Promoting mental health versus reducing mental illness in art therapy with patients with personality disorders: A quantitative study
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Expressive art therapy for psychosis: A multiple case study
Art therapy after stroke: Evidence and a need for further research
Art therapy with children after a disaster: A content analysis
Effects of Mandala Art Therapy on Subjective Well-being, Resilience, and Hope in Psychiatric Inpatients
The high frequency of autoantibodies in HIV patients declines on antiretroviral therapy
Liposomes of dimeric artesunate phospholipid: A combination of dimerization and self-assembly to combat malaria
Meeting oneself in inner dialogue: a manual-based Phenomenological Art Therapy as experienced by patients diagnosed with moderate to severe depression
Do creative arts therapies reduce substance misuse? A systematic review
An automated dose tracking system for adaptive radiation therapy
Mobile contingency management as an adjunctive treatment for co-morbid cannabis use disorder and cigarette smoking
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate co-administered with lopinavir/ritonavir is strongly associated with tubular damage and chronic kidney disease
Desire for Patient-Centered HIV Care Among Inconsistently Engaged Racial and Ethnic Minority People Living With HIV
Itinerant art therapy: An educational model for community outreach therapeutic service
The professional identity, career commitment and subjective well-being of art therapy students
Art therapy improves mood, and reduces pain and anxiety when offered at bedside during acute hospital treatment
Analyzing pictorial artifacts from psychotherapy and art therapy when overcoming stress and trauma
Discovering good practice for art therapy with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder: The results of a small scale survey
Do cancer patients with high levels of distress benefit more than less distressed patients from outpatient art therapy?
An adjunctive, museum-based art therapy experience in the treatment of women with severe eating disorders

Creating a vital healing community: A pilot study of an art therapy employee support group at a pediatric hospital
A comparative study of art therapy in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and improvement in quality of life by watercolor painting
Effects of clay art therapy on adults outpatients with major depressive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
What does safety look like? Implications for a preliminary resource and regulation-focused art therapy assessment tool
Predictors of first line antiretroviral therapy failure and burden of second line antiretroviral therapy
Long-term results of adjuvant versus early salvage postprostatectomy radiation: A large single-institutional experience
Timing of initiation of antiretroviral therapy and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Shifting roles: A new art based creative supervision model
Paternal representations and contemporary parenthood themes through a clay figure-sculpting task among fathers of toddlers
Art in cancer care: Exploring the role of visual art-making programs within an Energy Restoration Framework
Antitubercular therapy induced liver function tests abnormalities in human immunodeficiency virus infected individuals
Imagery in interfaith dialogue: Informed by the practices of art psychotherapy
Treatment Engagement Moderates the Effect of Neurocognitive Impairment on Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in HIV-Infected Drug Users in Treatment
Can axillary radiotherapy replace axillary dissection for patients with positive sentinel nodes? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Critical perspectives in the arts therapies: Response/ability across a continuum of practice
Two-and-a-half-year clinical experience with the world's first magnetic resonance image guided radiation therapy system
Curative effect of assisted reproduction technology by Traditional Chinese Medicine multi-channel interventional therapy on 95 cases of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer failure
Long-term Clinical Outcome of Antibody Replacement Therapy in Humoral Immunodeficient Adults With Respiratory Tract Infections
Ethical implications of cross-cultural international art therapy
Arts and health: Active factors and a theory framework of embodied aesthetics
Imaginary dialogues: Witnessing in prison-based creative arts therapies
The extent of engagement in art making and exhibition by art therapy practitioners and students
What art therapists consider to be patientâs inner change and how it may appear during art therapy
Perceived effects of art therapy in the treatment of personality disorders, cluster B/C: A qualitative study
Patients’ Attachment to Therapists in Art Therapy Simulation and Their Reactions to the Experience of Using Art Materials
The role of art therapy in counterterrorism: The Saudi experience
Usability assessment of a mobile app for art therapy
Technology use in art therapy practice: 2004 and 2011 comparison
Art therapy groups for adolescents with personality disorders
Building bridges with institutionalized orphans in Ukraine: An art therapy pilot study
A statistical approach to comparing the effectiveness of several art therapy tools in estimating the level of a psychological state
Conceptualizing international art therapy education standards
Arts therapies for young offenders in secure care—A practice-based research
A Computer Art Therapy System for Kinetic Family Drawing (CATS_KFD)
Arts therapies and Schema Focused therapy: A pilot study
A study on the perception of art therapy among mental health professionals in Korea
Hermeneutic methods in art therapy research with international students
Distance supervision: Research, findings, and considerations for art therapy
Ethical considerations in the global teaching and promotion of art therapy to non-art therapists
Women with breast cancer and gendered limits and boundaries: Art therapy as a ‘safe space’ for enacting alternative subject positions
Therapeutic attunement: A transpersonal view of expressive arts therapy
The effects of art therapy on male and female inmates: Advancing the research base
The paradox of expressing speechless terror: Ritual liminality in the creative arts therapies’ treatment of posttraumatic distress
Commentary: Examining underlying paradigms in the creative arts therapies of trauma
Support for a neurobiological view of trauma with implications for art therapy
“A coat of many colors”: Towards an integrative multilayered model of art therapy
The First Step Series: Art therapy for early substance abuse treatment
Comparing the effectiveness of art therapy on depression and locus of control of male and female inmates
Pain, attachment, and meaning making: Report on an art therapy relational neuroscience assessment protocol