در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Are impulsivity and intelligence truly related constructs? Evidence based on the fixed-links model
Trait impulsivity and increased pre-attentional sensitivity to intense stimuli in bipolar disorder and controls
Revealing the nuanced associations between facets of trait impulsivity and reactive and proactive aggression
Gender differences in the relationship between impulsivity and disordered eating behaviors and attitudes
A multidimensional approach of impulsivity in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Differentiating risk for mania and borderline personality disorder: The nature of goal regulation and impulsivity
Specific dimensions of impulsivity are differentially associated with daily and non-daily cigarette smoking in young adults
Suicidal and violent behavior: The role of anger, emotion dysregulation, and impulsivity
Attentional blink in adolescents with varying levels of impulsivity
Associations between regional brain physiology and trait impulsivity, motor inhibition, and impaired control over drinking
Facets of impulsivity interactively predict body fat and binge eating in young women
A Symptom Checklist to Screen for Somatoform Disorders in Primary Care
Memory bias for health-related information in somatoform disorders
Abnormalities in cognitive-emotional information processing in idiopathic environmental intolerance and somatoform disorders
One single diagnosis, bodily distress syndrome, succeeded to capture 10 diagnostic categories of functional somatic syndromes and somatoform disorders
What Do Physicians Think of Somatoform Disorders?
Grounding: Theoretical application and practice in dance movement therapy
Effectiveness of dance/movement therapy on affect and psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia
Impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder
Anxiety is associated with impulsivity in bipolar disorder
Psychopathy, intelligence, and impulsivity in German violent offenders
Creativity and dissociation. Dance/movement therapy interventions for the treatment of compartmentalized dissociation

Dance/movement therapy during adolescence – Learning about adolescence through the experiential movement of dance/movement therapy students
Trilogy of Body Imaginary: Dance/Movement Therapy for a Psychiatric Patient with Depression
The integrative power of dance/movement therapy: Implications for the treatment of dissociation and developmental trauma
Impulsivity: Four ways five factors are not basic to addiction
The role of impulsivity in dropout from treatment for cigarette smoking
Foster children's behavior problems and impulsivity in the family and school context
Trait impulsivity and prospective memory abilities: An exploratory study
Interactive effects of drinking history and impulsivity on college drinking
Impulsivity, self-control, and hypnotic suggestibility
Decision-making and impulsivity in eating disorder patients
Dorsal/ventral parcellation of the amygdala: Relevance to impulsivity and aggression
Hoarding and the multi-faceted construct of impulsivity: A cross-cultural investigation
The relationship between trait impulsivity, negative affective states, and urge for nonsuicidal self-injury: A daily diary study
Impulsivity is related to striatal dopamine transporter availability in healthy males
A preliminary investigation of impulsivity in generalized anxiety disorder
Impulsivity and inhibitory control deficits are associated with unhealthy eating in young adults
Validating a behavioral economic approach to assess food demand: Effects of body mass index, dietary restraint, and impulsivity
Neural correlates of choice behavior related to impulsivity and venturesomeness
Impulsivity and aggressiveness in bipolar disorder with co-morbid borderline personality disorder
Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity or impulsivity in children with Down's syndrome
Low cholesterol is a risk factor for attentional impulsivity in patients with mood symptoms
Impulsivity and risk-taking in co-occurring psychotic disorders and substance abuse
Propensity for risk taking and trait impulsivity in the Iowa Gambling Task
Impulsivity and alcohol use coping motives in a trauma-exposed sample: The mediating role of distress tolerance
A cross-sectional investigation of trait disinhibition and its association with mindfulness and impulsivity
The relationship of compliance with inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity
Personality correlates of impulsivity in subjects with generalized anxiety disorders
The relationship between lateral differences in tympanic membrane temperature and behavioral impulsivity
Psychoform and somatoform dissociation, traumatic experiences, and fantasy proneness in somatoform disorders
Impulsivity-like traits and smoking behavior in college students
Rash-impulsivity, reward-drive and motivations to use ecstasy
Impulsivity and reversal learning in hazardous alcohol use
Depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders: Vague or distinct categories in primary care? Results from a large cross-sectional study ☆
Can ‘risky’ impulsivity explain sex differences in aggression?
Trait impulsivity and response inhibition in antisocial personality disorder
Impulsivity, attribution and prison bullying: Bully-category and perpetrator–victim mutuality
A pilot study of impulsivity and compulsivity in pathological gambling
Impulsivity in decision-making: An event-related potential investigation
Looking Toward DSM–V: Should Factitious Disorder Become a Subtype of Somatoform Disorder?
Impulsivity and risk-taking behavior in focal frontal lobe lesions
Impulsivity is associated with behavioral decision-making deficits
Relationships between functional and dysfunctional impulsivity, delay discounting and cognitive distortions
Effects of distress, alexithymia and impulsivity on eating
The relationship of momentary anger and impulsivity to bulimic behavior