Barriers to self-compassion for female survivors of childhood maltreatment: The roles of fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Facet Benchmarking: Advanced application of a new instrument refinement method
High risk, high reward: Daily perceptions of social challenge and performance in social anxiety disorder
The effect of the practice of Authentic Movement on the emotional state
Suicide-Specific Rumination Relates to lifetime suicide attempts above and beyond a variety of other suicide risk factors
Mental contamination obsessions: An examination across the obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions
Emotion regulation deficits in persons with body-focused repetitive behavior disorders
Acculturation orientations and Chinese student Sojourners' career adaptability: The roles of career exploration and cultural distance
Effects of traumatic experiences on obsessive-compulsive and internalizing symptoms: The role of avoidance and mindfulness
Variation in health beliefs across different types of cervical screening non-participants
Abstract and experiential thinking differentially account for anomalous perception of reality in people with or without schizophrenia
Experiential avoidance, eating expectancies, and binge eating: A preliminary test of an adaption of the Acquired Preparedness model of eating disorder risk
A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial for cocaine cessation and relapse prevention: Tailoring treatment to the individual
The unique contribution of acceptance without judgment in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury after 20-weeks of dialectical behaviour therapy group skills training
The embodied simulation account of cognition in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
Social Anxiety and the Quality of Everyday Social Interactions: The Moderating Influence of Alcohol Consumption
Childhood emotional maltreatment, anxiety, attachment, and mindfulness: Associations with facial emotion recognition
Frugality and cross-sectoral policymaking for food security
Sex as a biological variable: Drug use and abuse
Delivering Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Weight Self-Stigma Through Guided Self-Help: Results From an Open Pilot Trial
The Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Mental Health and School Engagement in University Students: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial
Rumination, Social Problem Solving and Suicide Intent Among Egyptians With a Recent Suicide Attempt
Experience based knowledge representation for Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems with case studies
Public speaking avoidance as a treatment moderator for social anxiety disorder
Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire in Colombia
Emotion regulation in individuals with and without trichotillomania
The role of interpersonal attachment styles in shaping consumer preferences for products shown in relational advertisements
Identifying sub-categories of social fears using an alternative factor analytic structure of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory
Developing an Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder: Rationale and Challenges
A Case Study of Individually Delivered Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Severe Health Anxiety
Pathways towards the proliferation of avoidance in anxiety and implications for treatment
The impact of early shame memories in Binge Eating Disorder: The mediator effect of current body image shame and cognitive fusion
The role of psychological factors in oncology nurses' burnout and compassion fatigue symptoms
Consumption coping and life transitions: An integrative review
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Early Psychosis: A Case Series
Estrategias cognitivas de control, evitación y regulación emocional: el papel diferencial en pensamientos repetitivos negativos e intrusivos
A longitudinal examination of the role of attentional control in the relationship between posttraumatic stress and threat-related attentional bias: An eye-tracking study
A conceptual study of gastronomical quests of tourists: Authenticity or safety and comfort?
A test of the core process account of psychopathology in a heterogenous clinical sample of anxiety and depression: A case of the blind men and the elephant?
Group schema therapy for personality disorders: A pilot study for implementation in acute psychiatric in-patient settings
Assessing acceptance in mindfulness with direct-worded items: The development and initial validation of the Athlete Mindfulness Questionnaire
General Health Questionnaire-12 validity in Colombia and factorial equivalence between clinical and nonclinical participants
Psychological flexibility under fire: Testing the incremental validity of experiential avoidance

Relationship between psychological inflexibility and experiential avoidance and internet addiction: Mediating effects of mental health problems
Experiential avoidance and dysfunctional beliefs in the prediction of body image disturbance in a nonclinical sample of women
Synergistic effects of pain intensity and experiential avoidance in relation to anxiety symptoms and disorders among economically disadvantaged latinos in a community-based primary care setting
Experiential avoidance in the vulnerability to depression among adolescent females
Adversity and persecutory ideation: A moderated mediational model
Parsing sensitivity to negative affect in borderline personality disorder: A comparison of anxiety and disgust
Altered responsiveness in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and its implication to underlying psychopathology
Exploring the efficacy of an acceptance, mindfulness & compassionate-based group intervention for women struggling with their weight (Kg-Free): A randomized controlled trial
La evitación experiencial como dimensión funcional de los trastornos de depresión, ansiedad y psicóticos
Preliminary Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II: A Revised Measure of Psychological Inflexibility and Experiential Avoidance ☆
Experiential avoidance in idiographic, autobiographical memories: Construct validity and links to social anxiety, depressive, and anger symptoms
Gay male sexual assault survivors: The relations among internalized homophobia, experiential avoidance, and psychological symptom severity
The role of negative reinforcement eating expectancies in the relation between experiential avoidance and disinhibition ☆
Sustained smoking abstinence is associated with reductions in smoking-specific experiential avoidance among treatment-seeking smokers
Insight in paranoia: The role of experiential avoidance and internalized stigma
Short-term pain for long-term gain: The role of experiential avoidance in the relation between anxiety sensitivity and emotional distress
Solving the puzzle of deliberate self-harm: The experiential avoidance model

Smoking-specific experiential avoidance cognition: Explanatory relevance to pre- and post-cessation nicotine withdrawal, craving, and negative affect
Self-critical perfectionism and depressive symptoms: Low self-esteem and experiential avoidance as mediators
Behavioral and experiential avoidance in patients with hoarding disorder
A Longitudinal Study of Experiential Avoidance in Emotional Disorders ☆
Experiential avoidance and emotion regulation difficulties in hoarding disorder
The role of experiential avoidance, psychopathology, and borderline personality features in experiencing positive emotions: A path analysis
Experiential Avoidance as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Anxiety Sensitivity and Perceived Stress ☆
Experiential avoidance and the relationship between child maltreatment and PTSD symptoms: Preliminary evidence ☆
Personality and experiential avoidance: A model of anxiety sensitivity
The role of experiential avoidance, rumination and mindfulness in eating disorders
Depressive symptoms predict inflexibly high levels of experiential avoidance in response to daily negative affect: A daily diary study
Post-traumatic distress and the presence of post-traumatic growth and meaning in life: Experiential avoidance as a moderator
Coping and experiential avoidance: Unique or overlapping constructs?
Life hassles, experiential avoidance and distressing delusional experiences
Experiential avoidance as a moderator of the relationship between behavioral inhibition system sensitivity and posttraumatic stress symptoms