control and attention in school children
Resting state EEG delta–beta coherence in relation to anxiety, behavioral inhibition, and selective attentional processing of threatening stimuli