Modeling the relationships between anxieties and performance in second/foreign language speaking assessment
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Correlations between stress, anxiety and depression and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics among outpatients with heart failure
The association between estradiol levels, hormonal contraceptive use, and responsiveness to one-session-treatment for spider phobia in women
The relation between media multitasking, intensity of use, and well-being in a sample of ethnically diverse emerging adults
Cognitive function and young drivers: The relationship between driving, attitudes, personality and cognition
Hippocampal astrocyte atrophy in a mouse depression model induced by corticosterone is reversed by fluoxetine instead of benzodiazepine diazepam
Study on antidepressant activity of chiisanoside in mice
The state of immersive technology research: A literature analysis
The Roman high- and low-avoidance rats differ in the sensitivity to shock-induced suppression of drinking and to the anxiogenic effect of pentylenetetrazole
The effect of positive orientation and perceived social support on foreign language classroom anxiety
Serotonin-specific lesions of the dorsal raphe disrupt maternal aggression and caregiving in postpartum rats
Serial multiple mediation of organizational commitment and job burnout in the relationship between psychological capital and anxiety in Chinese female nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey
National culture and financial systems: The conditioning role of political context
Effects of brief mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation inductions on emotional and behavioral responses to social rejection among individuals with high borderline personality traits
The impact of witnessing other people's trauma: The resilience and coping strategies of members of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine
Mobile social networking and salesperson maladaptive dependence behaviors
Increased brain glucocorticoid actions following social defeat in rats facilitates the long-term establishment of social subordination
Clinical predictors of gaming abstinence in help-seeking adult problematic gamers
Performing expertise in doctoral dissertations: Thoughts on a fundamental dilemma facing doctoral students and their supervisors
Genetic and environmental influences to low back pain and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A population-based twin study
Sex differences in self-regulatory executive functions are amplified by trait anxiety: The case of students at risk for academic failure
Extracurricular participation and young children's outcomes in Hong Kong: Maternal involvement as a moderator
Depression in Danish and Swedish elite football players and its relation to perfectionism and anxiety
Self-confidence and affect responses to short-term sprint interval training
Interactive effects of ghrelin and ketamine on forced swim performance: Implications for novel antidepressant strategies
Challenge and threat states: examining cardiovascular, cognitive and affective responses to two distinct laboratory stress tasks

How perceptions of organizational politics influence self-determined motivation: The mediating role of work mood
Longitudinal Examination of Resilience After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study
Sporting hyperchallenges: Health, social, and fiscal implications
Employment Stability in Veterans and Service Members With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Veterans Administration Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study
The Effects of a Humor Intervention on the Physiological, Physical, and Psychological Responses of School-aged Children With Atopic Dermatitis in South Korea: A Pilot Study
Primary unresectable locally invasive biatrial paraganglioma presenting with chest pain
Enhancing surgical performance by adopting expert musicians' practice and performance strategies
Contextualizing public stigma: Endorsed mental health treatment stigma on college and university campuses
Investigating the mediating role of positive and negative mastery imagery ability
High intensity interval training negatively affects mood state in professional athletes
The effects of instruction and environmental demand on state anxiety, driving performance and autonomic activity: Are ego-threatening manipulations effective?
Why do we know so little about the factors associated with gifted underachievement? A systematic literature review
Adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern and incidence of anorexia and bulimia nervosa in women: The SUN cohort
Inhibition of Glyoxalase 1 reduces alcohol self-administration in dependent and nondependent rats
Plug-in fuel cell electric vehicles: A California case study
Perceived self-efficacy, personality and bioethics before a heart rehabilitation programme in primary health care
Performance during competition and competition outcome in relation to testosterone and cortisol among women
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis genetic variation and early stress moderates amygdala function
Trajectories of anxiety symptoms in adolescents: Testing the model of emotional inertia
The unexpected comfort of wearing headphones: Emotional and cognitive effects of headphone use when playing a bloody video game
Exploring choking experiences in elite sport: The role of self-presentation
Best practice during intrapartum care: A concept analysis
Emotional economic man: Calculation and anxiety in fund management
Endocannabinoid signaling and memory dynamics: A synaptic perspective
Metabolic syndrome and its components are related to psychological disorders: A population based study
Salivary steroid response and competitive anxiety in elite basketball players: Effect of opponent level
Using an informal competitive practical to stimulate links between the theoretical and practical in fluid mechanics: A case study in non-assessment driven learning approaches
Yogic breathing practices improve lung functions of competitive young swimmers
Can psychological well-being scales and hormone levels be used to predict acute performance of anaerobic training tasks in elite female volleyball players?
Causal attribution and psychobiological response to competition in young men
Personality and performance in real-world competitions: Testing trait activation of fear of negative evaluation, dispositional reinvestment, and athletic identity in the field
The effect of unfavourable and favourable social comparisons on paranoid ideation: An experimental study
Physical Activity Among Organ Recipients: Data Collected From the Latin American Transplant Games
Developmental social experience of parents affects behaviour of offspring in zebrafish
The effects of goal priming on cortisol responses in an ego-involving climate
The psycho-hormonal influence of anaerobic fatigue on semi-professional female soccer players
Attention allocation and social worries predict interpretations of peer-related social cues in adolescents
Electricity prices and industrial competitiveness: A case study of final assembly automobile manufacturing in the United States and Canada
Obtaining a better understanding about travel-related purchase intentions among senior users of mobile social network sites
Feeling anxious? The mechanisms of vocal deception in tufted capuchin monkeys
The effect of red and blue uniforms on competitive anxiety and self-confidence in virtual sports contests