Multiple trial inhibitory avoidance acquisition and retrieval are resistant to chronic stress
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats. Relationship with inflammation and endothelial dysfunction
Essential Role of Ovarian Hormones in Susceptibility to the Consequences of Witnessing Social Defeat in Female Rats
Neural responses during the anticipation and receipt of olfactory reward and punishment in human
Parsing the heterogeneity of depression: An exploratory factor analysis across commonly used depression rating scales
Construct validation of the hybrid model of posttraumatic stress disorder: Distinctiveness of the new symptom clusters
What is stressful for females? Differential effects of unpredictable environmental or social stress in CD1 female mice
Research paperA pilot resting-state functional connectivity study of the kynurenine pathway in adolescents with depression and healthy controls
Motivation deficits in individuals with social anhedonia
Mediation effect of beliefs about pleasure and emotional experience between social anhedonia and prediction of pleasant events
Prevalence trends of pre- and postnatal depression in Japanese women: A population-based longitudinal study
Early-life adversity facilitates acquisition of cocaine self-administration and induces persistent anhedonia
Exploration of mental health of health students: Dental and medical formations promote anhedonia
Activating Veterans Toward Sources of Reward: A Pilot Report on Development, Feasibility, and Clinical Outcomes of a 12-Week Behavioral Activation Group Treatment
Interaction between compound genetic risk for schizophrenia and high birth weight contributes to social anhedonia and schizophrenia in women
Neuroleptic-free youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis evidence diminished emotion reactivity that is predicted by depression and anxiety
Negative symptoms and the formation of social affiliative bonds in schizophrenia
Olfactory identification deficit and its relationship with hedonic traits in patients with first-episode schizophrenia and individuals with schizotypy
Inverse association between negative symptoms and body mass index in chronic schizophrenia
Profiling of experiential pleasure, emotional regulation and emotion expression in patients with schizophrenia
Context matters: Social cognition task performance in psychometric schizotypes
The effect of rat strain and stress exposure on performance in touchscreen tasks

The relationship between illicit amphetamine use and psychiatric symptom profiles in schizophrenia and affective psychoses
Developmental expression of anxiety and depressive behaviours after prenatal predator exposure and early life homecage enhancement
Diminished Hedonic response in neuroleptic-free youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis
Similar precipitated withdrawal effects on intracranial self-stimulation during chronic infusion of an e-cigarette liquid or nicotine alone
Investigating consummatory and anticipatory pleasure across motivation deficits in schizophrenia and healthy controls
Exercise is an effective treatment for positive valence symptoms in major depression
A pilot study of cortical glutathione in youth with depression
Research reportFluvoxamine maleate normalizes striatal neuronal inflammatory cytokine activity in a Parkinsonian rat model associated with depression

Clinical phenotypes of perinatal depression and time of symptom onset: analysis of data from an international consortium
Basal prolactin levels in rat plasma correlates with response to antidepressant treatment in animal model of depression
Mice subjected to uncontrollable electric shocks show depression-like behaviors irrespective of their state of helplessness
Explanatory pluralism: An unrewarding prediction error for free energy theorists
Immediate and delayed anxiety- and depression-like profiles in the adolescent Wistar-Kyoto rat model of endogenous depression following postweaning social isolation
Turning lemonade into lemons: Dampening appraisals reduce positive affect and increase negative affect during positive activity scheduling
Depressive symptom domains and alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining moderating effects of gender
Anxiety- and depressive-like profiles during early- and mid-adolescence in the female Wistar Kyoto rat
Original ArticleReciprocal dynamics between self-rated sleep and symptoms of depression and anxiety in young adult women: a 14-day diary study
A more rational, theory-driven approach to analysing the factor structure of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Engaging in an experiential processing mode increases positive emotional response during recall of pleasant autobiographical memories
Original articleCannabis use in early adolescence is associated with higher negative schizotypy in females
Research paperMapping the relationship between anxiety, anhedonia, and depression
White matter microstructural abnormalities and their association with anticipatory anhedonia in depression
The indirect assessment of social anhedonia in Chinese adolescents: Preliminary findings
Altered interaction with environmental reinforcers in major depressive disorder: Relationship to anhedonia
Depression severity and quality of life of qualified and unqualified patients with a mood disorder for a research study targeting anhedonia in a clinical sample
A short-term longitudinal examination of the relations between depression, anhedonia, and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in adults with a history of self-injury
Patients with major depressive disorder exhibit reduced reward size coding in the striatum
Increased prefrontal and parietal cortical thickness does not correlate with anhedonia in patients with untreated first-episode major depressive disorders
Adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure diminishes anhedonia during ethanol withdrawal in adulthood
Poor savouring and low self-efficacy are predictors of anhedonia in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Acute quetiapine dose-dependently exacerbates anhedonia induced by withdrawal from escalating doses of d-amphetamine
Is social anhedonia related to emotional responsivity and expressivity? A laboratory study in women
Longitudinal associations between anhedonia and internet-related addictive behaviors in emerging adults
Perceived stress and anhedonia predict short-and long-term weight change, respectively, in healthy adults
Anhedonia in schizophrenia: Deficits in both motivation and hedonic capacity
Development and validation of the Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale (DARS) in a community sample and individuals with major depression

Dimensional structure of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress symptoms: Support for a hybrid Anhedonia and Externalizing Behaviors model
Associations between trait anhedonia and emotional memory deficits in females with schizophrenia versus major depression
Motivation and effort in individuals with social anhedonia
The neural basis of olfactory function and its relationship with anhedonia in individuals with schizotypy: An exploratory study
Individuals with psychometric schizotypy show similar social but not physical anhedonia to patients with schizophrenia
Anhedonia predicts suicidal ideation in a large psychiatric inpatient sample
Social anhedonia and work and social functioning in the acute and recovered phases of eating disorders
The relationship between taste sensitivity to phenylthiocarbamide and anhedonia
The influence of anhedonia on feedback negativity in major depressive disorder
Associations Among Smoking, Anhedonia, and Reward Learning in Depression ☆
Anhedonia in Parkinson's disease patients with and without pathological gambling: A case-control study
Anhedonia, avolition, and anticipatory deficits: Assessments in animals with relevance to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Positive affect, anhedonia, and compliance with self-care in patients with chronic heart failure
Anhedonia in prolonged schizophrenia spectrum patients with relatively lower vs. higher levels of depression disorders: Associations with deficits in social cognition and metacognition
The neural correlates of emotional face-processing in adolescent depression: a dimensional approach focusing on anhedonia and illness severity
Anhedonia in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Beyond comorbid depression
Distinct structural neural patterns of trait physical and social anhedonia: Evidence from cortical thickness, subcortical volumes and inter-regional correlations