Evidence for the changes of pituitary volumes in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy for patients with hypochondriasis (health anxiety)
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for hypochondriasis, or severe health anxiety: A pilot study
Impact of demographic factors on the antidepressant effect: A patient-level data analysis from depression trials submitted to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency in Japan
Investigating Correlations Between Defence Mechanisms and Pathological Personality Characteristics
Differential change on depressive symptom factors with antidepressant medication and cognitive behavior therapy for major depressive disorder
Depression Among Older Adults: A 20-Year Update on Five Common Myths and Misconceptions
When east meets west: Understanding the traditional Chinese medicine diagnoses on insomnia by Western medicine symptomatology
Physical exercise for late-life depression: Effects on symptom dimensions and time course
Thriving in midlife: The roles of childhood nurturance and adult defense mechanisms
Examining a transdiagnostic measure of repetitive thinking in depressed, formerly depressed and never-depressed individuals
Schema modes and dissociation in borderline personality disorder/traits in adolescents or young adults
Association of comorbid personality disorders with clinical characteristics and outcome in a randomized controlled trial comparing two psychotherapies for early-onset persistent depressive disorder
Parsing the heterogeneity of depression: An exploratory factor analysis across commonly used depression rating scales
Prevalence, risk factors and clinical characteristics of suicidal ideation in Chinese patients with depression
Functional links of obsessive, dysmorphic, hypochondriac, and eating-disorders related mental intrusions
Adapting Cognitive Processing Therapy to Treat Co-Occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Study
Optimizing Exposure Therapy for Pathological Health Anxiety: Considerations From the Inhibitory Learning Approach
Sample size determination for high dimensional parameter estimation with application to biomarker identification
The relationship between executive functions and emotion regulation in females attending therapeutic community treatment for substance use disorder
Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome After Infectious Enteritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Scales for assessment of depression in schizophrenia: Factor analysis of calgary depression rating scale and hamilton depression rating scale
A personality-based latent class typology of outpatients with major depressive disorder: association with symptomatology, prescription pattern and social function
A cross-cultural clinical comparison between subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder from the United States and Brazil
Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Mortality for Persons With Diabetes: A National Population-Based Cohort Study
Stable psychological functioning after surgery for epilepsy: An informant-based perspective
Cognitive remediation improves executive functions, self-regulation and quality of life in residents of a substance use disorder therapeutic community
War and remembrance: Combat exposure in young adulthood and memory function sixty years later
Organic vs. functional neurological disorders: The role of childhood psychological trauma
Alterations in Diets of Patients With Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity Compared With Healthy Individuals
What makes sense in our body? Personality and sensory correlates of body awareness and somatosensory amplification
Sexually dimorphic deficits of prepulse inhibition in patients with major depressive disorder and their relationship to symptoms: A large single ethnicity study
Psychological recovery and its correlates in adults seeking outpatient psychiatric services: An exploratory study from an Indian tertiary care setting
Romosozumab increases bone mineral density in postmenopausal Japanese women with osteoporosis: A phase 2 study
Internet Addiction Disorder: Personality characteristics and risk of pathological overuse in adolescents
Functional Voice Disorders: The Importance of the Psychologist in Clinical Voice Assessment
The impact of sleep and psychiatric symptoms on alcohol consequences among young adults
Relationship among symptoms, mood, and personality traits in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
Predictors of illness anxiety symptoms in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
Health anxiety by proxy in women with severe health anxiety: A case control study
Intervening variables in group-based acceptance & commitment therapy for severe health anxiety
Health anxiety and medical utilization: The moderating effect of age among patients in primary care
Treatment acceptability and preferences for managing severe health anxiety: Perceptions of internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy among primary care patients
Effectiveness of an Educational Physiotherapy and Therapeutic Exercise Program in Adult Patients With Hemophilia
Altered functional connectivity of interoception in illness anxiety disorder
Delineating the joint hierarchical structure of clinical and personality disorders in an outpatient psychiatric sample
A Case Study of Individually Delivered Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Severe Health Anxiety
Educational achievement and traits emotional stability and agreeableness as predictors of the occurrence of backache in adulthood

Motivational Interviewing as an Adjunct to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Critical Review of the Literature
Subtypes of homicide offenders based on psychopathic traits
Predicting wellbeing among people with epilepsy using illness cognitions
A positron emission tomography study of the serotonergic system in relation to anxiety in depression
The mediating effect of mindful non-reactivity in exposure-based cognitive behavior therapy for severe health anxiety
Conversion disorder: A systematic review of current terminology
Health anxiety in obsessive compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive symptoms in severe health anxiety: An investigation of symptom profiles
Dimensionality of the Whiteley Index: Assessment of hypochondriasis in an Australian sample of primary care patients ☆☆☆★★★
Changes in negative implicit evaluations in patients of hypochondriasis after treatment with cognitive therapy or exposure therapy
Exposure therapy changes dysfunctional evaluations of somatic symptoms in patients with hypochondriasis (health anxiety). A randomized controlled trial
Therapist competence and therapeutic alliance are important in the treatment of health anxiety (hypochondriasis)
Childhood maltreatment is associated with depression but not with hypochondriasis in later life
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for hypochondriasis/health anxiety: A meta-analysis of treatment outcome and moderators
Implicit affective evaluation bias in hypochondriasis: Findings from the Affect Misattribution Procedure
Assessing Bodily Preoccupations is sufficient: Clinically effective screening for hypochondriasis
The restrictive concept of good health in patients with hypochondriasis
Disease phobia and disease conviction are separate dimensions underlying hypochondriasis
Reexamining the domain of hypochondriasis: Comparing the Illness Attitudes Scale to other approaches
Cognitive behavioral therapy versus paroxetine in the treatment of hypochondriasis: An 18-month naturalistic follow-up ☆