Prenatal stress increases adult vulnerability to cocaine reward without affecting pubertal anxiety or novelty response
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Developmental expression of anxiety and depressive behaviours after prenatal predator exposure and early life homecage enhancement
The Association Between Prenatal Stress and Externalizing Symptoms in Childhood: Evidence From the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
Positive childhood experiences predict less psychopathology and stress in pregnant women with childhood adversity: A pilot study of the benevolent childhood experiences (BCEs) scale
Prenatal fine particulate exposure and early childhood asthma: Effect of maternal stress and fetal sex
Prenatal exposure to methadone or buprenorphine: Early childhood developmental outcomes
Endocrine active metals, prenatal stress and enhanced neurobehavioral disruption
Prenatal particulate matter exposure and mitochondrial dysfunction at the maternal-fetal interface: Effect modification by maternal lifetime trauma and child sex
Prenatal cold stress: Effect on maternal hippocampus and offspring behavior in rats
Prenatal and early postnatal stress and later life inflammation
Unpredictable chronic prenatal stress and manifestation of generalized anxiety and panic in rat's offspring

Mitochondrial proteomics investigation of frontal cortex in an animal model of depression: Focus on chronic antidepressant drugs treatment
Assessment of the cerebellar neurotoxic effects of nicotine in prenatal alcohol exposure in rats
Early-life home environment and risk of asthma among inner-city children
The effect of prenatal stress on cooperation: Evidence from violent conflict in Uganda
Substance use in youth adopted from foster care: Developmental mechanisms of risk
Maternal stress modifies the effect of exposure to lead during pregnancy and 24-month old children's neurodevelopment
Simulated disease process during late pregnancy compromises developmental outcomes of lambs independently of the weaning method applied
Sex- and brain region- specific effects of prenatal stress and lead exposure on permissive and repressive post-translational histone modifications from embryonic development through adulthood
Maternal administration of magnesium sulfate promotes cell proliferation in hippocampus dentate gyrus in offspring mice after exposing to prenatal stress
Inflammatory and oxidative stress-related effects associated with neurotoxicity are maintained after exclusively prenatal trichloroethylene exposure
Maternal prenatal cortisol predicts infant negative emotionality in a sex-dependent manner
Effects of a novel positive psychological intervention on prenatal stress and well-being: A pilot randomised controlled trial
Behavioural outcomes of adult female offspring following maternal stress and perinatal fluoxetine exposure
Prenatal alcohol exposure and prenatal stress differentially alter glucocorticoid signaling in the placenta and fetal brain
Exposure to intimate partner violence in utero and infant internalizing behaviors: Moderation by salivary cortisol-alpha amylase asymmetry
Thinking Across Generations: Unique Contributions of Maternal Early Life and Prenatal Stress to Infant Physiology
Maternal distress in late pregnancy alters obstetric outcomes and the expression of genes important for placental glucocorticoid signalling
An intergenerational effect of neuroendocrine metabolic programming alteration induced by prenatal ethanol exposure in rats
Selected oxidative stress biomarkers in antenatal diagnosis as 1114 gestational weeks
Regulation of insulin receptor phosphorylation in the brains of prenatally stressed rats: New insight into the benefits of antidepressant drug treatment
Maternal programming of sex-specific responses to predator odor stress in adult rats
Maternal infection and stress during pregnancy and depressive symptoms in adolescent offspring
Influence of physiological stress on the presence of hypoplasia and fluctuating asymmetry in a medieval population from the village of Sypniewo
The effect of prenatal substance use and maternal contingent responsiveness on infant affect
Treadmill exercise alleviated prenatal buprenorphine exposure-induced depression in rats
Reproductive function in the sons of women who experienced stress due to bereavement before and during pregnancy: a nationwide population-based cohort study
Activated neuro-oxidative and neuro-nitrosative pathways at the end of term are associated with inflammation and physio-somatic and depression symptoms, while predicting outcome characteristics in mother and baby
Maternal lipids in pregnancy are associated with increased offspring cortisol reactivity in childhood
Acculturative stress is associated with trajectory of anxiety symptoms during pregnancy in Mexican-American women
Protection of male reproductive toxicity in rats exposed to di-n-butyl phthalate during embryonic development by testosterone
Long term biochemical changes in offspring of rats fed diet containing alpha-cypermethrin
Association of prenatal and early childhood stress with reduced lung function in 7-year-olds
Prenatal stress affects viability, activation, and chemokine signaling in astroglial cultures
Associations between biological markers of prenatal stress and infant negative emotionality are specific to sex
Prenatal stress-induced increases in hippocampal von Willebrand factor expression are prevented by concurrent prenatal escitalopram

Maternal exercise reverses morphologic changes in amygdala neurons produced by prenatal stress
Increased symptoms of illness following prenatal stress: Can it be prevented by fluoxetine?
Prenatal maternal stress in relation to the effects of prenatal lead exposure on toddler cognitive development
Prenatal stress changes courtship vocalizations and bone mineral density in mice
Are changes in excitability in the hippocampus of adult male rats induced by prenatal methamphetamine exposure or stress?
Association of prenatal cocaine exposure, childhood maltreatment, and responses to stress in adolescence
Prenatal particulate matter exposure and wheeze in Mexican children
Prenatal stress affects placental cytokines and neurotrophins, commensal microbes, and anxiety-like behavior in adult female offspring

Interaction between prenatal risk and infant parasympathetic and sympathetic stress reactivity predicts early aggression
Effects of prenatal yoga on womenâs stress and immune function across pregnancy: A randomized controlled trial
Prenatal stress potentiates febrile seizure and leads to long-lasting increase in cortisol blood levels in children under 2Â years old
Prenatal stress perception and coping strategies: Insights from a longitudinal prospective pregnancy cohort
Susceptibility or resilience? Prenatal stress predisposes male rats to social subordination, but facilitates adaptation to subordinate status
Effects of prenatal binge-like ethanol exposure and maternal stress on postnatal morphological development of hippocampal neurons in rats
Alteration of neurotrophin and cytokine expression in lymphocytes as novel peripheral markers of spatial memory deficits induced by prenatal stress
Severity and timing: How prenatal stress exposure affects glial developmental, emotional behavioural and plasma neurosteroid responses in guinea pig offspring
Environmental prenatal stress eliminates brain and maternal behavioral sex differences and alters hormone levels in female rats
Developmental fluoxetine exposure and prenatal stress alter sexual differentiation of the brain and reproductive behavior in male rat offspring
Exogenous prenatal corticosterone exposure mimics the effects of prenatal stress on adult brain stress response systems and fear extinction behavior
Prenatal stress does not alter innate novelty-seeking behavioral traits, but differentially affects individual differences in neuroendocrine stress responsivity
Prenatal Stress Alters Reproductive Responses of Rats in Behavioral Estrus and Paced Mating of Hormone-Primed Rats
Maternal prenatal stress is associated with the infant intestinal microbiota
Prenatal stress-induced alterations in major physiological systems correlate with gut microbiota composition in adulthood
Prenatal stress programs neuroendocrine stress responses and affective behaviors in second generation rats in a sex-dependent manner
Prenatal Stress and Gender Role Behavior in Girls and Boys: A Longitudinal, Population Study
Maternal prenatal stress and infant regulatory capacity in Mexican Americans

Prenatal stress and subsequent exposure to chronic mild stress in rats; interdependent effects on emotional behavior and the serotonergic system
Vulnerability versus resilience to prenatal stress in male and female rats; Implications from gene expression profiles in the hippocampus and frontal cortex
Prenatal stress, partner support, and infant cortisol reactivity in low-income Mexican American families