Oxidative stress markers imbalance in late-life depression
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Regular Research ArticlesSymptomatic and Functional Recovery From Major Depressive Disorder in the Ibadan Study of Ageing
Prospective assessment of patient-reported outcomes in gynecologic cancer patients before and after pelvic exenteration
Archival ReportElectroencephalography Source Functional Connectivity Reveals Abnormal High-Frequency Communication Among Large-Scale Functional Networks in Depression
Increased emotional reactivity to affective pictures in patients with skin-picking disorder: Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging
Psychiatric comorbidities and suicidality among patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders in Argentina
Phase-locking and bistability in neuronal networks with synaptic depression
Effects of imipramine on cytokines panel in the rats serum during the drug treatment and discontinuation
Reduced integrity of the uncinate fasciculus and cingulum in depression: A stem-by-stem analysis
Impact of early and recent stress on white matter microstructure in major depressive disorder
Resilience in high-risk adolescents of mothers with recurrent depressive disorder: The contribution of fathers
Research paperYoung adult cognitive ability and subsequent major depression in a cohort of 666,804 Danish men
Interaction between childhood maltreatment on immunogenetic risk in depression: Discovery and replication in clinical case-control samples
Diagnosed dementia and the risk of motor vehicle crash among older drivers
Adult attachment predicts the seven-year course of recurrent depression in primary care
Research paperRobust symptom networks in recurrent major depression across different levels of genetic and environmental risk
Early-life home environment and risk of asthma among inner-city children
Recurrent Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Admissions for Patients With Reduced Versus Preserved Ejection Fraction (from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study)
Improvement of postpartum depression and psychosis after electroconvulsive therapy: A population-based study with a matched comparison group
Comorbid Dementia and Depression: The Case for Integrated Care
Cooking traces on Copper Age pottery from central Italy: An integrated approach comprising use wear analysis, spectroscopic analysis and experimental archaeology
Number of illness episodes as predictor of residual symptoms in major depressive disorder
Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio is increased in elderly patients with first episode depression, but not in recurrent depression
Temperament and character profiles are associated with depression outcome in psychiatric secondary care patients with harmful drinking
Electroconvulsive therapy and risk of dementia in patients with affective disorders: a cohort study
Research paperPathways to depression by age 16 years: Examining trajectories for self-reported psychological and somatic phenotypes across adolescence
Personality traits as a possible factor in the inflammatory response in the first depression episode and in recurrent depressive disorders
Depression Status Is Associated with Functional Decline Over 1-Year Following Acute Stroke
Peripheral zinc and neopterin concentrations are associated with mood severity in bipolar disorder in a gender-specific manner
Analgesic use and risk of recurrent falls in participants with or at risk of knee osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Secondary to excessive melatonin synthesis, the consumption of tryptophan from outside the blood-brain barrier and melatonin over-signaling in the pars tuberalis may be central to the pathophysiology of winter depression

Original articleAlimentary tractMood and Anxiety Disorders Precede Development of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Patients but Not in the Population
Functional disability and depression symptoms in a paediatric persistent pain sample
Investigation of associations between recurrence of major depressive disorder and spinal posture alignment: A quantitative cross-sectional study
History of Depression in Lung Cancer Patients: Impact of Delay
Maintenance pharmacotherapy for recurrent major depressive disorder in primary care: A 5-year follow-up study

Risk factors for suicide attempt in pregnancy and the post-partum period in women with serious mental illnesses
Methyl jasmonate attenuated lipopolysaccharide-induced depressive-like behaviour in mice
Three-year follow-up of patients with acetylcholine-induced coronary artery spasm combined with insignificant coronary stenosis
Associations between clinical diagnostic criteria and pretreatment patient-reported outcomes measures in a prospective observational cohort of patients with neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
Investigation of copy number variation in subjects with major depression based on whole-genome sequencing data
Psychological Characteristics and Pain Frequency Are Associated With Experimental Pain Sensitivity in Pediatric Patients With Sickle Cell Disease
Genetic predisposition to advanced biological ageing increases risk for childhood-onset recurrent major depressive disorder in a large UK sample
Mindfulness facets and Big Five personality facets in persons with recurrent depression in remission
Improvement of mindfulness skills during Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy predicts long-term reductions of neuroticism in persons with recurrent depression in remission
Beneficial effects of training in self-distancing and perspective broadening for people with a history of recurrent depression
Clinical InvestigationDepression is associated with recurrent chest pain with or without coronary artery disease: A prospective cohort study in the emergency department
Imagine your mood: Study design and protocol of a randomized controlled micro-trial using app-based experience sampling methodology to explore processes of change during relapse prevention interventions for recurrent depression
Research paperThe association between the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis and tryptophan metabolism in persons with recurrent major depressive disorder and healthy controls
Full length articleMental distress, quality of life and social support in recurrent ovarian cancer patients during active chemotherapy
Recurrent falls and its risk factors among older men living in the veterans retirement communities: A cross-sectional study
Brain responses to sound intensity changes dissociate depressed participants and healthy controls
Original ResearchFunctional Reach, Depression Scores, and Number of Medications Are Associated With Number of Falls in People With Chronic Stroke
Childhood trauma and lifetime syncope burden among older adults
Intensified emotion perception in depression: Differences in physiological arousal and subjective perceptions
Research paperThe role of affect in predicting depressive symptomatology in remitted recurrently depressed patients
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among patients with depressive disorder admitted to a psychiatric inpatient unit: A comparison with healthy controls
New risk and protective factors for severe hypoglycaemia in people with type 1 diabetes
Moderation of the Alliance-Outcome Association by Prior Depressive Episodes: Differential Effects in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Short-Term Psychodynamic Supportive Psychotherapy
Erythrocyte fatty acid profiles and plasma homocysteine, folate and vitamin B6 and B12 in recurrent depression: Implications for co-morbidity with cardiovascular disease
DHEAS and cortisol/DHEAS-ratio in recurrent depression: State, or trait predicting 10-year recurrence?
Understanding emotion and emotional scarring in recurrent depression
The Relationship Between Therapist Competence and Homework Compliance in Maintenance Cognitive Therapy for Recurrent Depression: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Trial
Relationship between the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal-axis and fatty acid metabolism in recurrent depression
Relapses in recurrent depression 1 year after maintenance cognitive-behavioral therapy: The role of therapist adherence, competence, and the therapeutic alliance
Longitudinal hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis trait and state effects in recurrent depression
Lower cortisol levels predict recurrence in remitted patients with recurrent depression: A 5.5 year prospective study ☆☆☆
Salivary cortisol profiles in patients remitted from recurrent depression: One-year follow-up of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy trial
Relapses in recurrent depression 1 year after psychoeducational treatment: The role of therapist adherence and competence, and the therapeutic alliance
Hippocampal volume in first episode and recurrent depression
Early visual information processing in schizophrenia compared to recurrent depression
Verbal memory performance of patients with a first depressive episode and patients with unipolar and bipolar recurrent depression