در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Testing a novelty-based extinction procedure for the reduction of conditioned avoidance
Insular cortex inactivation generalizes fear-induced underestimation of interval timing in a temporal bisection task
A mind cleared by walnut oil: The effects of polyunsaturated and saturated fat on extinction learning
Building physiological toughness: Some aversive events during extinction may attenuate return of fear
Facilitated acquisition of the classically conditioned eyeblink response in active duty military expressing posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
Facilitation of fear learning by prior and subsequent fear conditioning
A more generalized fear response after a daytime nap
Nicotine exposure leads to deficits in differential cued fear conditioning in mice and humans: A potential role of the anterior cingulate cortex
Pre-adolescent and adolescent mice are less sensitive to the effects of acute nicotine on extinction and spontaneous recovery
Attention avoidance of the threat conditioned stimulus during extinction increases physiological arousal generalisation and retention
Learning and memory is modulated by cannabidiol when administered during trace fear-conditioning
Cortisol increases the return of fear by strengthening amygdala signaling in men
Individual variation in working memory is associated with fear extinction performance
Developmental neurotoxicity in the progeny after maternal gavage with chlorpyrifos
The Roman high- and low-avoidance rats differ in the sensitivity to shock-induced suppression of drinking and to the anxiogenic effect of pentylenetetrazole
Prefrontal-limbic Functional Connectivity during Acquisition and Extinction of Conditioned Fear
Temporal dynamics of relief in avoidance conditioning and fear extinction: Experimental validation and clinical relevance
Trauma exposure relates to heightened stress, altered amygdala morphology and deficient extinction learning: Implications for psychopathology
Intact renewal after extinction of conditioned suppression with lesions of either the retrosplenial cortex or dorsal hippocampus
One-trial overshadowing: Evidence for fast specific fear learning in humans
Extinction of Fear Generalization: A Comparison Between Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Control Participants
Neonatal handling enduringly decreases anxiety and stress responses and reduces hippocampus and amygdala volume in a genetic model of differential anxiety: Behavioral-volumetric associations in the Roman rat strains
Central Ghrelin Resistance Permits the Overconsolidation of Fear Memory
Evidence of a role for orbital prefrontal cortex in preventing over-generalization to moderate predictors of biologically significant events
Learning mechanisms underlying threat absence and threat relief: Influences of trait anxiety
Higher threat avoidance costs reduce avoidance behaviour which in turn promotes fear extinction in humans
Learning of safety by a social fish: applications for studying post-traumatic stress in humans
Overt verbalization of strategies to attend to and retain learning about the threat conditioned stimulus reduces US expectancy generalization during extinction
Strain specific effects of low level lead exposure on associative learning and memory in rats
Stick or twist: roe deer adjust their flight behaviour to the perceived trade-off between risk and reward
Lesions of the lateral habenula facilitate active avoidance learning and threat extinction
Effects of Aversive Classical Conditioning on Sexual Response in Women With Dyspareunia and Sexually Functional Controls
Progesterone modifies the responsivity of the amygdala-mPFC connection in male but not female Wistar rats
Activation of nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptors inhibits contextual fear memory reconsolidation
Stress disrupts the reconsolidation of fear memories in men
Embryonic exposure to a conspecific alarm cue triggers behavioural plasticity in juvenile rainbow trout
Differential effects of stress on fear learning and activation of the amygdala in pre-adolescent and adult male rats
Acquisition and inhibition of conditioned fear is modulated by individual stimulus fear-relevance
Repeated corticosterone enhances the acquisition and recall of trace fear conditioning
Fear acquisition and liking of out-group and in-group members: Learning bias or attention?
The effect of left frontal transcranial direct-current stimulation on propranolol-induced fear memory acquisition and consolidation deficits
Differences in hippocampal serotonergic activity in a mouse single prolonged stress paradigm impact discriminant fear acquisition and retention
Generalization of Pain-Related Fear Based on Conceptual Knowledge
Mixed evidence for the potential of non-invasive transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to improve the extinction and retention of fear
Pharmacological modulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 and 7 impairs extinction of social fear in a time-point-dependent manner
Biased Intensity Judgements of Visceral Sensations After Learning to Fear Visceral Stimuli: A Drift Diffusion Approach
Selective post-training time window for memory consolidation interference of cannabidiol into the prefrontal cortex: Reduced dopaminergic modulation and immediate gene expression in limbic circuits
Endogenous cortisol reactivity moderates the relationship between fear inhibition to safety signals and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
Involvement of the prelimbic cortex in contextual fear conditioning with temporal and spatial discontinuity
Stimulus fear relevance and the speed, magnitude, and robustness of vicariously learned fear
The relative effectiveness of extinction and counter-conditioning in diminishing children's fear
Do infants associate spiders and snakes with fearful facial expressions?

Effects of chemogenetic excitation or inhibition of the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray on the acquisition and extinction of Pavlovian fear conditioning
Direction of attention bias to threat relates to differences in fear acquisition and extinction in anxious children
Conditioned Fear Acquisition and Generalization in Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Dispositional cognitive reappraisal modulates the neural correlates of fear acquisition and extinction
Development of fear acquisition and extinction in children: Effects of age and anxiety
Stress exposure prior to fear acquisition interacts with estradiol status to alter recall of fear extinction in humans
Cortisol enhances neural differentiation during fear acquisition and extinction in contingency aware young women
Inhibition of fear acquisition in toddlers following positive modelling by their mothers
Psychophysiological reactions in dental phobic patients with direct vs. indirect fear acquisition
Dishabituation processes in height fear and dental fear: an indirect test of the non-associative model of fear acquisition