In transit: Changing social networks of sub-Saharan African migrants in Turkey and Greece
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The changing face of academic nursing: Nurturing diversity, inclusivity, and equity
Shifting itineraries of asylum hospitality: Towards a process geographical approach of guest-host relations
Negative emotion and trait emotional intelligence in reaction to terrorist attacks
Between Neoliberalism and Identity Politics: Academic Librarianship, Democracy and November 8, 2016
From a follower to a trendsetter: Hungary's post-Cold War identity and the West
Ever closer or lost at sea? Scenarios for the future of transatlantic relations
Urban artivism and migrations. Disrupting spatial and political segregation of migrants in European cities
State-level immigration and immigrant-focused policies as drivers of Latino health disparities in the United States
Potential of Geographic Information Systems for Refugee Crisis: Syrian Refugee Relocation in Urban Habitats
Actitudes hacia la diversidad cultural de adolescentes de secundaria españoles y portugueses: influencia de la heteronormatividad y la desconexión moral hacia el bullying
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Radiology: Opportunities, Challenges, Pitfalls, and Criteria for Success
Institutional gaps and challenges in artisanal and small-scale mining in South Africa
Migration and pastoral power through life course: Evidence from Georgia
Negotiating the complex geographies of friendships overseas: Becoming, being and sharing in student mobility
Gendering cosmopolitanisms: Hospitality and the asylum seeker Other
Global learning is shared learning: Interdisciplinary intercultural competence at a comprehensive regional university
Are there population biases against migrant children? An experimental analysis of attitudes towards corporal punishment in Austria, Norway and Spain
Luso-tropicalism as a social representation in Portuguese society: Variations and anchoring
In the aftermath of terrorism: Effects of self versus group affirmation on support for discriminatory policies
Policies and praxis of land acquisition, use, and development in Ethiopia
Aesthetics, politics, and sociolinguistic analysis
Ethnic heterogeneity and electoral turnout: Evidence from linking neighbourhood data with individual voter data
Treacherous crossings, precarious arrivals: Responses to the influx of unaccompanied minors in the Hudson Valley
Attitudes Toward Cultural Diversity in Spanish and Portuguese Adolescents of Secondary Education: The Influence of Heteronormativity and Moral Disengagement in School Bullying

Intergroup contact versus conflict in Catalan high schools: A multilevel analysis of adolescent attitudes toward immigration and diversity
Vulnerability to decarbonization in hydrocarbon-intensive counties in the United States: A just transition to avoid post-industrial decay
Digital cultures of political participation: Internet memes and the discursive delegitimization of the 2016 U.S Presidential candidates
The nexus of war, resettlement, and education: War-affected youthâs perspectives and responses to the Quebec education system
The smart city as a common place for tourists and residents: A structural analysis of the determinants of urban attractiveness
Public discourse beyond the mainstream media: Intercultural conflict in socio-political discussion fora
Values, trust, and cultural backlash in conservation governance: The case of wildlife management in the United States
Transnational migrant home visits as identity practice: The case of African migrants in South Africa
Does negative campaign advertising stimulate uncivil communication on social media? Measuring audience response using big data
The impact of friend-or-foe cues and survival pressure on trust in the investment game
La transformación de la opinión pública ante el resurgimiento de los nacionalismos
Teaching on the frontline: The confines of teachers' contributions to conflict transformation in Lebanon
International educational tourism: Does it foster global learning? A survey of South African high school learners
Limits to territorial nationalization in election support for an independence-aimed regional nationalism in Catalonia
The Internet and income inequality: Socio-economic challenges in a hyperconnected society
Catching sea cucumber fever in coastal communities: Conceptualizing the impacts of shocks versus trends on social-ecological systems
Intercultural workplace relationships in the hospitality industry: Beyond the tip of the iceberg
The Education Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Contemporary Transcultural Space of Russia
Measuring multiple discrimination through a survey-based methodology
The geographies of difference in conflating digital and offline spaces of encounter: Migrant professionals' throwntogetherness in Singapore
Are individualistic societies less equal? Evidence from the parasite stress theory of values
Bowing and kicking: Rediscovering the fundamental link between generalized authoritarianism and generalized prejudice
Sexism in the postcolonial society of Mauritius: The role of metropolisation and communalism
Prime and prejudice: The effect of priming context and prejudicial attitudes on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following immigrant violence
Epidemiological placism in public health emergencies: Ebola in two Dallas neighborhoods

Studying ideological worldviews in political Discourse Space: Critical-cognitive advances in the analysis of conflict and coercion
Language planning, security, police communication and multilingualism in uniform: The case of South African Police Services
Economics and politics of the currency convergence: The case of Poland
La construccion monetaria europea y la crisis del euro: la perspectiva de la izquierda radical griega
Music Education as a Tool to Improve Socio-emotional and Intercultural Health within Adverse Contexts in El Salvador
Tourism and the refugee crisis in Greece: Perceptions and decision-making of accommodation providers
Xenophobia and immigrant contact: French public attitudes toward immigration
Estimating the prevalence of xenophobia and anti-Semitism in Germany: A comparison of randomized response and direct questioning
Cultural values and attitudes toward immigrants and multiculturalism: The case of the Eurobarometer survey on racism and xenophobia ☆