GET.HAPPY - Acceptance of an internet-based self-management positive psychology intervention for adult primary care patients with mild and moderate depression or dysthymia: A pilot study
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Prevalence of mental disorders among depressed coronary patients with and without Type D personality. Results of the multi-center SPIRR-CAD trial
Interictal dysphoric disorder: Further doubts about its epilepsy-specificity and its independency from common psychiatric disorders
Tobacco and alcohol use disorders: Evaluating multimorbidity
Incident mental disorders in the aftermath of traumatic events: A prospective-longitudinal community study
Disability and common mental disorders: Results from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative Portugal
Comorbid mental disorders among adults in the mental health surveillance survey
Depression and impulsiveness among soldiers who died by suicide: A psychological autopsy study
The relationship between executive functions and emotion regulation in females attending therapeutic community treatment for substance use disorder
Self-medication of mood and anxiety disorders with marijuana: Higher in states with medical marijuana laws
Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A feasibility study
Illness burden and physical outcomes associated with collaborative care in patients with comorbid depressive disorder in chronic medical conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Associations of Stress Exposures and Social Support With Long-Term Mental Health Outcomes Among U.S. Iraq War Veterans
Alcohol withdrawal hallucinations in the general population, an epidemiological study
Possible predictors of age at illness onset and illness duration in a cohort study comparing younger adults and older major affective patients
Prospective predictors of first-onset depressive disorders in adolescent females with anxiety disorders
Psychotic experiences and disability: Findings from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys
Oxytocin plasma levels predict the outcome of psychotherapy: A pilot study in chronic depression
Number of illness episodes as predictor of residual symptoms in major depressive disorder
Substance Use Disorder Among Current Cancer Patients: Rates and Correlates Nationally in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Factors influencing participation of psychiatry inpatients in clinical trials
Psychiatric comorbidities and suicidality among patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders in Argentina
Self-reported volitional control in adolescents and young adults from a community cohort: Associations with current, past and future mental disorders
Long-acting intramuscular naltrexone for opioid use disorder: Utilization and association with multi-morbidity nationally in the Veterans Health Administration
Previous Mental Disorders and Subsequent Onset of Chronic Back or Neck Pain: Findings From 19 Countries
Outcomes of Depression Screening Among Adolescents Accessing School-based Pediatric Primary Care Clinic Services
Outcomes of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients with Injection Drug Use
Impact of Depressive Disorder on Access and Quality of Care in Veterans With Prevalent Cardiovascular Disease
Change in 1-year hospitalization of overall and older patients with major depressive disorder after second-generation antipsychotics augmentation treatment
Effects of repeated attachment security priming in outpatients with primary depressive disorders
Increased emotional reactivity to affective pictures in patients with skin-picking disorder: Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging
Correlates of a general psychopathology factor in a clinical sample of childhood sexual abuse survivors
Anaerobic muscle strengthening physical activity and depression severity among USA adults
Depression Among Older Adults: A 20-Year Update on Five Common Myths and Misconceptions
The association between adherence and outcome in an Internet intervention for depression
The association between lifetime cannabis use and dysthymia across six birth decades
Cognitive distortions in patients with social anxiety disorder: Comparison of a clinical group and healthy controls

Differences in the association between persistent pathogens and mood disorders among young- to middle-aged women and men in the U.S.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid levels in depressive and anxiety disorders
Behavioural and psychiatric symptoms in cognitive neurology
Substance use disorders in adolescent and young adult relatives of probands with bipolar disorder: What drives the increased risk?
The relationship between childhood sexual abuse and mental health outcomes among males: Results from a nationally representative United States sample
Prediction of incidence and stability of alcohol use disorders by latent internalizing psychopathology risk profiles in adolescence and young adulthood
Predictors of early dropout in treatment for gambling disorder: The role of personality disorders and clinical syndromes
Partially distinct combinations of psychological, metabolic and inflammatory risk factors are prospectively associated with the onset of the subtypes of Major Depressive Disorder in midlife
Decline in word-finding: The objective cognitive finding most relevant to patients after mesial temporal lobe epilepsy surgery
The impact of frailty on depressive disorder in later life: Findings from the Netherlands Study of depression in older persons
Associations of objective and subjective sleep disturbance with cognitive function in older men with comorbid depression and insomnia
Fear and distress disorders as predictors of heart disease: A temporal perspective
Fewer self-reported depressive symptoms in young adults exposed to maternal depressed mood during pregnancy
Group differences in pain interference, psychiatric disorders, and general medical conditions among Hispanics and whites in the U.S. general population
Toxoplasma gondii infection and common mental disorders in the Finnish general population
Changes in cytokine and chemokine expression distinguish dysthymic disorder from major depression and healthy controls
Prevalence and clinical severity of mood disorders among first-, second- and third-generation migrants
Vulnerable narcissism is associated with severity of depressive symptoms in dysthymic patients
Differences in clinical and cognitive variables in seasonal affective disorder compared to depressive-related disorders: Evidence from a population-based study in Finland
Prevalence and predictors of post-stroke mood disorders: A meta-analysis and meta-regression of depression, anxiety and adjustment disorder
Do social functioning and symptoms improve with continuation antidepressant treatment of persistent depressive disorder? An observational study
Presenteeism, Absenteeism, and Lost Work Productivity among Depressive Patients from Five Cities of Colombia
Addiction severity and comorbidity among women with alcohol use disorders: A hospital-based study from India
Cultural values and the prevalence of mental disorders in 25 countries: A secondary data analysis
Transdiagnostic psychiatric disorder risk associated with early age of menarche: A latent modeling approach
Does the presence of multiple sclerosis impact on symptom profile in depressed patients?
Older adults who use or have used marijuana: Help-seeking for marijuana and other substance use problems
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among patients with depressive disorder admitted to a psychiatric inpatient unit: A comparison with healthy controls
Clinical characteristics of patients with diagnostic uncertainty of major depressive disorder
Persistent and repetitive: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and self-employment
High incidence of body image dissatisfaction in pregnancy and the postnatal period: Associations with depression, anxiety, body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy
The regression discontinuity design showed to be a valid alternative to a randomized controlled trial for estimating treatment effects
Developmental and clinical predictors of comorbidity for youth with obsessive compulsive disorder
Interpersonal problems across levels of the psychopathology hierarchy
Association Between Substance Use Diagnoses and Psychiatric Disorders in an Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic-Based Population
Childhood Abuse and the Two-Year Course of Late-Life Depression
Neural reactivity to reward and internalizing symptom dimensions