A decision support system for agricultural machines and equipment selection: A case study on olive harvester machines
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Decision support system for designing sustainable multi-stakeholder networks of grain storage facilities in developing countries
A Decision Support System for market-driven product positioning and design
Development of a decision support system based on neural networks and a genetic algorithm
Design and Implementation of City Fire Rescue Decision Support System ☆
Generalized hesitant fuzzy sets and their application in decision support system
Leveraging the capabilities of service-oriented decision support systems: Putting analytics and big data in cloud
A fuzzy logic based decision support system for evaluation of suppliers in supply chain management practices
A decision support system for optimal deployment of sonobuoy networks based on sea current forecasts and multi-objective evolutionary optimization
A randomized pricing decision support system in electronic commerce
udpSkeduler: A Web architecture based decision support system for course and classroom scheduling
Measuring the perceived effectiveness of decision support systems and their impact on performance
Urban Planning and Management Information Systems Analysis and Design Based on GIS
A Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps-based Decision Support System for radiotherapy treatment planning
The effect of using group decision support systems in value management studies: An experimental study in Hong Kong
Management information systems and strategic performances: The role of top team composition
Decision support systems in the metal casting industry: An academic review of research articles
Facilitating solid biomass production planning: Insights from a comparative analysis of Italian and German marginalized areas
A compiled project and open-source code to generate web-based forest modelling simulators
A group decision making tool for assessing climate policy risks against multiple criteria
Onboard autonomous mission re-planning for multi-satellite system
A multi-stakeholder decision support system for local neighbourhood energy planning
Development and Preliminary Feasibility Testing of a Decision Support Tool for Childhood Anxiety Treatment
Fuzzy competence model drift detection for data-driven decision support systems
Towards an operational methodology to optimize ecosystem services provided by urban soils
An impact-oriented Early Warning and Bayesian-based Decision Support System for flood risks in Zeebrugge harbour
Energy retrofit alternatives and cost-optimal analysis for large public housing stocks
Decision support system for triage management: A hybrid approach using rule-based reasoning and fuzzy logic
A decision support system based on multisensor data fusion for sustainable greenhouse management
A Conceptual Model for Developing a Smart Process Control System
Aligning enterprise knowledge and knowledge management systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness performance: A three-dimensional Fuzzy-based decision support system
A new hybrid decision support tool for evaluating the sustainability of mining projects
Sustainable forest management using decision theaters: Rethinking participatory planning
Automatic feature weighting for improving financial Decision Support Systems
A decision support system for integrated container handling in a transshipment hub
Distributed data-driven platform for urgent decision making in cardiological ambulance control
A method for integrated process simulation in the mining industry
A credibilistic decision support system for portfolio optimization
An analytic approach to assessing organizational citizenship behavior
Impact of forest management intensity on mushroom occurrence and yield with a simulation-based decision support system
A decision support system for determination of a sustainable pit limit
A multi-criteria decision analysis-based approach for dispatch of electric microgrids
Improvement of newborn screening using a fuzzy inference system
Healthcare support for underserved communities using a mobile social media platform
Assessment of a personalized and distributed patient guidance system
Sustainability focused decision-making in building renovation
Decision support system facilitates rapid decreases in pressure support and appropriate inspiratory muscle workloads in adults with respiratory failure
Decision support system for purchasing management of seasonal products: A capital-constrained retailer perspective
A method to assess the economic impacts of forest biomass use on ecosystem services in a National Park
Energy saving in wastewater treatment plants: A plant-generic cooperative decision support system
A systematic literature review and critical assessment of model-driven decision support for IT outsourcing
Domestic water consumption monitoring and behaviour intervention by employing the internet of things technologies
A group decision making support system in logistics and supply chain management
A multi-objective optimization-based pavement management decision-support system for enhancing pavement sustainability
Decision support for water quality management of contaminants of emerging concern
A medical decision support system for disease diagnosis under uncertainty
A flexible decision support system for irrigation scheduling in an irrigation district in China
Design patterns for emergency management: An exercise in reflective practice

Towards Robust Early Stage Data Knowledge-based Inference Engine to Support Zero-defect Strategies in Manufacturing Environment
Energy-aware decision support for production scheduling
A geospatial decision support system for supporting quality viticulture at the landscape scale
An agent-based Decision Support System for resources' scheduling in Emergency Supply Chains
Patterns of business intelligence systems use in organizations
Integration of Case-based and Rule-based Reasoning Through Fuzzy Inference in Decision Support Systems
An integrated decision support system for berth and ship unloader allocation in bulk material handling port
Improving automatic climate control with decision support techniques to minimize disease effects in greenhouse tomatoes
Design of optimal tank size for rainwater harvesting systems through use of a web application and geo-referenced rainfall patterns
Home health care logistics planning: a review and framework
Forecasting model for Pea seed-borne mosaic virus epidemics in field pea crops in a Mediterranean-type environment
Design and evaluation of electric solutions for public transport
Developing a design support system for the exterior form of running shoes using partial least squares and neural networks
A collaborative face-to-face design support system based on sketching and gesturing
A unit cell-based design support system for composite structures