Interplay of self-esteem, emotion regulation, and parenting in young adolescents' friendship jealousy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Binge eating in bariatric surgery candidates: The role of insecure attachment and emotion regulation
Dealing with feeling: Specific emotion regulation skills predict responses to stress in psychosis
Hoarding and eating pathology: The mediating role of emotion regulation
Self-compassion as an emotion regulation strategy in major depressive disorder
Motherhood in adolescent mothers: Maternal attachment, mother–infant styles of interaction and emotion regulation at three months
The importance of distinguishing between the different eating disorders (sub)types when assessing emotion regulation strategies
The role of trait emotional intelligence in emotion regulation and performance under pressure
Cumulative childhood trauma and psychological maladjustment of sexually abused children in Korea: Mediating effects of emotion regulation
An initial examination of emotion regulation and obsessive compulsive symptoms
Association of stigma resistance with emotion regulation — Functional magnetic resonance imaging and neuropsychological findings
Difficulties in emotion regulation across the spectrum of eating disorders
Emotion regulation predicts symptoms of depression over five years
The impact of maternal overweight and emotion regulation on early eating behaviors
The effects of childhood abuse on symptom complexity in a clinical sample: Mediating effects of emotion regulation difficulties
Emotion regulation, physiological arousal and PTSD symptoms in trauma-exposed individuals
Pathways to social anxiety: The role of reinforcement sensitivities and emotion regulation
Effects of menstrual cycle and neuroticism on females' emotion regulation
Spontaneous EEG activity and spontaneous emotion regulation
Emotion regulation styles as longitudinal predictors of compulsive exercise: A twelve month prospective study
The transactional relationship between parenting and emotion regulation in children with or without developmental delays
Specificity of emotion regulation difficulties related to anxiety in early adolescence
Predicting school success: Comparing Conscientiousness, Grit, and Emotion Regulation Ability
Cognitive emotion regulation strategies in outpatients with major depressive disorder
Trichotillomania and emotion regulation: Is symptom severity related to alexithymia?
The relations between interpersonal self-support traits and emotion regulation strategies: A longitudinal study
Warm and harsh parenting as mediators of the relation between maternal and adolescent emotion regulation
Emotion regulation in broadly defined anorexia nervosa: Association with negative affective memory bias
Emotion Regulation Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Desirable responding mediates the relationship between emotion regulation and anxiety
A preliminary investigation of sex differences in associations between emotion regulation difficulties and higher-order cognitive abilities
Understanding the role of private speech in children's emotion regulation
Experiential avoidance and emotion regulation difficulties in hoarding disorder
The association between depressive symptoms and emotion recognition is moderated by emotion regulation
Specific emotion regulation impairments in major depression and anorexia nervosa
Attachment and well-being: The mediating role of emotion regulation and resilience
Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for use with athletes
The match–mismatch model of emotion processing styles and emotion regulation strategies in fibromyalgia
Individual differences in emotion regulation and hemispheric metabolic asymmetry
Deficits in emotion regulation mediate the relationship between childhood abuse and later eating disorder symptoms
The relationship between dispositional mindfulness, attachment security and emotion regulation
Emotion regulation strategy use in children and adolescents: The explanatory roles of personality and attachment
Temperamental surgency and emotion regulation as predictors of childhood social competence
The relation between emotion regulation strategies and physiological stress responses in middle childhood
Attachment and emotion regulation: Compensatory interactions and leader–member exchange
The influence of context on the implementation of adaptive emotion regulation strategies
The effects of emotion regulation on the desire to overeat in restrained eaters
Gender and age differences in emotion regulation strategies and their relationship to depressive symptoms
Attachment patterns and emotion regulation strategies in the second year
The role of physiological arousal in time perception: Psychophysiological evidence from an emotion regulation paradigm
Emotion regulation and development in children with autism and 22q13 Deletion Syndrome: Evidence for group differences
Emotion regulation moderates relationships between body image concerns and psychological symptomatology
Integrating personality, daily life events and emotion: Role of anxiety and positive affect in emotion regulation dynamics
Discrepancies in parents’ and children’s reports of child emotion regulation
Emotional context, maternal behavior and emotion regulation
Maternal posttraumatic stress symptoms and infant emotional reactivity and emotion regulation
Cognitive emotion regulation strategies: Gender differences and associations to worry
Neural long-term effects of emotion regulation on episodic memory processes
Spontaneous emotion regulation to positive and negative stimuli
Motives for participation in prolonged engagement high-risk sports: An agentic emotion regulation perspective
Emotion regulation in pathological skin picking: Findings from a non-treatment seeking sample
A computational model based on Gross’ emotion regulation theory
Negative emotionality and emotion regulation: A person-centered approach to predicting socioemotional adjustment in young adolescents
Specificity of cognitive emotion regulation strategies: A transdiagnostic examination
The impact of heart rate variability on subjective well-being is mediated by emotion regulation
Parent emotion socialisation practices and their associations with personality and emotion regulation
Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and emotion regulation difficulties: A multimodal investigation
Sex-related differences in neural activity during emotion regulation
Emotion regulation and cortisol reactivity to a social-evaluative speech task