The power of consensus: Developing a community voice in land use planning and tourism development in biodiversity hotspots
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Sustainable station-level planning: An integrated transport and land use design model for transit-oriented development
Development of Life-Size Patient-Specific 3D-Printed Dural Venous Models for Preoperative Planning
Expansion development planning of thermocracking-based bitumen upgrading plant under uncertainty
Importance of scenario analysis in urban development for urban water infrastructure planning and management
Development of emergency planning zone for high temperature gas-cooled reactor
New Strategies for Resilient Planning in response to Climate Change for Urban Development
Development of a patient-reported measure of the interpersonal quality of family planning care
System dynamic modeling of urban carbon emissions based on the regional National Economy and Social Development Plan: A case study of Shanghai city
Enhancing subjective well-being through strategic urban planning: Development and application of community happiness index
Development and Psychometric Properties of a Survey to Assess Barriers to Implementing Advance Care Planning in Primary Care
Appraising offsets as a tool for integrated environmental planning and management
How close to the coast? Incorporating coastal expertise into decision-making on residential development in Australia
Development density, administrative decisions, and land values: An empirical investigation
The new Hanoi: Opportunities and challenges for future urban development
The transfer of development rights in the midst of the economic crisis: Potential, innovation and limits in Italy
Tourist area metabolism and its potential to change through a proposed strategic plan in the framework of sustainable development
The local planning-economic development nexus in transitioning resource-industry towns: Reflections (mainly) from British Columbia
Lasting regional gains from non-renewable resource extraction: The role of sustainability-based cumulative effects assessment and regional planning for mining development in Canada
A gravity model integrating high-speed rail and seismic-hazard mitigation through land-use planning: Application to California development
Application of natural resource valuation concepts for development of sustainable remediation plans for groundwater
Planning and priority setting for vaccine development and immunization
Benefits of Scenario Planning Applied to Energy Development
Rapid land use change by coastal wind farm development: Australian policies, politics and planning
A Weighted Goal Programming model for planning sustainable development applied to Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Integrating spatial valuation of ecosystem services into regional planning and development
Birding blogs as indicators of birdwatcher characteristics and trip preferences: Implications for birding destination planning and development
Development of a disaster action plan for hospitals in Malaysia pertaining to critical engineering infrastructure risk analysis
To fully exert the important role of natural gas in building a modern energy security system in China: An understanding of China's National l3th Five-Year Plan for Natural Gas Development
A renewable energies-assisted sustainable development plan for Iran using techno-econo-socio-environmental multivariate analysis and big data
Development of Knowledge-Expandable Ontology-Based Expert System for Process Planning in Cold Forging of Flange Nuts
The development of a coding system to code planning talk within motivational interviewing
Sustainable Development and Green Growth: Study of Lafayette Central Park Proposed Master Plan, USA
Development of a new integrated local trajectory planning and tracking control framework for autonomous ground vehicles
Development of a prototype robot and fast path-planning algorithm for static laser weeding
Using normative evaluations to plan for and manage shellfish aquaculture development in Rhode Island coastal waters
Elaboration of a Coordinated Transport System in Course of Territorial Planning of Urban Areas Development
Regional tectonic state and poro-thermo-elasticity analysis of near wellbore zone in field development plan: Utilization of an uncoupled approach
From informality to formality: Perspectives on the challenges of integrating solid waste management into the urban development and planning policy in Johannesburg, South Africa
Scan, plan, print, practice, perform: Development and use of a patient-specific 3-dimensional printed model in adult cardiac surgery
Helping students make progress in their careers: An attribute analysis of effective vs ineffective student development plans
Preparing for disruptions: A diagnostic strategic planning intervention for sustainable development
The development of the grasp height effect as a measure of efficient action planning in children
What determines rail transit passenger volume? Implications for transit oriented development planning
Integration of oilfield planning problems: infrastructure design, development planning and production scheduling
Development and implementation of the compensation plan for pharmacy services in Alberta, Canada
Corporate minerals and community development dilemma in the Surat Resource Region, Australia: Implications for resource development planning
A strategic approach to sustainable transport system development - Part 1: attempting a generic community planning process model
Strategic planning for sustainable heating in cities: A morphological method for scenario development and selection
Understanding the failure to understand New Product Development failures: Mitigating the uncertainty associated with innovating new products by combining scenario planning and forecasting
Promoting planning for housing development: What can Sweden learn from Germany?
Effects of local land-use planning on development and disturbance in riparian areas
Predicting the likely impact of urbanisation on bat populations using citizen science data, a case study for Norfolk, UK
Assessment of regulation of legal relations of territorial planning: A case study in Lithuania
Meeting the Challenges of Planning Policy for Wind Microclimate of High-rise Developments in London
Regional development assessment: Reflections of the problem-oriented urban planning
Development of a roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning systems implementation (part II)
The academic radiography workforce: Age profile, succession planning and academic development
An empirical analysis of Hong Kong's planning control decisions for residential development
Finding our balance: Considering the opportunities for public bicycle systems in Cape Town, South Africa
Political economy and the emergence of a hybrid mode of governance of tourism planning
A review of public and private intermodal railroad development in the Memphis region
Cruise terminals site selection process: An institutional analysis of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in Hong Kong
Using a participatory evaluation design to create an online data collection and monitoring system for New Mexico's Community Health Councils
Mainstreaming and sector-wide approaches to sustainable energy access in Ethiopia
The quest to become a world city: Implications for access to water
Bounce back or move on: Regional resilience and economic development planning
Campus Sustainability: Student's Perception on Campus Physical Development Planning in Malaysia

City foresight and development planning case study: Implementation of scenario planning in formulation of the Bulungan development plan
Activity and value orientated decision support for the development planning of a theme park
Approach for personnel development planning based on the technology calendar concept
Challenges for international development planning: Preliminary lessons from the case of the Cities Alliance