Anxiety disorders and childhood maltreatment as predictors of outcome in bipolar disorder
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Neural Bases of Interoceptive Encoding and Recall in Healthy and Depressed Adults
Respiratory subtype of panic disorder: Can serum phosphate levels be a possible outcome to group cognitive-behavior therapy?
Repetitive thought is associated with both subjectively and objectively recorded polysomnographic indices of disrupted sleep in insomnia disorder
Avoidance and escape: Defensive reactivity and trait anxiety
Anxiety sensitivity and sleep disturbance: Investigating associations among patients with co-occurring anxiety and substance use disorders
Sleep quality, psychological symptoms, and psychotic-like experiences
Neuropsychiatric symptoms as risk factors of dementia in a Mexican population: A 10/66 Dementia Research Group study
Cognitive behavioral therapy for post-stroke depression: A meta-analysis
Prospective predictors of first-onset depressive disorders in adolescent females with anxiety disorders
Bi-directionality of BrainâGut Interactions in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for the Management of Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Disturbance, and Pain in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Preliminary Study
Effects of Amitriptyline and Escitalopram on Sleep and Mood in Patients With Functional Dyspepsia

Long-term exposure to residential green and blue spaces and anxiety and depression in adults: A cross-sectional study
Long-term predictors for psychological outcome of pre-symptomatic testing for late-onset neurological diseases
A Novel Integrated Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Medication Adherence Among Persons Living With HIV/AIDS
A computerized version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 as an ultra-brief screening tool to detect emotional disorders in primary care
Perceived control of anxiety as a moderator in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and problematic alcohol use among adolescents
Acculturative stress and mental health among economically disadvantaged Spanish-speaking Latinos in primary care: The role of anxiety sensitivity
Anxiety sensitivity components in relation to alcohol and cannabis use, motives, and problems in treatment-seeking cigarette smokers
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia According to the 2016 Revised Fibromyalgia Criteria in Chronic Pain Patients Referred to Multidisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation: Influence on Clinical and Experimental Pain Sensitivity
Original ArticleEffects of Androgen Deprivation Therapy on Pain Perception, Quality of Life, and Depression in Men With Prostate Cancer
A network analysis of eating disorder symptoms and characteristics in an inpatient sample
Depressive symptoms, impaired glucose metabolism, high visceral fat, and high systolic blood pressure in a subgroup of women with recent gestational diabetes
Associations between feelings of social anxiety and emotion perception
Assessing the quality and usefulness of factor-analytic applications to personality measures: A study with the statistical anxiety scale
Fear of birth in clinical practice: A structured review of current measurement tools
Early childhood teachers' stress and children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning
A single bout of either sprint interval training or moderate intensity continuous training reduces anxiety sensitivity: A randomized controlled trial
Physical exercise for late-life depression: Effects on symptom dimensions and time course
The effect of hydrocortisone administration on intertemporal choice
Heart rate variability is associated with thermal heat pain threshold in males, but not females
Decision-making for the treatment of climacteric symptoms using the Menopause Rating Scale
High agreement was obtained across scores from multiple equated scales for social anxiety disorder using item response theory
Development and external validation of a prediction rule for an unfavorable course of late-life depression: A multicenter cohort study
The short-term impact of economic uncertainty on motor vehicle collisions
Enhanced sensitivity to socially facilitating and anxiolytic effects of ethanol in adolescent Sprague Dawley rats following acute prenatal ethanol exposure
The Long-Term Footprint of Endometriosis: Population-Based Cohort Analysis Reveals Increased Pain Symptoms and Decreased Pain Tolerance at Age 46 Years
The association of omega-3 fatty acid levels with personality and cognitive reactivity

Distress tolerance and mindfulness mediate relations between depression and anxiety sensitivity with problematic smartphone use
Anxiety sensitivity and suicide risk among firefighters: A test of the depression-distress amplification model
The effect of panic disorder versus anxiety sensitivity on event-related potentials during anticipation of threat
Exploring the pathway from anxiety sensitivity intervention to suicide risk reduction: Chained mediation through anxiety and depressive symptoms
Positive alcohol use expectancies moderate the association between anxiety sensitivity and alcohol use across adolescence
Psychopathological correlates of eating behavior among Portuguese undergraduate students
The unique and interactive effects of anxiety sensitivity and emotion dysregulation in relation to posttraumatic stress, depressive, and anxiety symptoms among trauma-exposed firefighters
The effects of alcohol on heartbeat perception: Implications for anxiety
Research paperThe effect of fecal microbiota transplantation on psychiatric symptoms among patients with irritable bowel syndrome, functional diarrhea and functional constipation: An open-label observational study
Pre-treatment anxiety is associated with persistent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in women treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
Anxiety sensitivity and cannabis use problems, perceived barriers for quitting, and fear of quitting
The role of psychological factors in the development of burning mouth syndrome
Cultural influences on mental health symptoms in a primary care sample of Latinx patients
Close relation of interpersonal sensitivity with negative core beliefs about the self, the central construct of cognitive vulnerability to depression
Early life socioeconomic status associates with interleukin-6 responses to acute laboratory stress in adulthood
Predictors of benzodiazepine use in a transdiagnostic sample of panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients
The effect of anxiety sensitivity on psychological and biological variables during the cold pressor test
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on pain, mood and serum endorphin level in the treatment of fibromyalgia: A double blinded, randomized clinical trial
The genesis and presentation of anxiety in disorders of autonomic overexcitation
Fear reactivity to cognitive dyscontrol via novel head-mounted display perceptual illusion exercises
Early deprivation increases high-leaning behavior, a novel anxiety-like behavior, in the open field test in rats
Clinical Correlates of Carbon Dioxide Hypersensitivity in Children
The role of anxiety sensitivity in reactivity to trauma cues in treatment-seeking adults with substance use disorders
The psychological morbidity in the long term after war related bilateral lower limb amputation
Circumcision and its potential effects on children's mental health state
Visceral sensitivity, anxiety, and smoking among treatment-seeking smokers
Impairment of Social Function in Young Females With Recent-Onset Anorexia Nervosa and Recovered Individuals
A randomized clinical trial examining the effects of an anxiety sensitivity intervention on insomnia symptoms: Replication and extension
Fear of food prospectively predicts drive for thinness in an eating disorder sample recently discharged from intensive treatment
Respiratory problems and anxiety sensitivity in smoking lapse among treatment seeking smokers
The application of a decision tree to establish the parameters associated with hypertension
A Neurobehavioral Mechanism Linking Behaviorally Inhibited Temperament and Later Adolescent Social Anxiety
Psychiatric dimensions in mothers of children with primary nocturnal enuresis: A controlled study
Clinical and metabolic response to probiotic supplementation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Psychometric properties of the anxiety sensitivity index-3 in an acute and heterogeneous treatment sample
Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI-3) subscales predict unique variance in anxiety and depressive symptoms