Non-suicidal self-injury in patients with eating disorders: prevalence, forms, functions, and body image correlates
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Fast and robust segmentation of white blood cell images by self-supervised learning
Light field image coding with jointly estimated self-similarity bi-prediction
How Green Self Image is Related to Subjective Well-Being: Pro-Environmental Values as a Social Norm
Size-controllable self-imaging of one-dimensional fractal grating
Association of sociodemographic and clinical factors with self-image, self-esteem and locus of health control in patients with an intestinal stoma
High Beck Depression Inventory 21 scores in adolescents without depression are associated with negative self-image and immature defense style
A scale self-adapting segmentation approach and knowledge transfer for automatically updating land use/cover change databases using high spatial resolution images
Self-ie love: Predictors of image editing intentions on Facebook
Microscope self-calibration based on micro laser line imaging and soft computing algorithms
A self-tuned graph-based framework for localization and grading prostate cancer lesions: An initial evaluation based on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging
Distinguish self- and hetero-perceived stress through behavioral imaging and physiological features
Self-assembled small molecule based fluorescent detection of serum albumin proteins: Clinical detection and cell imaging
Clinical assessment, radiographic imaging, and patient self-report for abdominal wall hernias
A self-paced learning algorithm for change detection in synthetic aperture radar images
Group sparsity residual constraint for image denoising with external nonlocal self-similarity prior
Single image super-resolution using collaborative representation and non-local self-similarity
Structural relationships between second-language future self-image and the reading achievement of young Chinese language learners in Hong Kong
Steps toward understanding the impact of early emotional experiences on disordered eating: The role of self-criticism, shame, and body image shame
A longitudinal study of cognitive insight and cortical thickness in first-episode psychosis
Patient body image, self-esteem, and cosmetic results of minimally invasive robotic cardiac surgery
Acceleration of super-resolution for multispectral images using self-example learning and sparse representation
Health locus of control, body image and self-esteem in individuals with intestinal stoma
Facile synthesis of polymeric fluorescent organic nanoparticles based on the self-polymerization of dopamine for biological imaging
Green lifestyles and subjective well-being: More about self-image than actual behavior?
Multiscale self-similarity and sparse representation based single image super-resolution
Synthesis and characterization of a bimodal nanoparticle based on the host-guest self-assembly for targeted cellular imaging
Infrared image super-resolution via transformed self-similarity
Body Image Self-Discrepancy and Depressive Symptoms Among Early Adolescents
Chemotherapeutic drug-photothermal agent co-self-assembling nanoparticles for near-infrared fluorescence and photoacoustic dual-modal imaging-guided chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy
A self organizing map optimization based image recognition and processing model for bridge crack inspection
The effect of interpersonal rejection on attentional biases regarding thin-ideal and non-thin images: The moderating role of body weight- and shape-based self-worth
Mirror self-face perception in individuals with schizophrenia: Feelings of strangeness associated with one's own image
Effects of the exposure to self- and other-referential bodies on state body image and negative affect in resistance-trained men
Self-quenched semiconducting polymer nanoparticles for amplified in vivo photoacoustic imaging
Hierarchical recovery for tampered images based on watermark self-embedding
Particle image velocimetry measurement of velocity distribution at inlet duct of waterjet self-propelled ship model
Cascade continuum micromechanics model for the effective permeability of solids with distributed microcracks: Self-similar mean-field homogenization and image analysis
Habituation of self-reported anxiety and cortical hyper-vigilance during image-based exposure to spiders
Detection of small changes in medical and random-dot images comparing self-organizing map performance to human detection
Self-schema and self-discrepancy mediate the influence of Instagram usage on body image satisfaction among youth
Imaging decision about whether to benefit self by harming others: Adolescents with conduct and substance problems, with or without callous-unemotionality, or developing typically
Body image and peer relationships: Unique associations of adolescents' social status and competence with peer- and self-reported appearance victimization
Self-sensing damage assessment and image-based surface crack quantification of carbon nanofibre reinforced concrete
Combining edge difference with nonlocal self-similarity constraints for single image super-resolution
Incremental clustering of sonar images using self-organizing maps combined with fuzzy adaptive resonance theory
Individual Factors Affecting Self-esteem, and Relationships Among Self-esteem, Body Mass Index, and Body Image in Patients With Schizophrenia
Combining self-learning based super-resolution with denoising for noisy images
Dynamic imaging of metallic contamination plume based on self-potential data
Improved image tamper localisation using chaotic maps and self-recovery
Body image in emerging adults: The protective role of self-compassion
Image transfer from malls to stores and its influence on shopping values and mall patronage: The role of self-congruity
The effectiveness of self-compassion and self-esteem writing tasks in reducing body image concerns
Thoughts, images, and appraisals associated with acting and not acting on the urge to self-injure
The impact of genital self-image on sexual function in women with pelvic floor disorders
Imagining possible selves across time: Characteristics of self-images and episodic thoughts
Nivel de adaptación de la autoimagen y mecanismos de defensa en ancianos con estoma complicado
Genital panics: Constructing the vagina in women's qualitative narratives about pubic hair, menstrual sex, and vaginal self-image
Autobiographical memory and well-being in aging: The central role of semantic self-images
Study on the Structuring of Self-image in Early Childhood ☆
Pay-What-You-Want pricing schemes: A self-image perspective
Analyzing the Relationships between the Teen-agers’ Self-image and their Preferences for Science Disciplines Contents ☆

Relation between self-image score of SRS-22 with deformity measures in female adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients
Association of sociodemographic and clinical factors with the self-image and self-esteem of individuals with intestinal stoma
Influence of congruity in store-attribute dimensions and self-image on purchase intentions in online stores of multichannel retailers
Self-image and moral balancing: An experimental analysis
Experimental evidence of self-image concerns as motivation for giving
Self-image and valuation of moral goods: Stated versus actual willingness to pay
To thine own self be true: Images of self, images of opportunity, and entrepreneurial action
Multiple reference effects in service evaluations: Roles of alternative attractiveness and self-image congruity
Upscale image transfer from malls to stores: A self-image congruence explanation
Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty
Business accomplishments, gender and entrepreneurial self-image
Self-image – is it in the bag? A qualitative comparison between “ordinary” and “excessive” consumers