Project management as information management in interdisciplinary research: âLots of different pieces working togetherâ
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A conceptual framework for negotiating public involvement in municipal waste management decision-making in the UK
Pain management of trauma patients in the emergency department: a study in a public hospital in Iran
Effective Use of Resources in the Public Management Sector in Norway ☆
Implementation Guidelines of the New Public Management. Cases of Romania and Sweden ☆
Multi-period maintenance planning for public buildings: A risk based approach for climate conscious operation
Navigating social forestry A street-level perspective on National Forest management in the US Pacific Northwest
Identifying social factors that undermine support for nature-based coastal management
Usability, content, and connections: How county-level Alabama emergency management agencies communicate with their online public

Criteria based audit in the management of eclampsia at a public sector tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan
Information technology and time of judgment in specialized courts: What is the impact of changing from physical to electronic processing?
Overhauls in water supply systems in Ukraine: A hydro-economic model of socially responsible planning and cost management

To Bait or Not to Bait: A Discrete Choice Experiment on Public Preferences for Native Wildlife and Conservation Management in Western Australia
Experiences and Perceptions of Adults Accessing Publicly Available Nutrition Behavior-Change Mobile Apps for Weight Management
Location-aware multi-objective optimization for energy cost management in semi-public buildings using thermal discomfort information
Improving records management to promote transparency and prevent corruption
Public land managers and sustainable urban vegetation: The case of low-input turfgrasses
That tagging was annoying: An extension of expectancy violation theory to impression management on social network sites
From borders to ecotones Private-public co-management of urban woodland edges bordering private housing
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector
Unveiling barriers to sustainable public procurement in emerging economies: Evidence from a leading sustainable supply chain initiative in Latin America
Necessity of management for minor earthquake to improve public acceptance of nuclear energy in South Korea
Manure management and public health: Sanitary and socio-economic aspects among urban livestock-keepers in Cambodia
Analysis of influencing factors on public perception in contaminated site management: Simulation by structural equation modeling at four sites in China
Differential public support for waste management policy: The case of Hong Kong
Heterogeneity in Preferences for Woody Biomass Energy in the US Mountain West
How Perceptions About Naturalness Affect Science in Yellowstone National Park
Integration of disaster management strategies with planning and designing public open spaces
The value of reflection on the evolving individual and collective practice of public policy innovation in water management: An action science approach
Enhancing Local Air Quality Management to maximise public health integration, collaboration and impact in Wales, UK: A Delphi study
Managing urban ecological land as properties: Conceptual model, public perceptions, and willingness to pay
The impact of new national guidance for the public health management of enteric fever in England
Keeping it fresh: Revisiting an historic tourist city's streetscape improvement project
Population age structure and the cost of municipal waste collection. A case study from the Czech Republic
Citizen science can improve conservation science, natural resource management, and environmental protection
Control mutuality, social media, and organization-public relationships: A study of local animal welfare organizations donors
Public trust in manipulated elections: The role of election administration and media freedom
Governing garbage: Advancing urban sustainability in the context of private service delivery
Public stealth and boundary objects: Coping with integrated water resource management and the post-political condition in Montanas portion of the Yellowstone River watershed
Inauthentic communication, organization-public relationships, and trust: A content analysis of online astroturfing news coverage
Discourse and practice of participatory flood risk management in Belfast, UK
Toward effective multi-sector partnership: A case of municipal solid waste management service provision in Bangkok, Thailand
Social conflict management framework for project viability: Case studies from Korean megaprojects
Bilateral Donors and the Age of the National Interest: What Prospects for Challenge by Development Agencies?
A General Morphological Analysis to Support Strategic Management Decisions in Public Transport Companies
Public acceptance of management methods under different humanâwildlife conflict scenarios
Contracting out publicness: The private management of the urban public realm and its implications
The role of public communication in decision making for waste management infrastructure
The conception of public interest in Dutch flood risk management: Untouchable or transforming?
Socio-cultural diversity and public preferences for coral reef management options in Indonesia
The procedure and consequences of performance agreement as a tool of new public management: A case study in the Thai Ministry of Justice
Public utility companies in liberalized markets The impact of management models on local and regional sustainability
Risk management in public land development projects: Comparative case study in Finland, and the Netherlands
Implementing nature conservation through integrated forest management: A street-level bureaucracy perspective on the German public forest sector
Do the Brazilian innovations in public management constitute a new model?
Ensuring Sustainability of Public Transport System through Rational Management
Model based process assessment for public financial and physical resource management processes
Brazilian Waste Management: Belo Horizonte's Case Study of Sustainable Management
Sustainability reporting in public sector organisations: Exploring the relation between the reporting process and organisational change management for sustainability
Laying the foundation for a global body of knowledge in public relations and communications management
The root causes of ineffective and inefficient healthcare technology management in Benin public health sector
Public health and water quality management in low-exposure stormwater schemes: A critical review of regulatory frameworks and path forward
Compatibility of Livestock Grazing and Recreational Use on Coastal California Public Lands: Importance, Interactions, and Management Solutions
Assessing the public perception of islanders regarding the implementation of new technologies to optimize the municipal solid waste management system: A Mediterranean case study
Local waste management in the Czech Republic: Limits and merits of public-private partnership and contracting out
Promoting public participation in household waste management: A survey based method and case study in Xiamen city, China
Choice set formation for outdoor destinations: The role of motivations and preference discrimination in site selection for the management of public expenditures on protected areas
Public values for integration in natural disaster management and planning: A case study from Victoria, Australia
Developing a Self-assessment Model of Risk Management Maturity for Client Organizations of Public Construction Projects: Indonesian Context