Anxiety disorders and childhood maltreatment as predictors of outcome in bipolar disorder
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
How do attachment styles change from childhood through adolescence? Findings from an accelerated longitudinal Cohort study
Relationship between childhood trauma and suicide probability in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Childhood trauma and sensitivity to reward and punishment: Implications for depressive and anxiety symptoms
Change in disgust reactions following cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety disorders
Offspring of depressed and anxious patients: Help-seeking after first onset of a mood and/or anxiety disorder
Trait anxiety and self-concept among children and adolescents with food neophobia
Does adult attachment style mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and mental and physical health outcomes?
Childhood maltreatment is associated with attachment insecurities, dissociation and alexithymia in bipolar disorder
Early maladaptive schemas as mediators between childhood maltreatment and later psychological distress among Chinese college students
Temporal dynamics and longitudinal co-occurrence of depression and different anxiety syndromes in youth: Evidence for reciprocal patterns in a 3-year prospective study
Population attributable fractions of psychopathology and suicidal behaviour associated with childhood adversities in Northern Ireland
An Inhibitory Learning Approach to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents
Depressed female smokers have higher levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1
Higher concentration of interleukin 6 - A possible link between major depressive disorder and childhood abuse
Linking financial hardship throughout the life-course with psychological distress in old age: Sensitive period, accumulation of risks, and chain of risks hypotheses
Post-secondary maternal education buffers against neural risk for psychological vulnerability to future life stress

Do clinically anxious children cluster according to their expression of factors that maintain child anxiety?
Early childhood teachers' stress and children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning
Measuring childhood maltreatment to predict early-adult psychopathology: Comparison of prospective informant-reports and retrospective self-reports
Changes in neural activation underlying attention processing of emotional stimuli following treatment with positive search training in anxious children
Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in parents of young children with epilepsy: A case controlled population-based study
The association between sleep disturbances of children with anxiety disorders and those of their mothers
Effects of traumatic experiences on obsessive-compulsive and internalizing symptoms: The role of avoidance and mindfulness
Severe interpersonal violence against children in sport: Associated mental health problems and quality of life in adulthood
Association of comorbidity of mood and anxiety disorders with suicidal behaviors
A translational approach to the genetics of anxiety disorders
Childhood adversities, bonding, and personality in social anxiety disorder with alcohol use disorder
Childhood emotional maltreatment, anxiety, attachment, and mindfulness: Associations with facial emotion recognition
Predicting Response to an Internet-Delivered Parenting Program for Anxiety in Early Childhood
Development and Preliminary Feasibility Testing of a Decision Support Tool for Childhood Anxiety Treatment
Stress reactivity links childhood trauma exposure to an admixture of depressive, anxiety, and psychosis symptoms
Self-reported neglect, amygdala volume, and symptoms of anxiety in adolescent boys
Examining the role of attachment in the relationship between childhood adversity, psychological distress and subjective well-being
Associations of early childhood adversities with mental disorders, psychological functioning, and suitability for psychotherapy in adulthood
Childhood adversities as predictors of improvement in psychiatric symptoms and global functioning in solution-focused and short- and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy during a 5-year follow-up
Incidence, recurrence and comorbidity of anxiety disorders in four major developmental stages
Facial gender but not emotion distinguishes neural responses of 10- to 13-year-old children with social anxiety disorder from healthy and clinical controls
Childhood maltreatment: A predictor of mental health problems among adolescents and young adults
Associations between severity of anxiety and clinical and biological features of major affective disorders
Relationships between self-reported childhood traumatic experiences, attachment style, neuroticism and features of borderline personality disorders in patients with mood disorders
Early deprivation, atypical brain development, and internalizing symptoms in late childhood
Separation Anxiety Disorder in School-Age Children: What Health Care Providers Should Know
Children's behavioral inhibition and anxiety disorder symptom severity: The role of individual differences in respiratory sinus arrhythmia
Effects of childhood trauma exposure and cortisol levels on cognitive functioning among breast cancer survivors
Childhood parental bonding affects adulthood trait anxiety through self-esteem
Adult Associations of Childhood Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Prospective, Longitudinal Analysis
The relationship between childhood trauma and the severity of adulthood depression and anxiety symptoms in a clinical sample: The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies
Telomere length in alcohol dependence: A role for impulsive choice and childhood maltreatment
What do childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms in depressed adults tell us about the bipolar spectrum?
Childhood predictors of adult psychopathy scores among males followed from age 6 to 33
Childhood maltreatment, postnatal distress and the protective role of social support

Long-term outcomes and predictors of internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety disorders
Cumulative childhood maltreatment and its dose-response relation with adult symptomatology: Findings in a sample of adult survivors of sexual abuse
Parent-reported stigma and child anxiety: A mixed methods research study
Anxiety among adults with a history of childhood adversity: Psychological resilience moderates the indirect effect of emotion dysregulation
Social anxiety in pre-adolescent children: What do we know about maintenance?
Psychological Manifestations of Early Childhood Adversity in the Context of Chronic Hematologic Malignancy
Anxiety- and depressive-like profiles during early- and mid-adolescence in the female Wistar Kyoto rat
Subtypes of suicide attempters based on longitudinal childhood profiles of co-occurring depressive, anxious and aggressive behavior symptoms
Beyond bashful: Examining links between social anxiety and young childrenâs socio-emotional and school adjustment
A Neurobehavioral Mechanism Linking Behaviorally Inhibited Temperament and Later Adolescent Social Anxiety
Distinguishing types of social withdrawal in children: Internalizing and externalizing outcomes of conflicted shyness versus social disinterest across childhood
The relation of childhood trauma to suicide ideation in patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder with lifetime suicide attempts
Childhood adversities and clinical symptomatology in first-episode psychosis
Alexithymia and anesthetic bladder capacity in interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
Childhood trauma perpetrated by close others, psychiatric dysfunction, and urological symptoms in patients with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
Organic vs. functional neurological disorders: The role of childhood psychological trauma
Childhood Stress and Adversity is Associated with Late-Life Dementia in Aboriginal Australians
Clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of brief guided parent-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy and solution-focused brief therapy for treatment of childhood anxiety disorders: a randomised controlled trial
Childhood maltreatment is associated with alteration in global network fiber-tract architecture independent of history of depression and anxiety
FRIENDS for Life: Implementation of an indicated prevention program targeting childhood anxiety and depression in a naturalistic setting
Guided parent-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety: Predictors of treatment response
The impact and reach of web-based parenting guidelines to prevent childhood depression and anxiety: Findings from online user surveys
Relations among adults' remembrances of parental acceptanceârejection in childhood, self-reported psychological adjustment, and adult psychopathology